Oh, orgasm is definitely a good cure for cramps!
Am I the only one opposed to this?
Guess I`m one of the few who doesn`t bench themselves during ol`red`s arrival.
On the original post ... funny list, but like most of those "list" thingys it's grossly exaggerated. Seriously, it's not quite THAT bad except for the few women who do have severe problems, and honestly they should consult a doctor. Low-dose BC, among other things, could help at least lessen severity.
I agree that the list is over-exaggerated. . . we usually only have a few of those things at once, not all of them together.
Sparks, no one spoils me. I am jealous of you.
lol well don't be too jealous... .it's not all selfless spoiling. mostly it's to get me to stop whining about how I hate being a woman one week a month :rofl1:
STILL, though, I want to be spoiled sometimes!
I'll see if I can train Middie to bring me ice cream in bed.
Maybe. It depends how much she eats. I don't know if you've ever had a dog get into a bunch of dairy, but...Oh, she'll gladly bring it. It'll be inside her, though...
Am I the only one opposed to this? I have a little motto: "The red sea is a dead sea."
It makes me wanna puke just thinking about it lol yuck
No your definitely NOT!!!
It makes me wanna puke just thinking about it lol yuck
i had a dr tell me once that period pain was all in a womans head...
i told him i could kick him in the testicles a few times and tell him that pain was all in his head too...doesnt mean its true! he was alot more understanding after that lol
All I know is that I do my best not to turn a period into an exclamation point. If the pain/discomfort is real or exaggerated, it doesn't matter. I just don't want to get yelled at for walking through the room without carrying chocolate.
Men will never understand periods, being pregnant or the birthing experience.