My dog is refusing to eat for past 2 days


New Member
Dec 29, 2016
She is an Indian combai Will turn 1 year coming Jan.. For the past few days she is refusing to eat her food.. tried changing her food she managed eating but she demands what we eat... For the last 2 days she is not eating at all.. but she is asking from our plates.. any advice? ?
(We never give her our food Ince it's overloaded with spices..)
Have you tried giving her food first before you eat. This usually helps with dogs that want to eat from your plate.

As for loss of appetite, what are you feeding her before and what did you change to? Loss of appetite can just mean she is a picky eater or can be a medical problem. If you feed her treats, try reducing those and make sure you stick to a regular feeding schedule.
I don't think there is any harm in giving dogs the food that humans eat (except some like chocolate, cooked bone, etc) . For some days make her eat human food then slowly you can switch her food.

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