You get a ransacked fridge!!! I had left the back door to the house open earlier. I figured it was nice day and I would just let the dogs come and go as the pleased. I was outside working with Pakak when I see Kitten come running out of the back door with a something large and brown the size of her head in her mouth. I then notice Pendel and Baby tugging on something square and pink....I stood there confused for a moment until Pendel pulled his prize free from Baby and shot past me. Then I could see he had a package of steaks in his mouth. Quickly I secured Pakak to the nearest tree and ran in vain after Pendel and my dinner!
Well it just turned into a good old game for Pendel. And being a racing bred Alaskan Husky he had quite the leg up on me speed wise. I swear at that point he didn't even care about the meat. He just had this look in his eyes like "Hahaha stupid human. I will always win! Hahahaha" . Finally after screaming a thousands commands at him and coming up with nothing I spotted his favorite thing in the world. His blue ball lol. So quickly I snatched it up and whistled. It did the trick once I tossed the ball Pendel dropped his prize and bolted for his "baby" lol. I quickly ran and snatched up that package. Surprisingly both steaks were still in the package just deep punctures broke the seal lol.
After winning back the steaks I then went off in the direction I saw Kitten run off to. Fully aware at this point that the other dogs were having a free for all on my fridge. Quickly I ran across the field to find her at the base of the trees. Her prize now half the size of her had. As I approached her she looked up at me with a look that simply said "I won" lol. I finally got a good veiw of what she had. It had been a large Ham I was keeping frozen until Christmas. I sighed and threw my hands up knowing there was no use taking it from her now.
I then beat feet back to my house and well...I couldn't say what I found was a surprise. Baby, Star, Stinker, Buck, and Akara were all working their way through my fridge and freezer. To make a long story short lets just say im short quite a few grocerys and I have six huskies with engorged bellies full of junk.
Some may ask why would allow the dogs access to the fridge.......Well the Huskies have never EVER attempt theft of any kind. I have always on nice days left all doors open and allowed everyone access to the indoors and outdoors while I worked. Of course the one difference I have now is a young female Fila who is wayyyyy too smart and crafty for her own good.
Oh and I should mention she is completely unaffected by her large lunch. I swear if there had been two Hams she would have downed then both. I swear lol its never boring.
Well it just turned into a good old game for Pendel. And being a racing bred Alaskan Husky he had quite the leg up on me speed wise. I swear at that point he didn't even care about the meat. He just had this look in his eyes like "Hahaha stupid human. I will always win! Hahahaha" . Finally after screaming a thousands commands at him and coming up with nothing I spotted his favorite thing in the world. His blue ball lol. So quickly I snatched it up and whistled. It did the trick once I tossed the ball Pendel dropped his prize and bolted for his "baby" lol. I quickly ran and snatched up that package. Surprisingly both steaks were still in the package just deep punctures broke the seal lol.
After winning back the steaks I then went off in the direction I saw Kitten run off to. Fully aware at this point that the other dogs were having a free for all on my fridge. Quickly I ran across the field to find her at the base of the trees. Her prize now half the size of her had. As I approached her she looked up at me with a look that simply said "I won" lol. I finally got a good veiw of what she had. It had been a large Ham I was keeping frozen until Christmas. I sighed and threw my hands up knowing there was no use taking it from her now.
I then beat feet back to my house and well...I couldn't say what I found was a surprise. Baby, Star, Stinker, Buck, and Akara were all working their way through my fridge and freezer. To make a long story short lets just say im short quite a few grocerys and I have six huskies with engorged bellies full of junk.
Some may ask why would allow the dogs access to the fridge.......Well the Huskies have never EVER attempt theft of any kind. I have always on nice days left all doors open and allowed everyone access to the indoors and outdoors while I worked. Of course the one difference I have now is a young female Fila who is wayyyyy too smart and crafty for her own good.
Oh and I should mention she is completely unaffected by her large lunch. I swear if there had been two Hams she would have downed then both. I swear lol its never boring.