
ok my vet said to come back in the beginning of January. no one said she was underweight. in fact she only looks pregnant when she lays down or sits,. when she stands she looks normal. hence why I said sometimes I think she is sometimes I dont.

buddysmom Im sorry you think Im a liar butu I guess your perfect and never had a momment where you have been busy doing two diffrent things and messed up.

and here I thought this forum would have changed.

You have got to be kidding me.

Don't make this about me, when YOUR story doesn't add up. I am far from perfect, but I would never go so far as to not be able to tell my story the correct way the first time.

You need to take that poor dog to the vet for xrays. If she's not pregnant, obviously she needs to go on a diet. If she is, then the pups should be aborted because you know absolutely nothing about her history.. unless, of course... you've weaved a tangled web of lies for us. ;) Please listen to the excellent advice that knowledgeable breeders are giving you.
Did your vet feel or listen (via doppler) for puppies? Most any vet could do that much?

I took her just three days after I found her. he is way old fashioned and said to come back with her in January. though I have spoken with him on the phone a few times.
You have got to be kidding me.

Don't make this about me, when YOUR story doesn't add up. I am far from perfect, but I would never go so far as to not be able to tell my story the correct way the first time.

You need to take that poor dog to the vet for xrays. If she's not pregnant, obviously she needs to go on a diet. If she is, then the pups should be aborted because you know absolutely nothing about her history.. unless, of course... you've weaved a tangled web of lies for us. ;) Please listen to the excellent advice that knowledgeable breeders are giving you.

ok the first time I told it was correct. Im sorry I got deffensive. personally if I could some how get you to believe me I would do it. Im sorry when I get flustered well Im busy I make mistakes.
Okay so you took her to a vet and could have had her spayed then before she was even truly, legitimately, pregnant...but you didn't....ay ay ay!

You can Ultrasound a bitch for puppies anytime after 30 need answers and the sooner the better. If the bitch is NOT pregnant and is that big...and not eating...your delaying finding out the reason why could be doing harm.

Is she H/W negative at least? I'll go back and read to see if you covered that already...
Okay so you took her to a vet and could have had her spayed then before she was even truly, legitimately, pregnant...but you didn't....ay ay ay!

You can Ultrasound a bitch for puppies anytime after 30 need answers and the sooner the better. If the bitch is NOT pregnant and is that big...and not eating...your delaying finding out the reason why could be doing harm.

Is she H/W negative at least? I'll go back and read to see if you covered that already...

I said any form of abortion. she is eating just not something you approve of. she just hates dry dog food.
So you're going to potentially make a 6 year old dog deliver a litter of possibly huge mixed puppies and then put her through the additional physical trauma of being spayed instead of just doing it all in one fell swoop.
I actually haven't given you any input on food at all...thanks for the 'tude tho.

You didn't have her HW tested or you did? It'd be nice to know if the poor thing is fighting off worms in her heart valves BEFORE the effort she is going to spend whelping these maybe puppies no?
So you're going to potentially make a 6 year old dog deliver a litter of possibly huge mixed puppies and then put her through the additional physical trauma of being spayed instead of just doing it all in one fell swoop.

Yes Zoom that troubles me as well, mainly because...

The only bitches I know of, that have died on the c section table...were 6 or older, and had attempted to whelp prior. If I had ANY bitch pregnant this age, I'd do an elective c section for sure....BEFORE she has been straining and stressing for hours...*sigh*

I just don't understand the things people do at times...
i guess im a horrible person. Im sorry.

hounded by hounds it wasnt a tude. I was just stateing she does eatt. just not what ppl on this forum deem ok.

no I have not gotten her tested. maybe I should have left her out in the cold by the highway where she could have been fixed.. no more horribleness for her.. and her puppies would be gone to.

Im sorry but I made mistake in a post now Im a liar. and your coldness hurts. so Im getting defensive. I know your just trying to help. but your making me feel like I did wrong taking her in. ever since Zoom said I was CM. everyone all of a sudden turned. I never hid that I was Cm. I didnt change animals names or lie about where im from. I came on her to find ppl with hearts towards dogs that may want to adopt Chewie and Marlie and Pixie. and then well I was at it I thought I would tyalk about Nutmeg. I was wrong for coming here. now I just want to prove Im ligit and leave.
Ya know what? I am not going to be guilt you can save that for someone else maybe.

responsible rescue, is a wonderful, noble thing.

Not even getting a potentially pregnant dog a heartworm test is not responsible is a $40 test and it can dictate her life or death and that of any puppies present. It is IMO a minimum requirement of any responsible person who rescues.

I do not think you did the wrong thing by taking her in...but if YOU cannot afford her medical care then say so...and contact a Beagle rescue...or take her to a shelter where they will at least, address her testing and vaccinations and her pregnancy as well....
No one is being cold. There is a dog that needs attention. This is what matters right now and it appeared that we were not getting the whole story. So there is bound to be confusion. There is no reason to be defensive... we're trying to help the dog.
It's great that you took in a dumped dog. That part I'm not disputing. However, I'm concerned that you get too wrapped up in the "OMG PUPPIES" aspect of it. The caring and responsible thing to do for this dog would have been to get her spayed ASAP when you found her. You honestly are not doing this dog or her puppies any favors by making her take this to term, assuming that she is actually pregnant.
Hmm, I didn't know this dog was older.
I agree and suggest a spay.An abandoned old pregnant dog is bound to be trouble up the line.I mean, Say she bred with a GSD or something, the stress of a 6 year old + bitch that obviously is not in the best condition, It probably came from a puppy mill, it may be riddled with problems, giving birth to a litter that may have upto 4 large crossbreed pups would most probably kill her.
I know you may not agree with abortion, but if the litter was not aborted, the mother and pups could die.And most probably these puppies are not healthy.
I know the forum can seem harsh at times, but its just because they care, and find it hard to put it across nicely.

Keep us posted on nutmeg!
I agree. When it comes to rescues who are pregnant and puppies of unknown origin, spaying the potential mother is just best. It's simply unfair to make the potential mother dog raise those puppies, exhaust her resources, and endanger her life. I get very frustrated hearing about how there are "so many unwanted puppies waiting in the shelter" yet rescues and rescuers a-like are ready and willing to let a mother dog have puppies because the puppies "are oh so adoptable". What about the older dogs? At least with an older dog the chance of evaluating temperament and size is plausable. Way to many people get a cute little puppy only to have it get to big, to hairy, or too destructive for what they want, then it winds up running loose, dumped, or worse pregnant to start the cycle all over again. Shelters, imho, give up puppies WAY too young (because of limited resources) and almost guarantee failure for the *average* dog owner in many cases. Just think, if bitches were s/n as soon as they came through the door, then there would be a marked reduction in what was at the shelter....people looking for a "rescue" or "cheap" pet would adopt those dogs (which are more likely to not be adopted because of age)...and those dogs would get to live. To me, older dogs should get preferential treatment..but unfortunately it's always the puppies that do because they bring in the adoption fees.
I can see both sides of the issue ....but let's be fair here . Needling doesn't help the issue .
Perhaps not, but the fact remains that this is an older dog who is possibly pregnant, but it's not been confirmed through ultrasound, nor has the dog had a simple heartworm test done yet. I believe that the OP's heart is in the right place, just her methods need some assistance. If she wants to believe herself to be a rescue, then she needs to understand what all that truly entails and many times that involves what IS best for the dog itself, not what SEEMS to be best.
No one is being cold. There is a dog that needs attention. This is what matters right now and it appeared that we were not getting the whole story. So there is bound to be confusion. There is no reason to be defensive... we're trying to help the dog.

ok and calling me a liar isnt a reason to get defensive. you guys really dont care from the second Zoom said I was Cm. then it was.. your feed is crappy. your care is crappy. I guess in general Im crappy. and I guess if I told you the way I house trained her/leash trained her you would say thats crappy to.

I took her to the vet he assessed her. and told me to come back. I cant help what he told me. by hey I guess by taking her to the only vet I had was crappy to.

I am not caught up in the whole puppy aspect. in fact when I discovered she was at the end of her heat I was pretty upset.

But you were not there were you. were you there with me the day I took her to the vet. did you know I arrived in tears? you want to know why? b/c I found another beagle. right on the highway where it turned into the country road. you were not there with me when I picked him up off the road. your not the ones praying it was just a coincidence. b/c maybe if I had found him he would be alive to. SO far no one has answered my found ads on either of them . and should the phone ring and it be his owner. you will not be with me when I tell them there dog is dead.
and to ppl like Baxter'smybaby I will keep you posted on what my vet says. I didnt come her to be hurt again.
your hearts are in the right place to. but I guess you forget that there is a real person behind each s/n.

if you look at it from my angle you may see yourselfs in a diffrent light.
ok and calling me a liar isnt a reason to get defensive. you guys really dont care from the second Zoom said I was Cm. then it was.. your feed is crappy. your care is crappy. I guess in general Im crappy. and I guess if I told you the way I house trained her/leash trained her you would say thats crappy to.

I took her to the vet he assessed her. and told me to come back. I cant help what he told me. by hey I guess by taking her to the only vet I had was crappy to.

It really sounds like you just need to chill. I never called you a liar, I said you needed to get your story straight. You were the one posting "facts" that were not adding up. I, for one, could care less who you really are. So you're CanadianMandy, welcome back to Chazhound. Did you want us to roll out the red carpet?

You brought forth the issues that this pup is having and Chazhound, just like it always has, has come forth to share their opinions. If you didn't want people to reply, then you shouldn't have posted. There are far too many knowledgeable and experienced people here to just let this one pass. And if I recall, you received some very good advice.. you just happen to not be taking it in stride. Push your pride aside and get that poor dog to the vet!

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