Ever talk yourself in and out of things?


Clicker Cult Coordinator
May 17, 2006
A few days ago I had finally talked myself into going to the doctor about feeling sick all the time. It's gotten so bad now that there are days I feel so sick I won't eat anything all day, or even for a few days in a row.
And now I've talked myself back out of it again, because I can't possibly figure out what COULD be wrong with me, I can't even figure out which doctor I should go see, and the way my job works I don't really have the time to go to six different doctors over and over, and I can't really afford that or a billion different tests, either... when I have the feeling it's not going to amount to anything. Just another "we don't know" like most of my health problems have been for the last four or five years.

I'm VERY good at talking myself out of things. Not very good at talking myself into things. I'm not very impulsive and I over-think things. And I kind of hate it. I wish I did things more on "I feel like doing this so I'm going to." The only time I've ever done that was when I decided to get Payton. I had a million reasons why not to do it, and finally I said "You know what? To hell with it. I'm doing it." And STILL I kept trying to argue myself out of it, LOL. The whole car ride up to see him, even on the car ride back down when I had already signed the contract, written the check, and he was in my arms, my brain was like "WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!? OMG!! WHAT DID YOU JUST DO??" and full of all the reasons I absolutely should not have just done that. But it was too late at that point.
That is honestly the only time I can think of in the last, I dunno, decade or so where I've been impulsive and not allowed myself to talk myself out of something. Does anybody else do this? At first I thought it might just be a "woman thing," you know, but then I thought about some of the women I know and realized there's no way it can be a woman thing, LOL. So it must be something to do with a particular personality type I guess?


Jan 7, 2007
Yes, I definitely talk myself in and out of things all the time! Most of the time I do it by talking or griping to Kevin until it sounds good enough to me, LOL

Right now I am having a lot of left foot pain and Kevin thinks it's a bone spur. I secretly agree with him, you know, down deep.........but out loud I do NOT agree and keep telling him different things it could be. I don't want to go to the doctor until I'm done 'diagnosing/treating' myself with everything I know how of course :rolleyes:

This is how days play out in example: Today it hurts really bad so I'm going to make an appointment to at least get an xray. Pfffffffft, I end up talking myself out of it and then the next day it doesn't hurt so bad so I can tell myself it MUST be getting better right? OY!

Anyway, I understand just what you mean Beanie...........and please go in to your general to get checked out, it might be something simple and you'll feel tons better! Feel better soon :)


New Member
Mar 31, 2011
St. Louis, MO
I've done the same thing with a few health issues.. When my husband finally convinced me to go in for one of them, all of the bajillion of tests they ran came back negative and the Doctor just said "Meh, you're fine". Not really in those exact words, but ya.

Same thing with one of my other issues, I've been to plenty of doctors, had MRI's done, been put on random meds with no help. So another, "Meh, you're fine" sort of thing.

At this point it's just not worth it. As you can prolly tell I'm in the middle of a "convincing myself not to go to the doctor" phase. :p


New Member
Nov 15, 2008
Yes. After New Year I was going to the dentist (haven't been in 10 years, and I was quite freaked out. I had spent the last few years coming up with every excuse under the sun not to go.) I was still almost talking myself out if it as I was driving there. When I got there, the receptionist couldn't find my appointment so I just said, 'No worries, I'll rescheduled some other time... bye.' (as I was almost running to the door) and she said, 'no way, we'll fit you in.' And to their credit they did.

It wasn't at all bad, the dentist was great, as were the nurses and the guy that cleans your teeth. I was soooo relieved when I had finally done it. I had spent months in the lead up try to choose a dentist, asking for recommendations etc. But it just had to be done. I had run out of the usual bad excuses. But goodness me, I spent a lot of time worrying and talking myself out of going. Now, I'll go every year, no problem. Now that the first scary visit is over. :p

Edit - in retrospect, the amount of stress, worry and over-thinking I did was ridiculous and really unnecessary. But I am very glad that I researched which dentist to go to as well as I did. I really hit the jackpot there. Lovely people and a good dentist.

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