Possibility of Yeast and Antibiotics

May 1, 2014
Grand Rapids, MI
I just need some feedback on what is currently going on - It should first be known that this is not an emergency post.

For 2-3 weeks now I have noticed Ada shaking her head, scratching primarily one ear, and chewing/licking her feet. This would rarely happen too and not all in the course of one day even. I had taken her swimming in the lake and kayaking on a river so I thought there might be some bacteria or water in her ear.

I've been treating with a 50/50 solution of vinegar and water.

This morning, I realized that she is still doing it. She gently and slowly will scratch her ear and then lick/chew at the food that she just used to scratch with.

I made a vet appointment for her for Friday morning.

I'm always had a *fear* of over medicating my dog. I don't like the idea of putting her on antibiotics right away.

Just curious if any of you have any suggestions or insights.

Her ears don't show any production of yeast, between her toes and pads are not inflamed or pink... these are all things that I would look for, but I'm not seeing it.

I'm still committed to taking her to the vet, just don't know/think antibiotics are necessary.


"I'm kupo for kupo nuts!"
May 11, 2010
For yeast, typically an antibiotic isn't prescribed. For paw pads that may be itchy/irritated, a medicated shampoo or wet wipe is typically a good option (I loooooooove me some Ketochlor). I bathe my dogs routinely in a ketoconazole/chlorhexidine based shampoo as they both have some mild skin issues (Cynder gets hot spots, Abrams used to have some scaley issues).

As for the ears, dogs typically have a mixed infection (yeast and bacteria). The medications prescribed to treat may be a combo topical antibiotic/antifungal. I would not hesitate to treat an ear infection aggressively - they get nasty very quickly and can lead to ruptured ear drums/aural hematomas. Side effects from topical ear meds are very rare. Once the infection is gone, treating the underlying cause (for example, allergies) and doing routine maintence with an ear cleaner that is both cleansing (antifungal/microbial properties) and drying is important. I've used Malacetic Otic and Epi-Otic for my dogs.

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