Golden Retriever help...

This site is horrible. Most of those are backyard breeders.

Some are not backyard breeders. You just have to use good judgment. The breeder I deal with is listed on that site and she is far from a backyard breeder. She is the only breeder of Goldens in the southern states that I or anyone I know would deal with. So if she uses good judgment she may be able to find a great breeder in her area.
Having been a Golden lover and owner for over 60 years , it saddens me so when I see other Golden lovers end up with problems . Yes , things like Hip Displacia can slip through even with 2 to 3 generations of OFAs on both sides . My Chip was one . But there's no excuse for dispositions . PLEASE ...if you ever see Golden Pups in petstores etc , try to educate people looking or even the store manager !! Too many breeds have been ruined because they are popular . Good luck with your new baby !!!
FYI Herschel and noludoru and whoever else wants to talk about me and pass judgement, the breeders I purchased from were NOT byb, as I have proof of, not that I have to explain myself to anyone. So, why do you keep insisting it's a byb? How can you possibly know? Are you Psychic???
I am 100% satisfied with my puppy and she is perfect.
I'm just tired of those who think they know everything when they know nothing about my situation. Nothing!!! And I'm tired of the condescending comments.I may not be a "dog expert", but I'm certainly not stupid. I'm just trying to be part of a forum where I can get help and advice from mature people and not be talked about behind my back like I'm some kind of fool.
And no matter where I got my puppy from, or what kind of food I feed her, etc... It's my business and no one should try to make me feel like I'm making some kind of mistake. We all have the right to make our own decisions without being judged. So just because I do things MY way and not YOUR way does not make me a person who does not know what they are doing.
And Hershel, you really hurt my feelings when you posted that the health of my puppy is not my top priority. You know nothing about me and are wrong to say that.
Thanks for listening.
And a big thanks to all the rest of you who welcomed my puppy with open arms!
The reason we think it's a BYB is because you haven't given us any reason to think it isn't (because the parents were on the premises and the pup was health tested? you got to be kidding me). That, and a very reputable breeder would have given you advice about food in the first place.

Oh well, we tried.

And hopefully your puppy will stay perfect as she grows up.

We all have the right to make our own decisions without being judged

Not going to happen I'm afraid, at least not here. We care for dogs, here, and people supporting BYBs and puppy mills when they should know better WILL be judged.
The reason we think it's a BYB is because you haven't given us any reason to think it isn't (because the parents were on the premises and the pup was health tested? you got to be kidding me). That, and a very reputable breeder would have given you advice about food in the first place.

Oh well, we tried.

And hopefully your puppy will stay perfect as she grows up.

Not going to happen I'm afraid, at least not here. We care for dogs, here, and people supporting BYBs and puppy mills when they should know better WILL be judged.

Thank you, Fran!!! I completely agree.

DogsBestFriend, I spent a lot of time trying to give you helpful advice and answered all of your questions. What for? It obviously had no effect on you and you still went and bought the puppy from a back yard breeder. You shouldn't have asked if you had already made up your mind. :rolleyes:
the breeders I purchased from were NOT byb, as I have proof of, not that I have to explain myself to anyone.

I know you don't have to justify yourself to anyone, but show me the proof and I'll write you a very public apology. Seriously, I'm not trying to shame you or bring you down on your new purchase, I just can't believe that everything I wrote for you was in vain.

In this case, I would prefer to be proved wrong.
You all don't have proof that dogsbestfriend went to a backyard breeder. You can't tell from what he/she posted. Not everyone can afford $1500 Golden Retrievers the highest I ever went was $1000 and this boy is gorgeous. Personally if I had suspicions about a breeder I would not deal with them but you can't blame dogsbestfriend if he/she fell in love with the dog. 12 years ago when I bought my first to Goldens I unknowingly bought them from BYB They have had issues with their ears over the years and you can just tell they are not full Goldens are seriously not good quality;) But I love them to death so I don't care what anyone thinks. They are healthy and still Kicking my girl is 12 and the boy is 11. Anyway good luck with your dog I don't see why they are getting bent out of shape when they have no clue where you got your dog.:)
You all don't have proof that dogsbestfriend went to a backyard breeder. You can't tell from what he/she posted. Not everyone can afford $1500 Golden Retrievers the highest I ever went was $1000

My pure Border Collie from the MidWest Border Collie Rescue was $240, and that included the spay. Then again, I wasn't looking for the best deal when I adopted her. (In fact, I paid $250 just to be kind)

$1,000 of pure profit for a back yard breeder vs $1,500 for a lifetime guarantee, training advice, and moral support at any hour of the day. Easy choice.
Like I said on the other thread I can't bring myself to bash dogsbestfriend. They will love that puppy anyway and maybe in the future they will do more research if it's true they got her from a BYB.
I need to figure out a way to post a picture of my latest Golden. He made a year in May and he weighs 97 pounds:yikes: He is huge! His parents were so big and his grandfather is a monster. I am afraid to see what he will end up weighing. He is a beautiful dog. I would like to post all of our dogs but I can't figure it out. Oh and a new member is going to be added tomorrow I can't wait to go get him.:D
Well bred dogs with health checks can be actually cheaper than on line buyng , pet store etc. You really need to research and be willing to wait .
Thanks, Goldiefur, for believing me and not continuously accusing me of buying from a byb when I CERTAINLY DID NOT. And without me actually having to prove it to you! The nerve of some people!!!
It's people like you that made me decide to stay on this forum. Earlier today, I was so close to finding another forum and never looking back.But then I realized that there are more fair and open-minded people out there.
Thanks, Goldiefur, for believing me and not continuously accusing me of buying from a byb when I CERTAINLY DID NOT. And without me actually having to prove it to you! The nerve of some people!!!
It's people like you that made me decide to stay on this forum. Earlier today, I was so close to finding another forum and never looking back.But then I realized that there are more fair and open-minded people out there.

This really is a great forum with a lot of good info especially on the dog food and recipes forum. If you can find Canidae in your area it is a really good food and my dogs have done great on it. I used to feed my dogs Bil Jac until I was educated about dog food here so don't leave you will miss out on a lot of useful information. Most of the people here are very nice.:)
My guess is you just don't know what a backyard breeder is :(

Seriously. This is like the blind leading the blind.

From the AKC Breed Standard:
Weight for dogs 65-75 pounds; bitches 55-65 pounds.
Reputable breeders do not breed dogs of abnormally large size--they work to preserve and improve a breed. Being "monstrous" isn't really good for a dog's joints...

"We don't all want show dogs" blah blah blah blah.
As I just posted in the "need opinions" thread, Can we PLEEEEASE move on, already? Enough is enough. I'm sure you have more important issues in your life to dwell on besides someone (that would be me) who you don't even know, and something that you only THINK I did that you didn't like. Have a cocktail and relax.

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