Index of Pet Rescues


Dec 20, 2003
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Where the selas blooms
It's occured to me, after Smkie's experience with Fido Finder, that a thread indexing reputable, ethical pet finder/rescue sites would be a good resource.

I'll sticky this thread, and you start posting links to sites, along with any personal experiences you might have with them.
petfinder is a great resource if you are wanting a pet. It has a good database of rescue groups and shelters. It has good name recognition aparently. fidofinder is also doing a good service. Like many of the sites out there they push registering your dog with them. That can work but if I remember right it was pretty dependent
on zip-code. Many of their options are fee based such as uploading a photo, length of time your missing dog is posted is based upon the reward amount you are offering of which fidofinder gets a modest cut upon being reunited. This dollar amount is public and grants you more exposure on their website. Right or wrong, most sites warn against publishing a dollar amount. Only recently did fidofinder include the pet's gender in the listings (thanks to me! :) ) but it could be more helpful as a search option. Their thought was a person missing a pug would check out all pugs. Probably. It makes it easier and more likely for someone finding a dog to get involved and stay involved.
petdetective in my oppinion has the most user friendly set-up. It has a very easy to use (and thorough) search. Their alert options(fee-based) are noteworthy. Though they rely on shelters, vets, or rescue groups registering their organizations, it seems to be the only pro-active measure out there as far as looking for your lost dog is concerned. I have had some contacts from rescue groups trying to reunite me and my missing dog through this site as well as being notified when ever a possible match has been posted.The staff sent me a listing of known organizations in my state who were not registered with them. is another site but I'm less familiar with them. I'm registered, and like most of the good sites they offer a secure method of being contacted, just haven't found their privacy option they tout yet. This is a plus with any site as I have been spammed without mercy. There are a lot of sites trying various ways to help and when you are missing a dear friend, you will take advantage of any help offered.
I had started a thread earlier under rescues regarding help sites. There are many. That can be seen as good or inefficient. My searches for those sites led me to this forum as I am sure it will others, so I think it is very important to get the names of the ones who do it well out there. When someone finds a dog they will know where to go.
here's my local one...

they specialize in "difficult" dogs that either came from abused situations or are on the 'hard to adopt' list aka pits, dobies, ect. they do a ton of rehab and training before they start looking for forever homes.

We were going to adopt from them before we got the pups, but none of the dogs that they had got along with cats.
Here one for PA, NJ and surroundin area.
This is the rescue I work w/ we are on petfinders. We get most of our dogs from PACCA in the city. Most are on doggy death row. PACCA is a very very bad place and we try to save as many as we can. If we won the lottery my husband and I would buy a place to be a kennel just to save more dogs until we find them homes... until then we try to save them 1 life at a time.
The Delaware Puppy Rescue :

I got Tips from them. They mostly pull puppies and some older dogs from kill shelters, their only problem is the lack of room :(

They are also affiliated with two other rescues, and when you want to see a dog from the other ones, they bring them up for you. They are located in Delaware, but get lots of puppies (and older dogs) from Virginia, to Pennsylvania or even New Jersey.
Aussie Rescue --the official page of the ARPH rescue. These are the people I got Sawyer through. They get their dogs from both private referrals and pulling from shelters. --associated with ARPH and various regional Aussie rescue operations. Same as above but on a larger scale.
I live in Ontario Canada and we adopted two retired racing greyhounds through GRA Canada.They are located just outside of London Ontario and they are wonderful people who do alot to help to rescue as many greyhounds as the can!
Poodle Rescue of New England - They rescue and re-home poodles (all three sizes) in the New England area. I've submitted my applications for fostering with them a while ago and in a little over a week from today I will be getting my home visit. If all goes well we will be welcoming our first foster. :)
Actually, to find a national database for all breeds that the rescues and shelters tie into, it's

(not .com -- which leads you to a bunch of commercial junk)

Golden Retriever Rescue in Indiana

Golden Retriever REscue in S. Indiana and N. Kentuck

Lab rescue in Indiana and Illinois

Lab rescue in Indiana
Luv A Dog is a rescue for larger breeds out of Indianapolis, Indiana. No website to my knowledge, but contact info is:

Christina [email protected]

They also need foster homes...

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