Is a good home too much to ask for?


Chihuahua Power!
Oct 3, 2006
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Central Florida
So we've been trying to find a home for our foster dog. Anyway, some guy contacted us today saying that his chihuahua just died. He had a wife who was home all day, and 3 kids. It sounded promising.

We pulled up to his house, and he was shirtless drinking a can of beer. We thought it was possibly his lawn guy (since he told Ian that at 7pm the lawn guys would be over). Nope, it was the guy interested in Noob (foster dog). We went inside, and he had 2 little kids wearing just diapers and dirty t-shirts. His very pregnant wife (who wasn't wearing much in the way of clothing), was sitting on the computer playing video games and looked PISSED. He told us some skeezy story about how he had adopted a pregnant deformed chihuahua and gave it back and was threatening to be sued (I couldn't follow the story too well...). He also pretended to be a chihuahua expert (using such terms as "teacup," saying that 2 separated dogs always died from heartbreak, and the like). He asked his wife several times what she thought, and she kept saying in an angry tone "don't ask me!" Noob was wandering around the house, and found some old pieces of corn and cookies, and a BIG dustball (we honestly thought it was a mouse at first). We were asking $50 as an adoption fee, and the guy asked "what could we do about lowering the fee!" He asked about where we took him to the vet, and said it was the most expensive vet office in the area and asked us why we went there (and the vet office isn't even expensive... it's like $40 for an office visit and it's a holistic vet!).

So yeah, needless to say that we left and said NO. We've already had this dog for 4 months... we can keep him for as long as necessary.
I hope that guy gets tired of looking for a dog and doesn't end up with one...
oh see. Here, its so easy to find a good home. All you have to do is put an ad in the paper that says "chihuahua, $50, GOOD HOME ONLY"
The BYB's have been doing it for years, it must work because they never seem to have to take pups back, Its like an automatic things, the idiots just don't respond to the ad I guess

But seriously, I hop eNoob finds a home soon :)
I know, it's so frustrating. Ahh. I've had him for 4 months now, so I'm being really protective and picky about where he goes. He's a great dog, and I would definitely consider keeping him if I could.
Then... keep him! :)

No seriously, it's frustrating, isn't it? I don't know why some people even try to get a dog... :mad:
I know. I am having a hard time finding a home for Cargo. All the people who want him, make me go 'umm NO!'
I know. I am having a hard time finding a home for Cargo. All the people who want him, make me go 'umm NO!'


Ack I'd definitely want Cargo... but... I'm sooooooooo not ready for the JRT experience yet lol. I love them... but not ready to take on the task of one...
I just seriously can't believe that some of these people even think that I'm going to hand a dog over to them.

Our foster is probably 6-8 years old, and has had a far from stable home life (microchip registers back to the Tampa SPCA 5 years ago with a couple of different owners registered through it). I just want him to have a stable forever home, for once.
Our foster just got adopted and we have had her since last september:p

the best call may have been the one were our male rescue contact called this girl back and her bf started screaming that no other men had the right to call his girl:yikes:

Or the one with the girl who had four unaltered dogs she could not control so she wanted to get one that was already fixed so it would be good but we had to hurry and bring it over that night before her boyfriend got back into town because he didn't want another dog. and it was a puppy right because she wanted a puppy even though the add said two years old:o

You meet some nutty people doing rescue-some great ones to but some of them just needed smacked!
We found a great home for our last foster a couple of years ago. I still keep in touch with the woman who adopted her. I'm just hoping that I can find a good home like that for this one!

Joce, I'm afraid that's how it's going to be with this dog! I'll keep him for as long as I need to, though.

Everyone who has shown interest in adopting him just haven't worked out thus far. One woman who sounded PERFECT ended up buying another dog before we went to meet her. That was frustrating. Then there are the people who think that $50 is a completely unreasonable adoption fee (even though we got him utd on his rabies vaccine- 3 year, heartworm tested and he's on Interceptor, he's on Frontline Plus, not to mention he has a full bag of food, collar, etc).

He's good with other dogs, kids, good on a leash... he's just a well behaved little dog. I hope that we find someone decent to adopt him soon!
Jessie, when I've rescued and re-homed in the past I've gotten the phone call of "I'm looking for a guard dog. This one sends me right through the roof and results in me saying "Sorry, I have nothing for you." and immediately hanging up on them.

The last round of rescues that I had here were a group that came from a guy that was breeding to support his meth habit. There was one adult male, one 12m male, two adult females, one 18m female, and two 6 week old puppies (rottweilers), 7 in total. Out of my pocket, all were spayed/neutered, vaccinated, rabies, microchipped, and one of the adult females, the 18m female, and the 12m male all needed addition medical attention and/or surgeries. The vet bills came to just over 2k and that is with discounted spayes and neuters and me doing the vaccinations myself. The only thing that I asked for in lue of re-homing fee was that the perspective adopters reimburse me for the spay/neuter cost only. I thought that this was a reasonable request, but you wouldn't believe how many people questioned it or just flat out didn't think they should have to pay it. They had the attitude that giving this 'unwanted' dog a home should be good enough. Needless to say, those people were turned down.

One thing about rescuing and fostering, one has to be prepared to keep the dog should the right home not present itself. That is one reason that I have not had and rescues in residence for a while. I just don't have the room
I would love to find a good home for a yelow lab male we have had for over a year. He is a good dog but everyone wants puppies then they don't like the fact that he is neutered. UHHHHGGGGGG people drive me CRAZY!
I was casually looking for a home for Porter (but we will keep him first to teach him some manners ;) ) and this one girl keeps emailing me how much she wants him...

I felt giddy saying they could have him for free... so I said his adoption fee is $25 dollars which go to a local bully breed rescue. Well... she says that her and her husband can't come up with the $25 but they want a puppy anyway. Umm. Yeah. Right.
You meet some nutty people doing rescue-some great ones to but some of them just needed smacked!

OMG that is so true!!!!!!!!!!! I have often wondered how many Rescue people have almost gone in sane from dealing with these crack jobs. And sadly, when the 'good' ones do come along, they are put off from the hardness/coldness that is sometimes hard to hide at first. And the 'good' ones always seem to call just after the Rescuer has just dealt with the crack pot.

When I was doing Jrt Rescue full time and the only Rep for Ontario it was nuts. I had a guy go apes**t on me, because I didn't return his phone that day (I was in the city picking up a rescue puppy), called him back the next day.
His severely SA Jrt had just destroyed sofa (get this) number 5!!!!!!!!!!! And after 5 sofa's and 7 years with an SA unneutered dog, he now wanted to get rid of it. His second b***h was how dare we ask for fee to take the dog into Rescue and to cover the expenses of the neuter. Shame on Rescue for that, huh?
Good Grief.

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