A reminder - Mushrooms.


Clicker Cult Coordinator
May 17, 2006
It's about that time again, so... everybody please keep an eye on your backyards and anywhere else your dog plays! Last year I had a horrible experience with Auggie taking a big chomp out of a mushroom... because I saw him do it, and because of my own quick thinking, he survived. But that was the worst week of my life, as mushrooms can have delayed effects, and I couldn't be positive we were in the clear for a long time...
I was sent away from one vet with a poisoned dog, with no advice or anything at all, because they couldn't tell me if it was poisonous or not, so they just turned me right back around at the door... and once we finally found somebody to identify them, she told us that in the time it takes to accurately identify a mushroom as safe or toxic, your dog could have already died. =/

Even if your yard doesn't normally get mushrooms, please still be wary! The mushroom that Auggie ate is highly toxic, but it only surfaces during very specific weather conditions: when it's been chilly and very very wet. We've only ever saw it last year, and so far this year we have been lucky that the weather conditions appear to not quite be the same...
So even if you've never had mushrooms before, don't assume you never will!
Also keep in mind that these things can pop up so quickly. Sometimes you can walk your yard in the morning, and by afternoon a huge mushroom will have surfaced.

So everybody please be careful!

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