Funny and really good blog on breastfeeding in public.


New Member
Nov 28, 2012
Knoxville, Tennessee
That's a great blog...I love to see a breastfeeding mother! It's healthy, it's normal, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Jesus!

I plan on breastfeeding all my kids, and in public! The horror! Seriously, there are few things more precious than a bond between a mother and her child. I would never want to infringe on that. The few times I have been observant enough to notice NIP, I have instantly been struck by natural-ness and beauty of it. I would never want to shame someone for that.
Aug 1, 2007
Benton Arkansas
Not a disgusting town ... Just a conservative one here it is very common to see women sitting or standing in the restroom nursing their babies, THOSE women I am polite to, at least they are taking the feelings of others into account & they don't mind in the least.

There are options: BF mothers can use bottles while they are out in public by pumping breast milk.

I never went out alot as a toddler, we weren't that well off & only ate out once a week. I guess I expect everyone else's kid to behave as I was expected to behave.
I'm sorry. I never get involved in these threads but you are beyond ridiculous when it comes to your expectations of parents and mothers. You expect people to go out of their way to a huge degree just to accommodate your unhealthy, unreasonable hang up with kids and nursing. You clearly don't know anything about kids and you should really consider that your lack of knowledge is hindering your ability to have compassion and understanding for mothers. Babies have to eat every 3 hours and it can take a while. I couldn't complete one day of errands or shopping if I had to run and sit in the bathroom, car, or dressing room every time she had to nurse. As for pumping, that can't be done in the first few weeks or sometimes at all due to nipple confusion so its not always an option. Even if your baby can switch between nipples and still nurse well you still have to nurse every few hours or your boobs swell and hurt and leak all over your clothes. Nursing HAS to happen every few hours and I refused to stay home all day or miss out on all the fun and conversation every time it had to be done. I don't think you understand just how difficult breast feeding is. No one is at all trying to be "In your face" about it. They just want to do what they need to do and not be shunned while they do it. Do you realize how far away a bathroom or car is when you are in the middle of walmart trying to get groceries with a screaming newborn and leaky boobs? You really expect women to run to the front or back of the store or the parking lot and leave all of their stuff, make their baby wait, just so you don't have to see them sitting on a bench and nursing, and you think THEY are being inconsiderate of YOUR feelings? Please get over yourself. It is not about you, it is not about being "IN" anyone's face. They could not care less about what you are doing. They are just trying to get through their day and do what's best for their baby. Breast feeding is hard enough with all the complications and the inconvenience factor. People like you and your attitude just make it harder. You are the reason so many women don't do what's best for their children. Your attitude toward kids just makes me sad. They are people and they shouldn't be removed from society.


Active Member
Oct 7, 2009
As someone who's pumped since their kid was born...there are a lot of problems with the "just pump and give them a bottle" idea.
1) Pumping is awful. Like really soul suckingly awful and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
2) Pumps are expensive. Most insurances will cover them now but you still have to buy storage systems and usually extra parts. Easily another 100 dollars plus the 300 the pump costs.
3) Pumping can cause issues with oversupply.
4) As has been covered by everyone else, there is NO reason a mother should have go to through the pain/discomfort of pumping so that the general public isn't "bothered" by the tiny amount of flesh that's shown when breastfeeding.


Resident fainting goat
Oct 12, 2008
Honestly Dogdragoness it's not that you have opinions that differ from the majority of people (including me) that bothers me. It's not even that you're expressing them like you are here.

It's that I find you mean. Not blunt, not 'unsugar coated'. Mean.

I find the idea of you out there in the real world making snide, mean comments and giving disdainful, mean looks just abhorrent.

You don't like women breastfeeding in public? Fine. You're uncomfortable with it? Fine. But do the yourself and the world a favor and grow up.

You aren't five. You shouldn't be unable to control your reactions to things you don't like and if you are in fact capable of controlling them and choose not to? Well, that leads me right back to you being mean. What other reason could you have for making other people feel ashamed of feeding their baby? Do you also hold your nose and wave the air away when someone smells in a way you don't like? What about when someone that has some form of physical disability that makes them look, talk or act different? Are they allowed in public or does it unsettle your sensibilities too?

You don't like kids. You don't like breastfeeding. I don't think there is a person on this forum that doesn't get that. That's fine. There are a lot of things in life I don't like but you know what? I still treat Every.Single.Person. I meet with as much kindness and respect that I can because no one deserves to be humiliated like you seem to be perfectly comfortable attempting to do.

And that is just mean.

This isn't about liking kids.. I don't really.
This isn't about wanting kids.. I don't .
This isn't about being super pro-breastfeeding/totally comfortable with being around it.. I'm not.
This is about common human decency and KINDNESS.
and more importantly, it's about supporting women and being a true feminist. And that means, supporting all women and stopping the over-sexualization of our bodies as "wrong".

Telling women to cover up, put it away, show themselves this way but not that, wear this but not that.. it's a slippery slope. Why are we starting with the assumption that a female body is somehow "wrong" and needs to be covered?
I don't even care if you are breastfeeding, you wanna be topless. GO AHEAD.

Don't want to see it? Look away. It's a human body.

You do this again and again and again and again.
- Make cruel blanket statement/remark (pregnant people are gross, breastfeeding is gross/wrong etc...)
- Feel attacked because people tell you you are being cruel
- Cry "I'M SO MISUNDERSTOOD!" and pull out some excuse (don't get me wrong, I do strongly believe you need therapy, but the constant excuses for your cruel behavior are BS. This is a forum, you have to type things out, answer a question, and THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO POST before it actually posts. You make an honest effort to be this totally obtuse.)
- Repeat process

Breastfeeding is what is healthiest for babies, it's what is best.
Sadly because of social stigma and people like you, some women who CAN breastfeed don't or stop..which is a true shame.

Babies that are out and about with their mothers, babies who breastfeed , moms that are out and about and most importantly, no matter how they feed their kids..mothers who feel supported by the people around them.. those are the kind of moms that raise AWESOME kids. Kids that grow up to be part of society and rock it. Because no matter if you want kids, have kids, don't like kids.. that's important. The future of our society is IMPORTANT.
and we have to wonder what kind of future we are creating for these kids when we tell their mothers to stay inside and keep their kids inside until they are old enough to act like little marines and when we tell mothers again and again and again that pregnancy and their body is SHAMEFUL.

And you may wonder why I, person who does not want children, am so ANNOYED with every hurtful post you make towards mothers.. and it's because I care.
I care because regardless, those people are CREATING A PERSON. The last thing they should be worried about is close minded people who are scared of a little flesh and want to make them feel ashamed for the awesome thing they are doing.
Those tiny people they have created are the future of this lovely planet, so I encourage them to take them everywhere, explore, learn, help the kids grow and see and turn into intelligent, happy, socialized, kind human beings with mothers who feel supported and high fived for creating them.

I want that little girl that mother happens to be breastfeeding to grow up and think her body is awesome because she had a mom who taught her she had NOTHING to be ashamed of. That her brain and her kindness and her heart was what mattered, not how much skin she happened to be showing.

As someone who used to be JUST LIKE YOU. Who used to roll my eyes at a girl wearing a bikini who I thought shouldn't be, who used to shake my head at pregnant women and roll my eyes at any woman who dared feed her child in public (because ew gross boobs are for VS ads and sex only)

You need to sit down and stop it. I honestly thought you were about 15 until pretty recently.
Accept that what you are saying is wrong and learn from this.
As someone who used to have that same cruelty and hate for other women and people in her heart.. you need to stop before it consumes you.
You are on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of this issue for women, accept that.

Is it true
Is it necessary
Is it kind

Think long and hard on those 3 next time you are about to hit post


Nov 25, 2012
Kent, CT
Honestly Dogdragoness it's not that you have opinions that differ from the majority of people (including me) that bothers me. It's not even that you're expressing them like you are here.

It's that I find you mean. Not blunt, not 'unsugar coated'. Mean.

I find the idea of you out there in the real world making snide, mean comments and giving disdainful, mean looks just abhorrent.

You don't like women breastfeeding in public? Fine. You're uncomfortable with it? Fine. But do the yourself and the world a favor and grow up.

You aren't five. You shouldn't be unable to control your reactions to things you don't like and if you are in fact capable of controlling them and choose not to? Well, that leads me right back to you being mean. What other reason could you have for making other people feel ashamed of feeding their baby? Do you also hold your nose and wave the air away when someone smells in a way you don't like? What about when someone that has some form of physical disability that makes them look, talk or act different? Are they allowed in public or does it unsettle your sensibilities too?

You don't like kids. You don't like breastfeeding. I don't think there is a person on this forum that doesn't get that. That's fine. There are a lot of things in life I don't like but you know what? I still treat Every.Single.Person. I meet with as much kindness and respect that I can because no one deserves to be humiliated like you seem to be perfectly comfortable attempting to do.

And that is just mean.
In all seriousness, dogdragoness, I sincerely suggest you seek the help of a talented psychologist for your apparent sociopathic personality disorder.

This isn't about liking kids.. I don't really.
This isn't about wanting kids.. I don't .
This isn't about being super pro-breastfeeding/totally comfortable with being around it.. I'm not.
This is about common human decency and KINDNESS.
and more importantly, it's about supporting women and being a true feminist. And that means, supporting all women and stopping the over-sexualization of our bodies as "wrong".

Telling women to cover up, put it away, show themselves this way but not that, wear this but not that.. it's a slippery slope. Why are we starting with the assumption that a female body is somehow "wrong" and needs to be covered?
I don't even care if you are breastfeeding, you wanna be topless. GO AHEAD.

Don't want to see it? Look away. It's a human body.

You do this again and again and again and again.
- Make cruel blanket statement/remark (pregnant people are gross, breastfeeding is gross/wrong etc...)
- Feel attacked because people tell you you are being cruel
- Cry "I'M SO MISUNDERSTOOD!" and pull out some excuse (don't get me wrong, I do strongly believe you need therapy, but the constant excuses for your cruel behavior are BS. This is a forum, you have to type things out, answer a question, and THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO POST before it actually posts. You make an honest effort to be this totally obtuse.)
- Repeat process

Breastfeeding is what is healthiest for babies, it's what is best.
Sadly because of social stigma and people like you, some women who CAN breastfeed don't or stop..which is a true shame.

Babies that are out and about with their mothers, babies who breastfeed , moms that are out and about and most importantly, no matter how they feed their kids..mothers who feel supported by the people around them.. those are the kind of moms that raise AWESOME kids. Kids that grow up to be part of society and rock it. Because no matter if you want kids, have kids, don't like kids.. that's important. The future of our society is IMPORTANT.
and we have to wonder what kind of future we are creating for these kids when we tell their mothers to stay inside and keep their kids inside until they are old enough to act like little marines and when we tell mothers again and again and again that pregnancy and their body is SHAMEFUL.

And you may wonder why I, person who does not want children, am so ANNOYED with every hurtful post you make towards mothers.. and it's because I care.
I care because regardless, those people are CREATING A PERSON. The last thing they should be worried about is close minded people who are scared of a little flesh and want to make them feel ashamed for the awesome thing they are doing.
Those tiny people they have created are the future of this lovely planet, so I encourage them to take them everywhere, explore, learn, help the kids grow and see and turn into intelligent, happy, socialized, kind human beings with mothers who feel supported and high fived for creating them.

I want that little girl that mother happens to be breastfeeding to grow up and think her body is awesome because she had a mom who taught her she had NOTHING to be ashamed of. That her brain and her kindness and her heart was what mattered, not how much skin she happened to be showing.

As someone who used to be JUST LIKE YOU. Who used to roll my eyes at a girl wearing a bikini who I thought shouldn't be, who used to shake my head at pregnant women and roll my eyes at any woman who dared feed her child in public (because ew gross boobs are for VS ads and sex only)

You need to sit down and stop it. I honestly thought you were about 15 until pretty recently.
Accept that what you are saying is wrong and learn from this.
As someone who used to have that same cruelty and hate for other women and people in her heart.. you need to stop before it consumes you.
You are on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of this issue for women, accept that.

Is it true
Is it necessary
Is it kind

Think long and hard on those 3 next time you are about to hit post

These posts are amazing and you need to read them again. And again. And again. AND AGAIN until it sinks the hell in. Get the help you need or stop freaking whining.
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Will Creep For Sheep
Feb 24, 2012
I don't consider myself sociopath just anti social. I'm not a psycho, your talking about me like I am Norman Bates :/ I never have not do I now have the desire to harm another person, I just don't want them around me ... In most cases.

I had a very tough childhood at the hands of my peers, some of it was even physical ... But most of it was emotionally damaging.
Then I suggest you never leave your house.

You need to get professional help, like immediately.


Love My Mutt
May 16, 2009
Guelph, Ontario
I don't consider myself sociopath just anti social. I'm not a psycho, your talking about me like I am Norman Bates :/ I never have not do I now have the desire to harm another person, I just don't want them around me ... In most cases.

I had a very tough childhood at the hands of my peers, some of it was even physical ... But most of it was emotionally damaging.
I'm going to just point out that this is not an excuse.
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Active Member
Jan 13, 2005
Luckily I have not seen a BF mom in at least 10 years.
So you were giving "the look" to nursing mothers when you were, what, 14? For pete's sake....

I'm not the biggest kid person. I'm also inherently quiet, so I'm easily flustered when my kiddo gets a bit loud, as toddlers do. We always take him out of the store, restaurant, etc when he gets loud, but we DO make sure he gets out in public, as how else will he experience the world? Keeping kids away from public places until they can 'behave themselves' obviously, if these posts are accurate, leads to adults who cannot manage to tolerate the general public doing perfectly normal behaviors that they, themselves, may not particularly enjoy.

I'd rather he behave like a kid now so that he can behave like an adult when he is one.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2009
Apparently I'm late to the party. But I did just want to say I see absolutely NOTHING wrong with NIP.

There's a family that comes to the zoo every weekend (sometimes both Saturday and Sunday!) They have three kids - one is under a year, one is 2ish, and one is a bit older (still under 10 though, I think). They come for my animal encounter, oldest kid asks brilliant questions, they come to pretty much every zoo program/class they can. Apparently, every time they come into our building, after the animal encounter, the mum breast feeds her youngest. I had no idea this is what was going on until once I hear her say "I'm going to go sit over there and feed xxxxxx" Even then, it never really processes until now. It's just such a non-issue. She feeds her youngest, the dad goofs around with the middle one, and I get nerdy over geckos with the oldest. I can't imagine anyone saying anything about it to them, it's just so...natural. Come to think of it, she changes diapers right in the main area of the building, too, and that never seemed weird to me's not like the kids are running around naked or anything.

For the record I don't really like kids either (I like teaching them and stuff, and there are certain kids I adore, but I don't overall *love* them) and never want kids. But come on, really?


Love My Mutt
May 16, 2009
Guelph, Ontario
Not a disgusting town ... Just a conservative one here it is very common to see women sitting or standing in the restroom nursing their babies, THOSE women I am polite to, at least they are taking the feelings of others into account & they don't mind in the least.

There are options: BF mothers can use bottles while they are out in public by pumping breast milk.

I never went out alot as a toddler, we weren't that well off & only ate out once a week. I guess I expect everyone else's kid to behave as I was expected to behave.
Well, that explains a ton.

Don't bring your kid around adults until they know how to interact with adults, but you can't bring your kid around adults to teach them how.

I mean, it obviously taught you good, adult social skills... :confused: (as you've basically said, yourself)


Sit! Good dog.
Sep 14, 2005

My friend was breastfeeding her 6 month old outdoors in a park opposite the pub last weekend. It was SO noisy my boyfriend didn't even realise he had been fed till I told him. People everywhere stopping to listen.

Yeah what noises?

I will not be made to feel ashamed of my body. And you can be sure if or when I have kids my bwabs are coming out.

Sucks to be people who find it disgusting, what a miserable existence!! I'm not becoming a hermit if I have a baby. Don't like it?

Tough. Sit and cry. Its beautiful :)



Kaleidoscopic Eye
Jun 9, 2006
Ditto Fran and Linds.

I had a very tough childhood at the hands of my peers, some of it was even physical ... But most of it was emotionally damaging.
I am truly sorry for that. I don't wish any suffering on anybody, especially a child. However, how is that an excuse to be insensitive, rude, and not care at all about the feelings of breastfeeding mothers?
A lot of people had crappy childhoods. Count me in. That does not mean I get a free pass to be cruel.
I respect that some people are uncomfortable with breastfeeding in public. Those are their feelings and they're perfectly valid.
What I do not respect is meanness when you don't like something.

I never have not do I now have the desire to harm another person.
Trying to intimidate nursing mothers to go hide in the bathroom- you don't think that's emotionally harmful?
I do think you need some sort of support. I know many people who are uncomfortable with NIP, but never have I known someone as off the wall freaked out by it. The severity of your reaction is more appropriate to being attacked by a grizzly bear.

From the article:
In this country, you do not have the right to not be offended. Being offended is a fancy way of saying that you can’t handle your own feelings. Nowhere in the world are you guaranteed a Personal Emotions Liason who will make sure you don’t have to look at something which you consider unpleasant. If you are the one who is offended, then you are also the one who is responsible for becoming un-offended. Nobody is going to babysit your feelings in that regard.


Active Member
Jun 2, 2006
Part of me thinks I haven't seen a breastfeeding woman in public in years either; the smart part of me realizes there are probably plenty around that my eye is just never drawn to. I'd look at that picture posted early in the thread and think "mom hugging baby".

I'm not a kid person. At all. If I don't know the kid, they make me kind of uncomfortable. I'm not comfortable with nudity or even 'close to nudity'. I recognize that it is my issue, and I can handle it quite easily by not staring. We have cool phones these days. If I'm stuck in a situation where there's stuff I don't want to look at, I look at my phone. Or pick my nails.

There are a lot of us who were treated like crap in school. I was the fat kid who smelled like horses - I'll let you draw conclusions from there. What amazed me was how, as people got older, 95% of them got nicer. People who were incredibly cruel in junior high were no longer terrible in high school, and some of them became good friends later in life. But you do have to let yourself mature as well, and give people a second chance. I agree that finding help for yourself with those things may be in your best interest. Going through life angry and bitter can't be any fun.

Yes, something like the photo Dizzy posted makes me uncomfortable. I scrolled past it. Tattoos and piercings make me incredibly uncomfortable and make me want to shake people, so you know what? I don't open those threads. It's okay to just move past something. I promise.


Bored Now.
Dec 22, 2006
Denver, CO
"sounds?" my guess is you're pretty obnoxious and awkward in public and that might 'offend' me, how about you head to the bathroom every time you feel like expressing a thought?
Have I mentioned that I love you?

I find the notion that a infant receiving the most complete and perfect nutrition it could get can be viewed as offensive, well I find that offensive.

:hail: to Beanie, Fran, and Linds.

Dogdragoness.. At the risk of being exceptionally rude when i have tried to be nothing but polite to you. . . GTFO.
At the very least excuse yourself from this thread.

Think really hard about excusing yourself to "the bathroom" altogether. You are offensive, closed-minded, bigoted, and mean to people here. If all the attacks and constant snarky comments haven't tipped you off, the regulars finds you even more offensive than you find breast feeding.

If you assert that your opinion is important enough that mothers feeding their babies should be crammed in the bathroom for your sake, surely you'll agree that 10-20 members here being of the opinion that you should stop posting offensive drivel is important enough that you should leave.

Sorry if I'm going too far here,but I think I've been bottling this up. Just have Zoom bitchslap me when she gets home from FL.


Active Member
Oct 27, 2010
I would rather see a million bare boobs feeding babies while out in public than see a woman BFing in a public washroom.


Happy Halloween!!
May 31, 2012
Gillett/Flower Mound TX
Snarky comments do not bother me, my opinion is my opinion whether it be bigoted or otherwise. Anyway it doesn't matter because I do not see a lot of BF anyway so it never comes up.

Obnoxious? No, socially awkward? Yes but I am not obnoxious. You comments doesnt bother me, I have a very thick skin, I also don't need to be accepted or "brought into" a clique.

Also, when I start a thread here or reply to someone else's (excluding topics like this), regardless of what it is about there are more then a few snarky comments that offer no real information ... Should I tell them to GTFO?

I hate to break it to all of you, but Just because someone doesn't share your view that something is beautiful freaking miracle of freaking life doesn't make it wrong.


Got Floof?
Jun 6, 2008
Goodness me. There's nothing more disgusting than nipples. I wear a bra in public for a reason, as a man. Such neanderthals.

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