How does a 4.0 student not understand the word 'illegal'?


Thanks, and Gig 'em.
Oct 29, 2005
Girl who came to U.S. illegally can't get loans -

An illegal immigrant with a 4.09 (grade inflation) GPA was accepted at UC Berkley, and is now upset that we won't foot the bill for her because she's an illegal immigrant.

How exactly do you get a 4.09 GPA and not understand this concept? If she has that kind of scores (legit, scores, meaning she actually learned something) then she should have no problems becoming an actual citizen.

The self-entitlement of illegal immigrants absolutely astounds me. If I went to their country, demanding they pay for my education, I'd be laughed at and promptly deported. But here it's different? Because we're a melting pot? No one has any problems with legal immigration (well, I'm sure someone does...). I wanted to go to Edinburgh for a bit, I would have jumped through the hoops and gone there legally, not just stowed away on the first boat and gone 'pay me, bitches!'

Also, she could've transferred as a foreign exchange student. Mexico DOES have universities, or so I hear. Or, she could've had her government foot the bill in exchange for 3 years of servitude and then she's free. They'll do that over there.

Arizona has the right idea, and I hope more states follow up. This **** is getting ridiculous.
Arizona's law is crap. It's poorly written and I am sooo glad we don't live there anymore and that my daughter will not be growing up there.

Though I do agree with you about illegal girl expecting a free ride. That is also crap.
Arizona's law is crap. It's poorly written and I am sooo glad we don't live there anymore and that my daughter will not be growing up there.

Though I do agree with you about illegal girl expecting a free ride. That is also crap.

Agreed. Except I still do live in Arizona.
Note she was brought here when she was 8. She grew up here. She probably thinks of herself as American. They've been trying for years to pass a law so that these kids can stay here and go to school (though perhaps not get loans). Keep in mind that SHE didn't break any laws (except that she hasn't left) her family did. From her perspective, this is her home.

And actually, its quite likely that she can not stay or become a citizen. She's taking a huge risk letting her name be published.

As for Arizonia's law, please do not get me started. Even if you have no sympathy for the illegals (and for most of the ones who came here as adults, well, they know the risks) you might want to think of the many legal residents and citizens of Arizonia who happen to be Hispanic or part Hispanic. Like, perhaps, my mother in law, my brother in law, and my sisters in law.
True that SHE didn't break any laws, but the answer is rewarding the children of the law breakers? What kind of message is that?

Here's something I've mentioned before, but I feel it has bearing again.

When Zac was in first/second grade he had troubles pronouncing his R's (and still does to an extent) At first grade conference, his teacher mentioned this and we discussed it. She said if she could show it was affecting his grades, he could be placed in speech class at no charge. (otherwise, it was quite expensive) That was not possible because he makes excellent grades. So, no speech class for Zac, we just work on it at home like we always have.

Now lets talk about all the illegal children in our schools here, yes, we aren't out west, but they are here just the same. They start school not even speaking english (different ages, we aren't only talking about small children) They get placed in the ENL (english as a new language) class free of charge. They are on free lunch, free book rental (the state -or we-furnish all that) more than likely free health care and food assistance as well.

We aren't supposed to be upset about any of that? We are supposed to smile and pay for their college as well? *shakes head* No, I can tell you I WAS upset at what they wanted to charge me for speech class considering all the other things I've just mentioned.
True that SHE didn't break any laws, but the answer is rewarding the children of the law breakers? What kind of message is that?

Here's something I've mentioned before, but I feel it has bearing again.

When Zac was in first/second grade he had troubles pronouncing his R's (and still does to an extent) At first grade conference, his teacher mentioned this and we discussed it. She said if she could show it was affecting his grades, he could be placed in speech class at no charge. (otherwise, it was quite expensive) That was not possible because he makes excellent grades. So, no speech class for Zac, we just work on it at home like we always have.

Now lets talk about all the illegal children in our schools here, yes, we aren't out west, but they are here just the same. They start school not even speaking english (different ages, we aren't only talking about small children) They get placed in the ENL (english as a new language) class free of charge. They are on free lunch, free book rental (the state -or we-furnish all that) more than likely free health care and food assistance as well.

We aren't supposed to be upset about any of that? We are supposed to smile and pay for their college as well? *shakes head* No, I can tell you I WAS upset at what they wanted to charge me for speech class considering all the other things I've just mentioned.

You have every right to be upset. Although I think immigrant children should be allowed to go to school, they should not get benefits AHEAD of the children of citizens and legal residents. But I do not think children should be punished for the acts of their parents. And these are hypothetical "illegal children" they are real children, and for the ones who grew up here, they are as American as you or I.

There's no easy answer to this situation. I don't claim that. But I do wish people would have enough compassion to see it from her point of view . . .she didn't do anything wrong, or ask to be in this situation. This is her life, and, for all intents and purposes, this is her home. She has been pursuing the American dream . . . the only difference is that she was not born here.

I've worked very closely with a pro bono client in something of the same mess . . . it makes you understand that "illegals" are real people, and their children, in particular, are caught in a horrible situation . . . between the wrongful acts of their parents and the contempt of society. I would very much like to see a program that lets smart, successful, hardworking kids like her stay here and earn their citizenship . . . and for that matter be able to get loans, perhaps at a different rate. Right now, its very likely that this article will start a chain of events that will get her deported . . . to a country she probably barely remembers.
Such a shame that her parents put her in this situation .
California ALREADY has tuition for their community college offered to illegals at residential rates. I'm sorry if community college isn't good enough for her. So she can't come up with the tuition for berkley.............join TONS of LEGAL CITIZENS in the same boat lady! LOL
California ALREADY has tuition for their community college offered to illegals at residential rates. I'm sorry if community college isn't good enough for her. So she can't come up with the tuition for berkley.............join TONS of LEGAL CITIZENS in the same boat lady! LOL

If she worked her butt off to get into Berkeley, I really hope that girl finds a way to be able to attend.

As someone who grew up very close to the border and attended an elementary school that was a large population illegal (and a larger population Mexican immigrants), it has never seemed fair to me that your life is determined at birth by which side of an imaginary line you are born on. People are people. I don't care where you're born.
Such a shame that her parents put her in this situation .

I'm sure they thought it was best for her. From the article:

When she was 8 years old, her family fled the crime and violence of their hometown in Jalisco, Mexico.

Two of her relatives were kidnapped and murdered, and when the family stopped at her uncle's house in Tijuana before illegally entering the United States, he warned them not to go near the windows because of the frequent shootings in the neighborhood.

Castro cannot forget the stories told by childhood friends in Mexico, who spoke of the dead bodies they would see in cars after a bloody street battle.

"It's not something a child should have to see," she said.

It is *such* a complicated issue, and I wish people were more open-minded about the inherent grey areas.
and for the ones who grew up here, they are as American as you or I.

I kind of have to disagree with this...or at least for almost every child of an illegal immigrant I have ever met...whether born here or brought over as a child...They wanted to only speak Spanish and fly their Mexican flags, not even next to an American one...just happy with their Mexican flag only.

They don't know why they are here, and they aren't appreciative of the opportunities they have in America...they all want to talk about how great Mexico is and fly their Mexican flags...but if it's so great, then they should go back and live there.

I am sure there are SOME that are glad to be American...but MANY of them are not
I kind of have to disagree with this...or at least for almost every child of an illegal immigrant I have ever met...whether born here or brought over as a child...They wanted to only speak Spanish and fly their Mexican flags, not even next to an American one...just happy with their Mexican flag only.

They don't know why they are here, and they aren't appreciative of the opportunities they have in America...they all want to talk about how great Mexico is and fly their Mexican flags...but if it's so great, then they should go back and live there.

I am sure there are SOME that are glad to be American...but MANY of them are not

How many have you met? Because I've met thousands, and most are SUPER patriotic.

One thing anglo people don't understand about hispanic culture (and I didn't either until I married into a hispanic family) is that celebrations are HUGE HUGE HUGE. The cultural attitude is to work your bootay off, and then look for any excuse to have a big huge family get together and party it down. THAT is why you see so many hispanic people throwing a giant Cinco de Mayo party. Not because they are Mexican Patriots, but because they like to hang out and drink with friends and relatives when they aren't working.

For what it's worth, the 4th of July elicits a pretty humongous celebration as well. :p Heck, even getting a new roommate is reason for a giant celebration (with old roommate invited of course).
How many have you met? Because I've met thousands, and most are SUPER patriotic.

One thing anglo people don't understand about hispanic culture (and I didn't either until I married into a hispanic family) is that celebrations are HUGE HUGE HUGE. The cultural attitude is to work your bootay off, and then look for any excuse to have a big huge family get together and party it down. THAT is why you see so many hispanic people throwing a giant Cinco de Mayo party. Not because they are Mexican Patriots, but because they like to hang out and drink with friends and relatives when they aren't working.

For what it's worth, the 4th of July elicits a pretty humongous celebration as well. :p Heck, even getting a new roommate is reason for a giant celebration (with old roommate invited of course).

There is nothing wrong with celebrating one's ethnic heritage either. Heck, the whole country celebrates Irish ethnic heritage, including lots of people who don't have a drop of Irish blood in them.
I have to agree with a lot of what Zoe said. I lived out west for over 8 years, and even here there is an over whelming population of hispanics..........some legal, some not.

They DO all talk about how great Mexico is opposed to how it is here (which never makes sense to me.......if it's so wonderful there, why are you here?) they DON'T want to speak the national language here, instead they complain if it isn't made available in spanish. They march for rights........but really, what rights are there when you are ILLEGAL? The only "right" you really have is to go back and do things the legal way IMO.

There is absolutely, positively, NOTHING wrong with holding on to your heritage, whatever that may be. But when you move to another country, you should make an attempt to fit in with the way THEY do things outside your home, not try to force them to change the way THEY do things to suit your needs. JMO.

How long do you think I'd be welcome if I crossed the border, set up house keeping in Mexico. Sent my children to their schools and expected all of them to pay for it. Requested food assistance and free health care as well. Also, no, I am not going to learn Spanish, I want YOU to provide English alternatives.........oh, including street signs and driving tests. Furthermore, I am going to fly the AMERICAN flag in my yard, talk about how great America is to anyone who will listen, and also paste it all over my automobiles. That's all just for starters of course, LOL

Ya, I think I would end up run out of town if I wasn't shot in the head first.
Here's something I've mentioned before, but I feel it has bearing again.

When Zac was in first/second grade he had troubles pronouncing his R's (and still does to an extent) At first grade conference, his teacher mentioned this and we discussed it. She said if she could show it was affecting his grades, he could be placed in speech class at no charge. (otherwise, it was quite expensive) That was not possible because he makes excellent grades. So, no speech class for Zac, we just work on it at home like we always have.

Now lets talk about all the illegal children in our schools here, yes, we aren't out west, but they are here just the same. They start school not even speaking english (different ages, we aren't only talking about small children) They get placed in the ENL (english as a new language) class free of charge. They are on free lunch, free book rental (the state -or we-furnish all that) more than likely free health care and food assistance as well.

We aren't supposed to be upset about any of that? We are supposed to smile and pay for their college as well? *shakes head* No, I can tell you I WAS upset at what they wanted to charge me for speech class considering all the other things I've just mentioned.

No, Coop, it's NOT fair, and I understand that better than some. I had a similar experience in high school. I needed help bringing up my algebra grades and applied for a tutor, but because my other grades were so high, and my algebra grades were not failing, I wasn't eligible.

But if you were on the football team or cheerleading squad and needed some help keeping your grades above level the school was all over it. :rolleyes:

My sister wasn't offered a scholarship to the school she wanted to go to (Oberlin) because Oberlin didn't give scholarships to American students -- only to foreign students. How wrong is that?

You have every right to be upset. Although I think immigrant children should be allowed to go to school, they should not get benefits AHEAD of the children of citizens and legal residents. But I do not think children should be punished for the acts of their parents. And these are hypothetical "illegal children" they are real children, and for the ones who grew up here, they are as American as you or I.

There's no easy answer to this situation. I don't claim that. But I do wish people would have enough compassion to see it from her point of view . . .she didn't do anything wrong, or ask to be in this situation. This is her life, and, for all intents and purposes, this is her home. She has been pursuing the American dream . . . the only difference is that she was not born here.

I've worked very closely with a pro bono client in something of the same mess . . . it makes you understand that "illegals" are real people, and their children, in particular, are caught in a horrible situation . . . between the wrongful acts of their parents and the contempt of society. I would very much like to see a program that lets smart, successful, hardworking kids like her stay here and earn their citizenship . . . and for that matter be able to get loans, perhaps at a different rate. Right now, its very likely that this article will start a chain of events that will get her deported . . . to a country she probably barely remembers.

Lil's right, and it's a shame. It also is damnear impossible for a Latino to attain legal entry to the U.S. unless it's as an itinerant worker; the only realistic shot a Latino has is to come illegally, lay low and either marry a national or have a child born here.

Would this country would not be richer for having more intelligent, educated members?

If she worked her butt off to get into Berkeley, I really hope that girl finds a way to be able to attend.

As someone who grew up very close to the border and attended an elementary school that was a large population illegal (and a larger population Mexican immigrants), it has never seemed fair to me that your life is determined at birth by which side of an imaginary line you are born on. People are people. I don't care where you're born.


It is *such* a complicated issue, and I wish people were more open-minded about the inherent grey areas.

That's probably too much to hope for, sadly, Bailey.

As far as seeing everything posted bilingually now, THAT I put squarely on the doorstep of businesses. If you want the Latino business, you speak the language, or at least post it. I can't blame them, really, business is business and customers are customers, especially in this economy, but I DO blame governments -- civic, state and federal -- for jumping on the bandwagon.
I have never lived out of the country, but I have lived on the west and east coasts. Living in DC, I am constantly extolling the virtues of California. How good the food was, how great the weather is, how much better I liked the politics, the people, the culture.

Yet I still live in DC. Why? Because here is where I can afford to make a life for myself. I was able to find a job here, afford to pay rent, and feed myself. So I stay, even though I like So Cal more than DC, because I know I couldn't maintain a life of my own in California.

The same is true for many immigrants--they are here because they can feed their children in this country. They may take pride in Mexican heritage, prefer to spend time in communities with other immigrants, etc, but that doesn't mean they don't appreciate what America has allowed them to do/be! I think the majority of parents in this world would agree that if their child was starving, neighbors were getting shot, and they didn't have access to a doctor for a pregnant woman or sick child, they might risk climbing a fence or forging documents in order to keep their child alive.

I have spent countless hours in bilingual elementary schools (both as a student and a volunteer), taught English to immigrants while I was in college, and coached youth soccer teams made up entirely of immigrants (legal and illegal). The majority of those kids and their families are GRATEFUL, HARD WORKING, and GOOD PEOPLE. They came from situations so desperate I can't fathom them. I don't blame them one bit for wanting better for their kids. It's easy to say, "You lied, go back where you came from" until you get to know them and their stories.
I have spent countless hours in bilingual elementary schools (both as a student and a volunteer), taught English to immigrants while I was in college, and coached youth soccer teams made up entirely of immigrants (legal and illegal). The majority of those kids and their families are GRATEFUL, HARD WORKING, and GOOD PEOPLE. They came from situations so desperate I can't fathom them. I don't blame them one bit for wanting better for their kids. It's easy to say, "You lied, go back where you came from" until you get to know them and their stories.

I agree! I did some outreach on a particular issue with the local Latino population last year, and met some really great and very, very hardworking people. A lot of negative stereotypes are really quite inaccurate.
fly their Mexican flags, not even next to an American one...just happy with their Mexican flag only.

I am American. Always have been. As are my parents and as were my grandparents.

The only flag I own is a Welsh flag. I'd like to get a Belgian flag too.
I am American. Always have been. As are my parents and as were my grandparents.

The only flag I own is a Welsh flag. I'd like to get a Belgian flag too.

Hehe, we only own a Maryland flag--which we fly in Virginia during Univ. of Maryland basketball games :)
We have tons of hispanics here, legal, illegal all sorts (not border state levels but a lot), and 95% of the deadbeats here are big, fat, and white, or black. Wanna pick the leaches off, wanna do something that will actually help our society? Let's find a law to kick them out.

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