Oy, Fearful "agression" Insecure dog.. PLEASE help


Remembering Casey ♥
Mar 29, 2009
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I am at my wits end. I Really need help, Any help or advice is appreciated.

I need to Build keelys confidance with other people, and i am not sure how to do it She is fine with Family and such, but with other people. Shes terribly afraid, alothough she doesnt really have a reason to be afraid.

For example, on walks, when a person is in their yard, walking towards us, walking behind us etc, She freaks out. She Perks her ears up, Barks, growls And lunges at people. I cant do anything to get her to stop, I try putting her in the sit stay position, And plan on rewarding her when she ignore the person. But she wont listen to me. She keeps barking, growling, And keeping a very close eye on them.She watches them like a hawk. I try Keeping her behind me, so she isnt in front and "in control" But that doesnt work. I try giving her a quick correction, to turn her attention away from the person, But that also does not work, at all.

If i stop the person, and stand up next to them, she will tuck her tail and hide behind my legs. Sometimes she will start shaking uncontrolably, and sometimes she will let out a random bark or growl.. Alothough she has yet to show a sign of trying to nip at them or bite them.. She tries to avoid looking at them, she tries to avoid touching them in any way.

She does this in the car, if we are parked and mom is gone into the store, and somebody walks out of the store/into the store, or walks towards the car, she does the same thing.

I know that it is fear.

I just dont know what to do I should mention that i would Definatly consult a professional, but their is not a trainer to be found in central newfoundland. I have searched google, and have asked the local vets, but they havent heard of, one.

oops. I forgot to introduce us first:yikes: Keely is a Yorkshire terrier, She is my first dog, and i am 16 years old, And have been doing a pretty good job at being a first time "mommy' but with this, Im at a loss :(

Thanks in advance to anybody who responds..

Any questions or if you need more info on anything. Please feel free to ask
I try Keeping her behind me, so she isnt in front and "in control" But that doesnt work. I try giving her a quick correction, to turn her attention away from the person, But that also does not work, at all.

First off, stop thinking in terms of her being "in control". A dog being out in front isn't in control, he's simply out in front.

Second off, stop giving her corrections and stop turning her away from the person.

Stay within her comfort zone - don't get closer to a person than she's OK with. When there's a person in the distance, give her high value treats, play with her, do fun stuff. Gradually move closer as she's ready, always keeping it fun and rewarding her.

The idea is to build positive associations with scary things. People = yummy treats.
Welcome to Chaz :D

Yep what CP said! And if you can find some people to toss really yummy treats to her once she starts to gain confidence. Don't worry where she walks as long as its ok with you. (I actually like Dekka to walk in front of me. Then I can keep an eye on her and if we are walking say down town toronto there is less chance of her getting stepped on)

Make sure NOTHING bad happens when she sees a person. Stay calm, don't act angry (even if its embarrassing) Don't force her near the person at first. It might takes weeks for her to stay calm at a distance.
Thank You both.. I will try that. I thought that by giving her treats it would be rewarding her behaviour..

Thanks Alot !
Dogs don't act like that for sh1ts and giggles. That is the behaviour of an upset dog.

Think if you were stressed out and had a huge fear of clowns. If someone handed you a 50 ever time you saw a clown.. would that make you freak out more, or calm down and start HOPING to see clowns?
Thanks For clearing that up Dekka :)

Lizzy, I searched, But there wasnt even a trainer listed from my province, Let alone my area :(
Hmm its hard living on the Rock (I lived in Newfoundland as a child for a bit) Not much in the way of trainers.

I would get that book! And keep us updated on your progress.
I will Definatly Keep you updated..

But another thing i cant really make any sense out of..

When I first got her, It was summer, And I could bring her to the beach, Take her for walks around a pond with a board walk, Where there was a bunch of people, and she wouldnt make a sound. She was happy as a clam.
And I can bring her in stores with me, And she doesnt Make a peep, with people around, She doesnt Seem fearful At all, And there is certainly no Aggression. Its weird.
Thank You both.. I will try that. I thought that by giving her treats it would be rewarding her behaviour..

If she's behaving like that, take it as an indication that you've gotten too close and next time try to have more distance.
I will Definatly Keep you updated..

But another thing i cant really make any sense out of..

When I first got her, It was summer, And I could bring her to the beach, Take her for walks around a pond with a board walk, Where there was a bunch of people, and she wouldnt make a sound. She was happy as a clam.
And I can bring her in stores with me, And she doesnt Make a peep, with people around, She doesnt Seem fearful At all, And there is certainly no Aggression. Its weird.

How old is she? Did anything happen? Was there a change in her life or yours? Did something create a negative association? Has she been checked by a vet to rule out a medical cause? If she's still a puppy, it could be a fear period, in which case, as long as you keep things positive, she should come out of it.
How old is she? 11 months
Did anything happen? Nothing I can think of
Was there a change in her life or yours?No change

Did something create a negative association? No, I dont think soHas she been checked by a vet to rule out a medical cause? Yes, she has been vet checked
If she's still a puppy, it could be a fear period, in which case, as long as you keep things positive, she should come out of it.

I hope it is something she will come out of *fingerscrossed*

Thanks for your help
Did you ever take her to puppy obedience ??? I'm trying to figure out at what age you got her . From a breeder ???
Did you ever take her to puppy obedience ??? I'm trying to figure out at what age you got her . From a breeder ???

I got her at 16 weeks, from a reputable breeder.
As i have stated before, there are no Trainers or anything like that around here. So no, I did not take her to obediance. She knows Basic obediance and much more.
Just a thought...you might give the breeder a call and see what they think. When Tyr went through a fear period, the breeder said pretty much all the pups in his litter were going through a fear period at the same time. I have no idea if that's common ~ for all littermates to hit a fear period at the same time ~ but it was interesting.
Fear period is at eight weeks .... early socializing is very important . Wish I could help .
A good read is Click to Calm by Emma Parsons. There are good exersizes that you can practice - its deemed "healing the aggressive dog" but there is a lot of good information in there that could be helpful to your situation.
I would be careful with the treating/rewarding - I would not want to reward the nervous behavior ;)
Hopefully its a fear period! fingers crossed

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