I am at my wits end. I Really need help, Any help or advice is appreciated.
I need to Build keelys confidance with other people, and i am not sure how to do it She is fine with Family and such, but with other people. Shes terribly afraid, alothough she doesnt really have a reason to be afraid.
For example, on walks, when a person is in their yard, walking towards us, walking behind us etc, She freaks out. She Perks her ears up, Barks, growls And lunges at people. I cant do anything to get her to stop, I try putting her in the sit stay position, And plan on rewarding her when she ignore the person. But she wont listen to me. She keeps barking, growling, And keeping a very close eye on them.She watches them like a hawk. I try Keeping her behind me, so she isnt in front and "in control" But that doesnt work. I try giving her a quick correction, to turn her attention away from the person, But that also does not work, at all.
If i stop the person, and stand up next to them, she will tuck her tail and hide behind my legs. Sometimes she will start shaking uncontrolably, and sometimes she will let out a random bark or growl.. Alothough she has yet to show a sign of trying to nip at them or bite them.. She tries to avoid looking at them, she tries to avoid touching them in any way.
She does this in the car, if we are parked and mom is gone into the store, and somebody walks out of the store/into the store, or walks towards the car, she does the same thing.
I know that it is fear.
I just dont know what to do I should mention that i would Definatly consult a professional, but their is not a trainer to be found in central newfoundland. I have searched google, and have asked the local vets, but they havent heard of, one.
oops. I forgot to introduce us first:yikes: Keely is a Yorkshire terrier, She is my first dog, and i am 16 years old, And have been doing a pretty good job at being a first time "mommy' but with this, Im at a loss
Thanks in advance to anybody who responds..
Any questions or if you need more info on anything. Please feel free to ask
I need to Build keelys confidance with other people, and i am not sure how to do it She is fine with Family and such, but with other people. Shes terribly afraid, alothough she doesnt really have a reason to be afraid.
For example, on walks, when a person is in their yard, walking towards us, walking behind us etc, She freaks out. She Perks her ears up, Barks, growls And lunges at people. I cant do anything to get her to stop, I try putting her in the sit stay position, And plan on rewarding her when she ignore the person. But she wont listen to me. She keeps barking, growling, And keeping a very close eye on them.She watches them like a hawk. I try Keeping her behind me, so she isnt in front and "in control" But that doesnt work. I try giving her a quick correction, to turn her attention away from the person, But that also does not work, at all.
If i stop the person, and stand up next to them, she will tuck her tail and hide behind my legs. Sometimes she will start shaking uncontrolably, and sometimes she will let out a random bark or growl.. Alothough she has yet to show a sign of trying to nip at them or bite them.. She tries to avoid looking at them, she tries to avoid touching them in any way.
She does this in the car, if we are parked and mom is gone into the store, and somebody walks out of the store/into the store, or walks towards the car, she does the same thing.
I know that it is fear.
I just dont know what to do I should mention that i would Definatly consult a professional, but their is not a trainer to be found in central newfoundland. I have searched google, and have asked the local vets, but they havent heard of, one.
oops. I forgot to introduce us first:yikes: Keely is a Yorkshire terrier, She is my first dog, and i am 16 years old, And have been doing a pretty good job at being a first time "mommy' but with this, Im at a loss

Thanks in advance to anybody who responds..
Any questions or if you need more info on anything. Please feel free to ask