What is your timeline like for nextdog?

I am more than happy with my 2 collies and have no nextdog plans at all. My girl is 5.5 years and my boy is just under a year. This is a good age gap and I love having the two of them. When I was down to just Gael after my two senior collies died, it just felt wrong :(

Also I like having three dogs, it is an ideal number for me. We did have four for almost two years (my 3 BCs, OH's Brittany) Our Brittany belongs to my OH and she is used for hunting and field trials. She is 3.5 years old. OH is looking at getting either another French Brittany (male) or a working springer spaniel within the next year. I am not so keen. I would prefer a spaniel though as Scout is immensely full on. I ran Scout in Rally and she has her RA title and is very close to her first agility title (also run by me) but nextdog will be 100% his for hunting and field trials.

My friends who have husbands who aren't keen on dogs at all and are always saying NO MORE PUPPIES sympathise with him at agility shows about mean spouses :)
Hoping 2017 or so to get a koolie, especially if certain breedings take place. If I have to import, i will have different things I will be looking for and may wait longer, especially if there isn't a puppy I like when Paige is getting hers.

My SO is also planning on getting a flatcoat puppy shortly after getting a house (hopefully early 2017) so he may get his puppy in 2017/18 as well.

4 dogs doesn't really seem like it will be ideal for either of us, and it's not ideal to plan on getting two puppies so close together, but Angel will be 14 or so, Chloe will be about 7. So I think of it as it will be temporary, as angel will be getting old at that point. Chloe is not 'my' type of dog and I never planned on having her as my dog, but the people that were going to have her all of a sudden weren't able. Now that I have her, I love her, but I still I don't think I would ever enjoy competing with Chloe. I really want a dog that will be a competition dog (and is bigger and faster), and have been set on a koolie for awhile now and think they will be perfect for me!
As soon as we breed Payton. Hopefully within the year. Had multiple people tell me how much they like him this weekend, but it all depends on when they are ready to breed bitches and if he is a good match for that bitch... but I am hoping soon.
No time soon...my ideal number is 2 and I have 3, but I know Knar is getting up there and wanted to get another to mesh in well with Ro while he was still young.

No plans for another 10+ years, but who knows...some times you get an itch that just won't go away. :P
I would love to revisit this thread in a year and see how many people actually ended up doing what they said here.

I have to wait at least until I'm out of high school before I get another dog. I know I'll be able to manage a dog in college, but most schools require freshmen to live on campus and they don't allow pets in the dorms. Fable will probably end up having to stay with my mom for my first year in college, although I'll do everything in my power to keep her with me (how on earth will I manage without my dog??). I know colleges can make exceptions regarding living on campus for your first year, but they probably wouldn't just so I can keep my dog with me. I'll just cross that bridge when I get to it.

TL;DR: 3-4 years
I'm a one dog at a time kinda gal, which makes nextdog planning simple and far enough way that I don't worry about it
Not honestly sure. I would hope within the next year and a half, really don't want to wait longer than that, but as I said, just not sure when nextdog will come. :)
Four is our max. Which means planning for nextdog is morbid and hopefully years and years away.

Z is our oldest at 8yo, but she's also the smallest, sooooo 4-6 years minimum?

It'll either be a corgi, ACD, or mal, though, depending on how my life is set up at that point. Definitely male.
We are currently discussing dog #3. The plan is in 2016 at the earliest, with it likely not happening until 2017, depending on how the search goes. Basically Art will be 8? maybe 9. Talon will be somewhere between 3-5 years old depending on when we get the puppy. Currently, I'm dying from puppy want lol :p

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