All Positive Training Methods


New Member
May 11, 2008
1 covers dog training from the point of view of the ever more popular positive dog training methods, which use pain-free methods. The puppies and dogs work more willingly for positive rewards, and don't have to suffer the fear that comes from training with the older methods.

The site covers clicker training, along with other easy-to-use methods. As my sig file below says, most of the action now is at blog.

The most popular page on the website is the guide to potty training (housetraining) puppies and dogs.

I've had this site for 5 or 6 years now, so there is a lot of information for you there! Do come by and take a look. As I used to be a librarian, there are lots of reviews of books, ebooks, and DVDs. I don't hesitate to tell it like I see it -- for example, a recent blog post I did was on why most dog training ebooks are mediocre. I also write some of dog food and its relationship to dog behavior.

Best wishes to you and your dogs,
Rosana Hart, member, Association of Pet Dog Trainers
Also have a site where I use Clipmarks

Another dog site of mine uses Clipmarks. This is an application that lets me clip images and up to 1,000 characters of text from any given site... respecting copyright laws by keeping it to that.

So when I find interesting dog training articles around the net, I post them via clipmarks to my blog at

I often find the websites I feature because I subscribe to the free Google Alerts for the topic of dog training. A lot of what comes through is junk or not positive, pain-free methods... but I do find a lot of interesting things!

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