Lots of pee


Ontario BSL rescue
Dec 22, 2009
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Oh, Canada!
My brand-new, seven-week-old puppy just urinated three times in about a minute. She was sleeping, whimpered, and peed next to her bed. I immediately took her outside -- I may have interrupted the first pee with my "NO!" -- and she peed two more times. Does this seem normal or excessive?
If she was whimpering and you were scolding her, she might have been urinating just out of fear.
However, keep an eye out. Like Kat pointed out, excessive urination can be a sign of a UTI. Has anything similar happened before or after?
I do not scold her for accidents. She is too young to be scolded. I will say NO! when she squats in an inappropriate spot, though. Sometimes she will whimper when she needs to go out, especially if she is penned in the bathroom. This time she whimpered *as* she woke up. Then she peed.
I do not scold her for accidents. She is too young to be scolded. I will say NO! when she squats in an inappropriate spot, though. Sometimes she will whimper when she needs to go out, especially if she is penned in the bathroom. This time she whimpered *as* she woke up. Then she peed.

Ever wet the bed as a kid? At this age it really is A for effort. She doesn't have much control at this stage of the game.
I am not concerned that she has accidents. I am concerned about the fact that she peed three times in rapid succession.
I do not scold her for accidents. She is too young to be scolded. I will say NO! when she squats in an inappropriate spot, though. Sometimes she will whimper when she needs to go out, especially if she is penned in the bathroom. This time she whimpered *as* she woke up. Then she peed.
Saying "NO!" to me is scolding, but I didn't mean to sound like you were being "mean." I do, however, think a seven week old puppy being potty trained needs less of "NO!" and more of being taken out religiously and not getting any scolding, for she is far too young to control herself. It's just wasted effort if you're trying to make an impression, because until she can control her body, she will have more accidents, as is evidenced by the fact she woke up, immediately whimpered, then peed.
The point of my post wasn't to criticize, just to point out a possibility, however likely or unlikely, she might have urinated after being scolded.
Saying "NO!" to me is scolding, but I didn't mean to sound like you were being "mean." I do, however, think a seven week old puppy being potty trained needs less of "NO!" and more of being taken out religiously and not getting any scolding, for she is far too young to control herself. It's just wasted effort if you're trying to make an impression, because until she can control her body, she will have more accidents, as is evidenced by the fact she woke up, immediately whimpered, then peed.
The point of my post wasn't to criticize, just to point out a possibility, however likely or unlikely, she might have urinated after being scolded.

Yeah, this. I've never scolded a dog for peeing on the floor. I'll pick them up, plop them outside, and say "go pee".

Constantly supervise and take her out more often. Praise her (lots of praise and treats) when she pees in the right spot.

Taking her to the vet to have a UTI ruled out isn't a bad idea either if you're worried about her peeing multiple times in a row.
I agree with Jessie. When a pup is young, take them out after eating, napping, sleeping, drinking water, and every 2 hours even if they don't have to go. We did this for 2 weeks straight and got the pup trained so quickly. I know this isn't feasible for all but one of us was home all the time so we could do this.

If you see the pup going to pee or poop, pick them up, bring them outside, and I always say "good pee or good poop" when they go. Yes, you're neighbors will think you're crazy when they hear you saying this, but that's what love is all about!
I understand your concern to be the number of times she peed in such a short interval of time. Most likely she just had a full bladder and didn't wake up in time to let you know she had to go out. Was interrupted on the way out the door. And sometimes with a full bladder as a puppy, there can be an "Oh wait there's still more" feeling after going pee. So she just finished evacuating her bladder.

But if it is happening often, then (as others have mentioned) a trip to the vet is necessary just to be sure everything is ok.
It's normal for puppies but you need to feed them 2 hours before going to bed. I take my puppies every 2 hours as well outside to pee.

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