I believe the above also. I also think it is very important to speak your mind a head of time to one or two people you fully trust. This may sound bad, or not, but I have a father who did over 23 years, Special Forces, Green Beret... if anything he knows how to kill, in several different ways. And not only that, but he can do it (as most S.F. can) in a way that it can't be traced, because if you are asking a family member to do that for you, it's hard enough. Not only on you, but them, and also you don't want them doing prison time for it either.
Know what you want, plan for the future, make your wishes known. Also, I just stated an instance above, that does not mean I am going to have my father stop my life, he may be dead before me, it was just a thought.
But yes, as long as the topic was spoken beforehand, it should be up to the individual.