I'm probably one of the only people in the world who never heard this word until yesterday. Anyway, it refers to male body grooming, mainly the trimming or removal of excess body hair on the back, chest, armpits, down south, wherever. I also know a few guys who shave their arms and legs to make their muscles look bigger. It seems to be getting more and more mainstream lately.
What are your thoughts? Do you like it? Not like it? Think it's creepy?
I'm all for it in moderation. Yes gentlemen, please ditch the back hair. Some of those male caterpillar eyebrows really need to go away, too. I'm not against some chest hair, but I do admit that a smooth chest is nice. But I dunno...unless he has the body hair of a wookie, the whole shaving of arms and legs on a guy is a bit overboard for me. I kinda expect my guy to be at least a *little* hairier than I am, LOL.
What are your thoughts? Do you like it? Not like it? Think it's creepy?
I'm all for it in moderation. Yes gentlemen, please ditch the back hair. Some of those male caterpillar eyebrows really need to go away, too. I'm not against some chest hair, but I do admit that a smooth chest is nice. But I dunno...unless he has the body hair of a wookie, the whole shaving of arms and legs on a guy is a bit overboard for me. I kinda expect my guy to be at least a *little* hairier than I am, LOL.