Plastic Surgery


F150 and a .30-06
Feb 12, 2006
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A off chute from the other thread,

What do you think about it?

Good, Bad, Bane of our existance?

Personaly I dont care. Dr's make money, great, If you have the money to pay them, great. From what I understand its not covered by insurance or health care, unless there is a medical reason for it. Ie, broken nose needing to be fixed because it will cause breathing problems.

As for a 16yr old having parental permision to get a nose job. Well thats the parents issue, not the Drs. They can only advise the parents, but ultimately its up to them. If we passed a law saying no plastic surgery untill you are 18 regardless, well then all of those parents would be screaming about how the government is taking away thier ability to decide things for thier kids.
I think unless it's 'medically necessary' like broken noses, reconstructive surgery because of a severe accident or whatever else along those falls into about the same category of tattoos and piercings. *shrugs* Making yourself look more attractive IN YOUR OPINION. (which is the one that counts) Kids can get those too with parental consent.

I have actually seen/heard people with tattoos and piercings talk trash about plastic surgery and it made me :rofl1:

I am all for it if you are making an informed decision, know the risks and ramifications, and use a qualified individual/facility to perform whatever it is you want done. NO "Doctor Nick" types are getting around ME with their knives and syringes! :lol-sign:
I don't mind it but I think a lot of the people that get it come out looking WORSE.

My dad had a nose job because as a kid it got broken and healed extremely crooked.

I would like to get a breast reduction and possibly some hair removal. I have PCOS which causes some women to get male pattern hair growth. Mine isn't that bad compared to many PCOS women, but it does bother me. I think I would feel more confident if it got removed. I haven't done much research into it yet.
I'm not really opposed to it. I find it kind of strange that so much of people's worth is tied up in the outside of them but I know that's the society we have. I AM opposed to those shows where they make people look like famous people. That is super creepy but it's more of a personal "ick" thing than anything else.

I'm not sure how I feel about minors getting plastic surgery. Matt has a very large red birthmark on his neck. Apparently when he was younger it was much much worse and he had some kind of laser stuff to cauterize the blood vessels. It's still there but it's not nearly as bad as it used to be. That is technically body modification although I wouldn't label it plastic surgery. If one of our kids had that I'd get the procedure done in a heartbeat cause I feel that if you can keep your kid from getting stared at or teased you should do it. But, randomly wanting a different nose or bigger boobs? Wait til you're 18 and pay for it yourself. I suppose it depends on the situation. ;)
I think women with botox filled lips and face lifts are some of the ugliest freaky looking people. Especially when they looked fine with begin with.

Lol and don't get me started on men who get plastic surgery. They tend to just look like burn victims.

I think for medical reasons its fine.

I think if someone else has issues with themselves and want to change the way they look. More power too you.

Doesent mean I don't think its stupid to do it for vanity reasons. I have a bump in my nose from when I was a baby and fell down stairs in my walker and busted my lip and broke my nose.

I don't like it. But I don't want to fix it. Its just there. Its me. And if someone is going to call me unattractive because of it. Well then screw them lol.

If it ever causes me medical problems in the future. I may get it fixed. But I have to be honest. I would feel so shallow telling someone I had a nose job.
My mom had a face lift yesterday:lol-sign: (but never tell her I told!)

Nothing new for her though because she has had nose,chin,cheeks,skin resurfacing etc etc done before.

She had her nose done at 16. It had been pretty huge. She has the money so when she wants something done she does it. I see no real problem with it.

Now there are people who are just addicted. There needs to be a line drawn somewhere by a doc.

I used to want my nose done but have learned to love it. And honestly if I wasn't scared of surgery I likely would have had it done:p

I think the people who look off after the surgery are the ones who have had it done entirely to much or went to someone who did not do a good job.
I'm all for it for medical reasons , but not for vanity reasons . Yes , there are many fine lines here . My daughter in early teens hated her nose . I said to wait until she was 18 . I doubt if she even remembers when she hated it . Sure we hate to age ! Elizabeth Taylor is my age but with hair dyes and cosmetic surgery looks 10 years younger . But, I think I'm happier !
Elizabeth Taylor looks horrible, in my opinion. WAY to much done
I don't really care either way. if you want to have it done and you have the money that's your choice.

If something happened to "disfigure me" or if I had a mastectomy I would likely have it fixed by a plastic surgeon. but I wouldn't get something done just because I was getting old and wrinkled.

cant remember where I heard someone say it but I liked it. was something like "every gray hair and wrinkle is a badge of honor" lol

but really if someone wants to have it done that's up to them. i dont' really care either way. BUT I think when it truly does become an issue of addiction then something needs to be done.
Once Im done having kids Im going to get a boob job. Not to change the size, but a "lift". lol
meh, its not my money or my body, I dont care what people do with themselves...
As someone in her mid forties, if there was a way to make my face look younger again and I could afford it without going into debt, i'd do it in a heartbeat. I think I am going through my mid life crisis right now so I might feel differently in a few years.
unless it is done for a medical reason then i to lump it with tattoos. vain all the way , but if it what you want to put your bady thrugh , then more power to ya.

i would never have plastic surgery , well except for a breast reduction , and even then i would have to think long and hard on it , as personal apperance is not one of the things i value in a person .
Some of the most horrendous people i know are from the "beautiful" crowd and they make me sick , thinking that just becasue they are good looking they are better than us average/ugly peeps.

my momma told me "it whats inside that counts" i believe her
i had a breast reduction early on (15) due to being too big and having some nasty issues...

ive got abotu 150lbs to loose, if i loose all that weight its highly likely ill have alot of excess skin, that in all honesty if i could afford i wouldnt think twice about getting a body lift/tummy tuck.
and thanks to the strange growth pattern of my breasts, plus the weight gravity hasnt been kind to the girls either and like the tuck, if i could afford it after ive lost all the weight i want them lifting too (because at 25 i dont like having my boobies resitng on my belly lol)

i thinks its absolutly 100% a persons choice (as long as there not mentally incapable (ie a surgery addiction)
BUT i have a problem with people who go overboard like women who had huge breast implants and keep going bigger year after year...
or people so obsessed with surgery they put their house on the line...

and i have to say some of these women heavy on the face lifts and botox look WEIRD to me, they just look plastic, to me thats just too much...
but its also their choice.
I am pro-plastic surgery

My dad is a plastic surgeon. and I think he does AMAZING work, one those who have been disfigured in some way (car accident, etc..) but mostly those who just want to change something about themselves.

I believe you get what you pay for and when you do your research and find a GOOD surgeon, you get quality work.

Have I seen disasters? oooh yea... 99% of the time those are people who chose their surgeries as a great time to try to find "deals" and save money. which is ridiculous.

but I have never seen a client of my dads look like some messed up barbie doll. thats not what he does, in fact, unlike most surgeons, he does NOT do breast enlargements larger than a D cup, and all his work is incredible natural looking and flattering..its an art to him sort of. also, unlike the cheaper doctors, what is inserted into the breast for enhancements does NOT harden..and this is what hes famous for. they really do feel real! (dont ask me how I know this. lol) and offers support long after the surgery to clients in case they aren't satisfied for some reason

He believes that his clients are his advertisement, he does NOT even advertise, but his clients are so thrilled that he is spread around through word of mouth.
and he is very busy, getting a consultation (unless you were in an accident or something) will take on average 4 months...ya. hes busy lol

would I ever get plastic surgery? as in now? No. but hey, maybe someday!

Certain people go WAY too far. and yes, if you get it done enough and very often, it gets bad. 1-2 surgeries usually is fine, but there are people of course who take everything too far and end up looking like a mess.

My father will only do 2 cosmetic surgeries at time on a single person (this of course doesn't include those injured or disfigured in an accident) and I think its a good policy.

He keeps his face work limited. he has a friend who he refers clients looking for major face work too mostly, but his expertise is the body.

- Lyposuction
- breast enhancement
- breast reduction
- Booty enhancement (fat from your thighs..into your butt. reshape)
- Vaginal rejuvination (make everything all..tight again)
- Tummy tuck

I say right on! why not? its their money, and I think the when done correctly, these surgeries are an amazing way for somebody to improve something about themselves they don't like.
I watched a video of a young lady getting parts of her lady bits removed because her sister made fun of her genitals. Ugh. After that video I cringe at the thought of plastic surgery.

To each their own though. If you want it go for it. Your body, your choice. I some times question the motives behind a patient or a doctor but either way it`s up to the parties that are involved to make that choice. Not me.
I don't really care either way. if you want to have it done and you have the money that's your choice.
meh, its not my money or my body, I dont care what people do with themselves...

For the most part, agree with those two comments. ^^^

If that's what somebody wants and it's their own earned cash paying for it, then whatever. -==shrug==-

But agree that many celebrities and socialites go way too far -- and end up looking like aliens or worse. Anyone ever see Jocelyn Wildenstein? Supposedly she paid over 2 million dollars for many, many plastic surgeries ... only to end up looking like the female poster child of freaky, scary plastic surgeries. (Michael Jackson was the male poster child.) Google image search link for Jocelyn: jocelyn wildenstein - Google Search
I'm in the neutral camp. I think it's good that it's available, because some people need it and it's great that their lives can be improved by a gifted dr, but I think some people (like Heidi Montag) way over use it and end up looking worse.
OH yes I think those people that end up looking completely freaky are not just over using... they are ADDICTS and I think any reputable doctor should tell them NO MORE.

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