Poor dog ... why is this sooo common?

I do know that some people get rid of their dogs by claiming the child is allergic to ease their guilt ... :(

On a serious note, it is heartbreaking how many people dump their pets because of a new baby. We were the opposite, we brought a new puppy into the house at the same time (Aurelia was 2 weeks old) lol.

You know, everybody told us we were crazy, but it worked out really, really, well. The baby needed feeding every 2-3 hours. Strider needed potty breaks every 2-3 hours. Whenever the baby wanted to eat I took him out and sat on the porch feeding her while he did his business. And since she had to eat all night too, he never had a chance to have an accident in the night. Plus I was home 24/7 at first, so had plenty of time to spend with both of them and they got to really bond.

If doing a new puppy and baby at the same time could be so easy, I don't understand how it could be such a nightmare to take care of a baby and a grown dog who is already used to the routine, housebroken, basic training, etc. behind him.]

(all of the above was a quote from Romy, I don't know why it didn't go into that box thing)

TRUE!!! I had three dogs when my TWINS were born and it was fine. No problems (well, the first year the babies were not easy but the dogs had nothing to do with that).

Good idea on the baby and the puppy, however, I bet not many would deal with a puppy and a newborn. I am betting it's easier then two babies though and I didn't give one of my twins away. Althought that first year, many sleepless nights I might have thougth about it. (heck they are 16 now and I still think about it at times.. lol, don't tell them!)
I have to admit this idea did pop in to my head as well, so I'm really hoping there won't be any sort of conflict. I have seven pets that keep me pretty busy as it is so I know I'll really have my hands full with an infant in the house, but my animals aren't going anywhere. Not sure if it's true or not, but I had heard that a baby raised in a home with pets is less likely to develop an allergy.

I've heard that too and I believe it is true. I do foster care (don't currently have a placement but still licensed) and I had twins. We always had dogs and I never had a child develope an allergy. We only take babies 0-2.

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