Myspace suicide, there's an indictment!

There are so many phonies and nutcases on the internet there it isn't funny. I hope there is a special - very warm - place in hell for people who are deliberately cruel to kids on the internet. If that woman has any decency she'll feel like a heel for the rest of her life.
about damned time... ive seen this story everywhere and im happy someone is finally going to do something to her... it drove me mad that the authorities kept saying there's no precedent for this so they don't know how to charge her. I hope i can get the video working though...
Is this the one where the mom knew what was going on and was like oh well..
Good. I hope she spends the rest of her life behind bars, and her after life on her knees in hot coals. -_-
Is this the one where the mom knew what was going on and was like oh well..

I think this was the one where the mom was the one orchestrating the whole thing. :(

Agree with everyone else here. She should be held accountable for her actions!
Although this woman's behavior is reprihensible, vile, and bizarre, what they are charging her with is pretty, well, scary . . .for everyone.

Instead of explaining why, since I need to get to work, I'll just post a linkie:

Now, what I don't get is why they aren't trying harassment . . . and I certainly hope that the girl's family is talking to a lawyer about filing suit . . . because they have a pretty good civil case.
Hey Lilavati...they just convicted a woman here of manslaughter whe she didn't kill anyone. All she did was cry RAPE when with her lover and her dh shot the man dead. They convicted her, because her actions led directly to the death of another person...I thought that was stretching it...but this isn't that different is it? IMO this crime is MUCH worse than the other.

BTW the dh did not get any convictions or anything...he's a free man...even tho he shot someone dead.
That is an interesting article you posted, Lilavati. I found this quote particularly interesting:

Since everyone who uses computers violates dozens of different TOS every day, the theory would make everyone who uses computers a felon
I agree that what she did was reprehensible--but I guess I don't understand how she could be tried for murder/manslaughter. I agree with harassment--but beyond that I am not sure. I mean it was contrived--which is the sickest part--but I think it's a fine line between harassment and forcing this girl to kill herself. So if you read a bad book or something bad online and are under age and kill yourself because of it you could sue the author? I understand this was a personal attack and that is why it was harassment but beyond that?
So if a terrible parent yells "you should never have been born!" in anger at a kid--and the kid takes their life--it is the parents fault? What about real life relationships between minors--if the kids are both 15 and the male tells the female "I hate you go die" then he is responsible for her possible suicide?
Tina Meier has acknowledged Megan was too young to have a MySpace account under the Web site's guidelines, but she said she had been able to closely monitor the account. Meier's family has also acknowledged that Megan was also sending mean messages before her death.

I'm sorry... but if some guy would send my 13 year old daughter sexual messages.... !!! I'm not trying to put blame on the parents.... but I don't think you can call that close monitoring!

I'm not sure what to think of the indictment. I mean, I think it's good that Drew isn't getting away.... but where will it lead for the rest of us? Kinda scary.
GB read what I posted about the woman who was found guilty of manslaughter. You needn't apparently be the one that KILLS a person to be the cause of their death.
GB read what I posted about the woman who was found guilty of manslaughter. You needn't apparently be the one that KILLS a person to be the cause of their death.

No. But you do have to know, or have reason to know, that your actions might cause their death. Telling your outraged, armed husband that a particular man raped you may be pushing it, but I can see how a jury could feel that she should have known she was putting that man's life in very serious danger.

What this woman did, though disgusting, isn't quite the same. I can't honestly say that she should have known the girl might kill herself. Oh, the idea might have crossed her mind, but teenage girls are rejected every day and the vast majority of them survive the experience. What she did was very wrong, but saying she should have known the girl would kill herself only barely passes the "giggle test." Saying, however, that she intended to inflict emotional distress, and that she was harassing, even stalking this girl . . . that flies.
I imagine it is very hard in any case to say what or whom, is responsible for someone killing themselves. I haven't read the actual text of the messages...but if there is anything in there about "why don't you just die" or osme variant (not hard to imagine actually given the way some people talk on MySpace) I'd imagine that'd be very damning.

Have they released the message content yet? Anyone know?

If this girl had read the messages and distraught run out into traffic...and been struck by a car and died...would things be different? I mean you KNOW she was going to be upset...she wasn't going to be happy...and but for your actions...she would not have run like that...

It's interesting...and sad...IMO but for their actions this girl would be alive..and that to me, mean something should happen to the people responsible...something.
They released the entire contents of the messages a few months back. It makes you realize that just because some people get older, doesn't mean that they're grown up.
I think there was something said along the lines of "You shouldn't be on this earth" Or "You shouldn't exist"

I can't even imagine all the possible lawsuits and indictments if everyone who said crap like this got charged with people who committed suicide.

There oftentimes can be something that 'causes' suicide--a bad divorce, a horrible boss, a bad relationship with parents or siblings--but none of these things--even if the spouse or parent or sister or boss yelled "why do you exist!" or "go off yourself for all I care" are responsible--or are they?
My Mother always taught me to own what I say...and think before I speak.

I do know telling someone you will do something to them is an offense in the eyes of the law...I supposed that's as it should be (?)

Telling someone they should die or kill pretty hardcore to me..."drop dead"...I've never said that as I recall. Part of that is that I am superstitous and really...what if they DID die?

Hard to say...and really..perhaps if the woman is NOT found guilty or it gets completely thrown out that's as it should be, too. I really just know that she is scum...and should pay in some fashion. I think Lilavati mentioned civil perhaps losing all her money is punishment enough, who knows.

It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

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