Oh, it's *you*
Did your vet feel or listen (via doppler) for puppies? Most any vet could do that much?
ok my vet said to come back in the beginning of January. no one said she was underweight. in fact she only looks pregnant when she lays down or sits,. when she stands she looks normal. hence why I said sometimes I think she is sometimes I dont.
buddysmom Im sorry you think Im a liar butu I guess your perfect and never had a momment where you have been busy doing two diffrent things and messed up.
and here I thought this forum would have changed.
Did your vet feel or listen (via doppler) for puppies? Most any vet could do that much?
You have got to be kidding me.
Don't make this about me, when YOUR story doesn't add up. I am far from perfect, but I would never go so far as to not be able to tell my story the correct way the first time.
You need to take that poor dog to the vet for xrays. If she's not pregnant, obviously she needs to go on a diet. If she is, then the pups should be aborted because you know absolutely nothing about her history.. unless, of course... you've weaved a tangled web of lies for us.Please listen to the excellent advice that knowledgeable breeders are giving you.
Okay so you took her to a vet and could have had her spayed then before she was even truly, legitimately, pregnant...but you didn't....ay ay ay!
You can Ultrasound a bitch for puppies anytime after 30 days...you need answers and the sooner the better. If the bitch is NOT pregnant and is that big...and not eating...your delaying finding out the reason why could be doing harm.
Is she H/W negative at least? I'll go back and read to see if you covered that already...
So you're going to potentially make a 6 year old dog deliver a litter of possibly huge mixed puppies and then put her through the additional physical trauma of being spayed instead of just doing it all in one fell swoop.
No one is being cold. There is a dog that needs attention. This is what matters right now and it appeared that we were not getting the whole story. So there is bound to be confusion. There is no reason to be defensive... we're trying to help the dog.
ok and calling me a liar isnt a reason to get defensive. you guys really dont care from the second Zoom said I was Cm. then it was.. your feed is crappy. your care is crappy. I guess in general Im crappy. and I guess if I told you the way I house trained her/leash trained her you would say thats crappy to.
I took her to the vet he assessed her. and told me to come back. I cant help what he told me. by hey I guess by taking her to the only vet I had was crappy to.