Barking aka acting like the worlds coming to an end.


Like a bat outa' hell
May 12, 2009
Beautiful British Columbia!!
Teagan is not an overly barky dog, but when she gets rilled up she acts like the world is falling apart and barks and yips and growls her head off and I have not found a away to get her to stop by command. She settles down, but does not stop.

Sometimes she will stop then look at me and let out a WOOF!! like she is egging me on that little brat.

I think another problem is that my dad will get her rilled up. For example they will be looking outside and my dad will start to act all excited and act like there is something outside and start to say "whats that whats that" and of course Teagan being the drama queen she is will act that whatever the thing is that is outside that is really not there must die and she acts like the world is coming to the end if that thing outside does not die :rolleyes:

Any suggestions


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
The Mitten State
If someone is getting her riled up and barking, then you have to train that someone to stop doing it. Lotsa luck there.

You might try putting it on a cue. Get her to bark, not crazy, just a single bark, whatever will work, click and treat. Get her to bark again, click and treat. She's now probably ready to keep going. Use your cue "watzat?" or "Teagan, speak", then get her to bark, click and treat.

After you've got her barking on cue, one bark per cue, use the barking cue in small session throughout the day so she is really familiar with it. You can move on to hush. Have her bark, bark, bark, then say hush, hold treat up to her nose. She can't bark while sniffing. Click and treat. The next time she is barking at something, but before she is overexcited, run to her with a treat, place treat near nose so she has to sniff, say "hush", praise, click, treat. Practice this, both speak and hush in many small sessions. Then when your Dad gets her going, you can call her to you and tell her "hush". Be sure to treat this behavior longer than you think it is necessary.

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