Golden Retriever help...

The reason we think it's a BYB is because you haven't given us any reason to think it isn't (because the parents were on the premises and the pup was health tested? you got to be kidding me). That, and a very reputable breeder would have given you advice about food in the first place.

Oh well, we tried.

And hopefully your puppy will stay perfect as she grows up.

Not going to happen I'm afraid, at least not here. We care for dogs, here, and people supporting BYBs and puppy mills when they should know better WILL be judged.

FYI: my perfect byb puppy passed away at the ripe old age of 15. I must have chosen a really good backyard breeder!
I know you don't have to justify yourself to anyone, but show me the proof and I'll write you a very public apology. Seriously, I'm not trying to shame you or bring you down on your new purchase, I just can't believe that everything I wrote for you was in vain.

In this case, I would prefer to be proved wrong.
Guess I proved you WRONG because my “byb” puppy lived to be 15 years old. Had to put her to sleep for lack of eating. NO OTHER HEALTH ISSUES EVER.
I must have picked a really good backyard breeder!!!

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