Spiders in bed?


New Member
Mar 1, 2006
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Ok this thread is a little pathetic but I just wanted to know.

I'm not too good with spiders and since moving here have found 4 in my bed on different occasions. I check my bed every night before going to bed because I don't want one in there sleeping with me.

I'm the only one who gets them in my bed in my family and I think its because I have uncovered floorbeds and some have little gaps and I'm on the third floor right next to the loft.

Has anyone else ever found a spider in their bed? It really puts me off going to sleep because I'm stupid and am scared of them, any other bug I don't care its just them and I wish I wasn't scared of them, its pointless, I know I'm so much bigger than them.
lol I used to have my room in the basement at my parents house and in the spring/summer time there were HOARDS of spiders everywhere all the time.. I sprayed spidercide around the perimeter of my room and it basically got rid of them all for a few weeks.

I'd pick some of that up and spray it in the cracks of your floor.. just make sure Casey isn't in your room for about 12hrs after you do this though!

I'd sometimes wake up with spider bites up my legs and arms before I did the spidercide stuff.
I don't think I've ever found a spider in my bed, but we have TONS of wolf spiders in the basement. My parents even had around the outside of the house sprayed by an exterminator, but I don't think it put much of a dent in their numbers. I still see them scurrying now and then.

I'm not afraid of spiders, but there are lots of people who are Kase, so don't feel stupid. Next time you see one, just look at it and think "I'm not afraid of you, I can SQUISH you!" :D
^Really! Now that would freak me out. I've never heard of spidercide but I know my conscience sp? would get the better of me, I can't kill them :p. Thanks for the suggestion though!!
LOL Sweet - I dunno.. if I saw a poisonous spider in my room.. I'd be vacating my room and call someone ELSE to squish it lol

Luckily we dont have too much to worry about over here! lol Not many poisnous insects around here..

Tims dogs (Princess and Tyr) also mostly take care of our bug population.. they like to torture them! haha

Kase - this is the exact same stuff I used


It kills them on contact
Thanks Summer I really would use it if I had the heart for it. At least we don't get poisonous spiders, that would be different. I just get my Dad to put them in a glass and take them outside, I don't know what I'm going to do when I live on my own lol!
Me too! :yikes: :p

Lol you should have seen me, its so embarrasing. I don't scream ever but with spiders I can't help it, I panick. My Dad came as quickly as he could but the darn thing moved under the matress, so I had to hold it up (with my bad wrists) while he looked for it. We couldn't find it for ages and I didn't know what to do but I spotted it walking along the floor next to my bed, thankfully!!
OMG, I knew better than to even come in this thread! :yikes: I have never found a spider in my bed, and if I did the whole neighborhood would know it at the very moment it happened!!!!!!!!!!!!

Must leave now..........starting to get itchy nerves and looking around me for the little creeps!
I totally freak if there is a spider anywhere near my bed! I just can't handle it! My husband has to come squish them for me!
The thought of them on me in bed sends chills down my back. YUCK!
My boyfriend is afraid of spiders. It was about 4 am one night when he feels something crawling on him. Look over and its a spider. So he starts freaking out and telling me to get it off of him. :p

Ya.. I get spiders. :S

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