Say it ain't so...does this look like mange on my poor Dozer?


Jun 5, 2007
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Peyton, CO
We have not noticed anything on his neck until today when I gave him a bath. I scrubbed him down vigorously thanks to the red dirt we have here in Hawaii. His last bath was about 8 weeks ago. After I scrubbed him down and towel dried him, I noticed a bunch of hair came of his neck, and in it's place, a nasty red wound :yikes:. First thought was mange, especially because of his breed (English Bulldog).

Why do these things always happen on the weekends and after hours?

Anyway, it does not seem to bother him, but it looks like all the characteristics of demodectic mange. It's about the size of a silver dollar.

I don't know about stress, we just had a new baby 6 weeks ago, but he seemed totally oblivious and neutral toward her. He is on Heartgard Plus, no hopefully no worms.

Thought I would ask the experts. He will be going to the vet on Monday if I can get an appt.

Thanks in advance.

No it looks more like a hot spot.
Besides, at 2yr. old, he's really too old to just up and get demodex - unless he had it as a puppy?
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Thanks. What's a hot spot? Something that would need treatment or no? I will still be taking him to the vet, but thanks for the post. He's actually closer to five or six now (unsure of his age, he was a rescue). From what I've read online though, stress-induced immunosuppression can exacerbate mange as can certain medical issues (like heart worm) in older dogs. Which is why I mentioned the baby and his Heartgard.

I hope it's something that will heal and that it isn't mange.

Our dirt out here stains everything red, including our dog, he didn't have it 8 weeks ago but who knows how long it was there after that :(.
Looks like a hot spot to me too. Not all too uncommon in English Bulldogs.
When my dog Gunner had ring worm it looked EXACTLY like that. He just did not have the characteristic ring worm shape for some reason. It almost just looked like a scabby abrasion and the vets did not even think it was ringworm until the tests came back a few days later positive for ring worm.
looks like a hot spot to me as well
Your vet can give you something to apply to help it heal.

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