New Member
I wonder if DogsBestFriend is going to report back...
This site is horrible. Most of those are backyard breeders.
We all have the right to make our own decisions without being judged
The reason we think it's a BYB is because you haven't given us any reason to think it isn't (because the parents were on the premises and the pup was health tested? you got to be kidding me). That, and a very reputable breeder would have given you advice about food in the first place.
Oh well, we tried.
And hopefully your puppy will stay perfect as she grows up.
Not going to happen I'm afraid, at least not here. We care for dogs, here, and people supporting BYBs and puppy mills when they should know better WILL be judged.
the breeders I purchased from were NOT byb, as I have proof of, not that I have to explain myself to anyone.
You all don't have proof that dogsbestfriend went to a backyard breeder. You can't tell from what he/she posted. Not everyone can afford $1500 Golden Retrievers the highest I ever went was $1000
Not everyone can afford $1500 Golden
Thanks, Goldiefur, for believing me and not continuously accusing me of buying from a byb when I CERTAINLY DID NOT. And without me actually having to prove it to you! The nerve of some people!!!
It's people like you that made me decide to stay on this forum. Earlier today, I was so close to finding another forum and never looking back.But then I realized that there are more fair and open-minded people out there.
My guess is you just don't know what a backyard breeder is![]()