Again I think it probably depends on area, but I think the evidence of people feeling like rescues are trouble or bad is when you take a dog who is shy or isn't obsessed with strangers, and people go "ohhh, is she a rescue???" It has been many years since I had somebody outright tell me "shelter dogs have issues." I wouldn't take very kindly to it given how the majority of my training clients are pit mixes from the shelter and I haven't met a bad one yet, so it's possible people don't volunteer that kind of commentary to me given my work history..?
On the flipside, though, when people talk about their dogs these days, they are often VERY quick to tell me they rescued (or adopted from a shelter) their dog. If you don't know that somebody's dog is a rescue within the first five minutes of having met their dog, it wasn't. And they are often very quick to give me a side-eye if I say anything about my dogs being purchased from a breeder. God forbid anybody find out Payton is intact and part of a breeding program.
But that is just locally, and it's not "dog people" as in the kind of crazy people who sign up on dog forums or Facebook groups LOL - it is "people who have dogs." Most "dog people" I know locally actually don't bring origins up unless you ask...
And also again, I think if you fix the problem of personal responsibility, you won't have to worry about where all the shelter dogs will go if people all decided to utilize responsible breeders. Because there would no longer be an issue with overpopulation. I'm a fan of treating the disease, not the symptom.
If in a perfect world tomorrow everybody wakes up and says NO MORE DUMPING DOGS AT THE SHELTERS and only uses responsible breeders from there on out, I think you would see a lot of people adopting the remaining dogs to "end" the problem. Probably a lot of breed people.
Is it really so bad to promote the rescues and point out that you actually can find a lot of various types of dogs that fit lots of lifestyles there and maybe more people should/could consider them?
Nothing wrong with "you can get a great dog in a shelter, you should consider that," something wrong with "you don't need a breeder because you can get a great dog in a shelter. Don't go to a breeder. Seriously. You're not cool enough for a breeder dog. Also you only want a pet, those are lame, you don't need a breeder for anything. No breeder. Shelter only."
Also nothing wrong with "you might look into breeders of X-breed because that sounds like the right kind of dog for you!" and something wrong with "UGH shelter dogs are SO gross and defective you really need a breeder, why would you want somebody else's trash??"
You CAN talk about the benefits of one without having to denigrate the other. I think BostonBanker does a good job of that whenever this subject comes up, and it of course has come up repeatedly on this forum. She loves her dogs and has done amazing things with them and now she is looking for something different, and no decision she has made with any of her dogs, nor with her future dogs, is wrong. See also what Sass said a few pages back, I think it's wonderfully put.
But I really honestly think the problem is this sort of thing has gone on so long and been forced into such an "us versus them" act, people are reactive and respond with what they THINK people are going to say or how they THINK somebody feels.
As to preaching to the choir here on breeder bashing, I don't think so, but maybe I've just been here too long.
Also, caring about shelter dogs doesn't make someone an AR nut. Because AR nuts don't
actually care about shelter dogs.