
How do you feel about male body hair removal/grooming?

  • Love it! Itsaboutdamntime men cleaned up!

    Votes: 17 36.2%
  • Hate it. A man should be a man.

    Votes: 6 12.8%
  • It depends.

    Votes: 18 38.3%
  • I'd post a food option, but it seems weird in a poll about body hair.

    Votes: 6 12.8%

  • Total voters


Walks into Mordor
Aug 12, 2005
I'm probably one of the only people in the world who never heard this word until yesterday. :rolleyes: Anyway, it refers to male body grooming, mainly the trimming or removal of excess body hair on the back, chest, armpits, down south, wherever. I also know a few guys who shave their arms and legs to make their muscles look bigger. It seems to be getting more and more mainstream lately.

What are your thoughts? Do you like it? Not like it? Think it's creepy?

I'm all for it in moderation. Yes gentlemen, please ditch the back hair. Some of those male caterpillar eyebrows really need to go away, too. I'm not against some chest hair, but I do admit that a smooth chest is nice. But I dunno...unless he has the body hair of a wookie, the whole shaving of arms and legs on a guy is a bit overboard for me. I kinda expect my guy to be at least a *little* hairier than I am, LOL.
IMO legs and arms are taking it a bit too far...

I dont like a forest "down there" so manscaping (by that I mean trimming it up) is a plus lol...

I dont like hairy backs either, the only hair I really like is a TINY bit of chest hair on a man
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A little manscaping is good, but it can easily go overboard and I too would prefer that my guy be a least a bit hairier than me. LOL I don't need the pressure to keep up with an extreme manscaper! DH is furry, but keeps things in check and that's all I ask really.
Manscaping in moderation is fine. Back hair is gross, but shaving arms and legs is gross. Chest hair doesn't gross me out. Naked junk is kind of weird, but trimming doesn't hurt. Waxing and Nair-ing kind of weirds me out, lol. Guys are supposed to have hair.
I've been going bald for over 10 years now. I'll keep whatever hair I can grow no matter where it is.
Pubes MUST be trimmed and body hair maintained nicely. I love hairy arms and moderate legs and I adore a hairy chest. Pubes, they must be streamline.
If a guy takes of his shirt and still looks like he is wearing a hair-sweater it is really time for him to get familiar with the methods of controlling excess body-hair.

I am not a fan of the big, hairy, manly man type :D This is why my better half is the sexy geek type ;)
If a guy takes of his shirt and still looks like he is wearing a hair-sweater it is really time for him to get familiar with the methods of controlling excess body-hair.

muahahahahahahah :rofl1::rofl1: exactly...
I don't know how to answer this

trimmed up... fine

but if Brian ever came home and said "Hey baby... I MANscaped for you" I'd probably die laughing. that is the stupidest word LOL and if a guy actually said it to me I'd be so turned off lol
Yeah , I have a full blooded italian and he is HAIRY!! He does trim the lower some and that is it. I would be horrified to see him shave any arm/leg/chest/back hair off. I love the crinkly feeling of it against my skin.

His favorite saying is "I am losing my hair on my head and it is falling on my body and taking root"! lol
Some guys take it too far. I don't like guys to look like they're 12 again.

Oh, and for the guys reading this, shaving your initials or pictures into your hairy nether regions is not attractive. If that's not enough, just think of the word "facebook". Ok? Ok.
I keep my chest and back clean of hair but generally leave the rest of my body alone. *I* think it's gross so....

As for "down there", Statue of David trim is the way to go. :P
Hubby's pretty hairy naturally, and he shaved like... EVERYTHING but his arms and legs a couple of weeks ago. He though I'd like it... I hated it. I like his face smooth and his hair in his normal high and tight, but I begged him to please, please, PLEASE let the rest grow back!!!
I keep my chest and back clean of hair but generally leave the rest of my body alone. *I* think it's gross so....

As for "down there", Statue of David trim is the way to go. :P

Or you could just trim in the shape of a fig leaf :rofl1:

The last mistake shaved his testicles. Ummm . . . no, then they're just stickery, like cockleburrs. :rolleyes:
back & 'down there' MUST be manscaped. But all other hair should stay. Unless you have a unibrow. then manscape that too.
OMFG, you guys make me laugh SO HARD.

I like "less hairy" guys. Steven is naturally not very hairy. Chest hair is gross. Back hair is even worse. :p

And snorting forest is never my idea of a good time.
I don't like unibrows and im not a big fan of body hair. DH naturally has no back hair and only a small.amount of hair on his chest. He mostly just has the happy trail hair going down his lower stomach. I do not like arms, legs or pits shaved on a guy but I do like down there trimmed some but not shaved.
And snorting forest is never my idea of a good time.

Holy buckets that made me laugh. But seriously....not a good time. LOL. Matt's not very hairy which is good as I'm not a huge fan of back or chest hair. As long as the nether regions are trimmed I have no complaints. :p

I don't think I've ever heard it called manscaping really doesn't sound very manly. :lol-sign:

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