My name is Ryan. I'm from Georgia, US. My family and I own 3 dogs--Honey, a female golden cockerspaniel;Sassy, a female Beagle; and Piglet, a female mix breed. Honey is our oldest, being around 5 years of age. She is a family pet. Sassy is only a few months over a year old and was given to me to care for. She is, of course, my favorite. Piglet is my sisters pet. I have been reading up on dogs lately in order to learn more. I am college student, and live away from home, and Sassy was left in the care of my parents (much to my disappointment), but I still care a great deal for her, and want to learn as much as I can for when it comes time to take her again. In my reading, I found this website. Sassy came into my life somewhere around my birthday in March 2004. The local shelter found her on the side of the road near death and full of worms. They revived her, though. Her first few weeks with us were very rough, as the worms gave her troubles with her bowel movements. Many sleepless nights (all dealt with by me, personally) and vet appointments cleared this up, though, and she has been my pride and joy since. We named her Sassy because even as small as she was and sick from the after effects of the worms, she would leap at our older dogs Piglet and Honey. Honey and Piglet would only run from her, though, as they are non confrontational types. lol. Sassy seemed the perfect name for her. Anyway, I hope to learn a great deal more about her so that i may become a better friend and caretaker for her.