George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty

I'm not surprise by the verdict. Glad I'm not on the jury though. At first I was totally outraged by the case but the more information the more reasonable doubt I have.
COONS is NOT a racial slur!!! I think he was using it in reference to all the break ins they had! It's a common slang uses for someone who steals!

Your just making it about race!

I can't speak for Florida, but in this part of Indiana it is, depending on the context. I grew up hearing the word "coon" in reference to the animal only but as I've gotten older have heard it used as a racial slur.

I'd like to add though that even if Zimmerman was spending his weekends in a white hood he still had the right to defend himself if attacked, and the state still didn't prove 2nd degree murder IMO. It is a dangerous thing to want juries to decide someone's fate base on emotion rather than what the prosecution has actually proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Besides they concluded he was saying "****ing cold" because it was raining & unseasonably cool in Florida that night (I think someone else posted that above).

I'm not talking about what they concluded, or what he may or may not have said on the 911 call. To deny people use and recognize coon as a racial slur is really reaching. I'm a white kid who grew up in Detroit.

It's all as unrelated as calling the victim a future criminal. We don't get to kill people because of what we think of their character (that Zimmerman didn't even know the character of) and that isn't why Zimmerman went to trial. He went to trial because he shot and killed someone.

Good article:
I'm done with this thread. Physically ill over justification of one person's right to DEADLY self-defense while completely denying the other person's right to self-defense. If you kill somebody even in self-defense you have killed somebody and that is NOT okay and it's certainly not "good." Disgusting.

So, if you're on the ground, being beaten by someone younger and stronger, who is ignoring your screaming and no one is coming to your rescue, you'd let the guy beat you to death rather than defend yourself in any way possible? And before you declare Martin wasn't intending to kill Zimmerman, it only takes one good blow to the head to do that (remember the soccer referee who died from a single punch to the head, from another enraged teenager?)

No one is saying it's good that the kid was killed, but he's not blameless either. Bad choices all around.
If I seek out a fight with someone.... And he starts winning... Then I don't think it's fair that I can then shoot him in self defence.

And coon not being a racial slur? Seriously. I'm in the uk and even I know that's pretty taboo.

Sometimes you just have to shake your head in wonder...
I am really saddened by this thread...seriously. This was ABSOLUTELY about race!!!! It was about the fear and myth of the "dangerous" black guy.

I am thinking a lot of you read some of the stuff about Trayvon that was stuff spun up and not true. He was 17 yes, but not some huge muscular man. Zimmerman was a paranoid vigilante and should NEVER have access to a gun. I am all for gun rights but this is the exact situation which makes me almost question it. You get some insecure control freak who starts a fight and ends it with a gun when it shouldve never happened in the first place.

Well, I'm certainly glad that some armed, untrained man with a vigilante complex can pursue me while walking home and end up killing me if we get into a fight. Do I agree that the prosecution went with 2nd degree murder charges? No. But Zimmerman walking away is disgusting.

Meanwhile, an African American mother gets 20 years in prison for firing warning shots near her abusive husband.

SO much this...

I'm disgusted that he was found not guilty.
And disgusted by this thread.

If you don't think it's about race you're not paying attention and you CLEARLY didn't listen to what Zimmerman had to say on his 911 calls. Martin "fit the description" of the people who had been breaking and entering in the neighbourhood - in what way?
Because he was black.

My black friend was walking home one night and suddenly found himself surrounded by six cops with their guns drawn yelling PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR, PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR.
Because he "fit the description" of some guys who had held up a bank earlier in the day.
By which they mean he was black. And that was the end of how he fit the description.
Same ****ing thing.

Sick to my stomach and even more sick that I knew this was how it was going to turn out.

And this

COONS is NOT a racial slur!!! I think he was using it in reference to all the break ins they had! It's a common slang uses for someone who steals!

Your just making it about race!

Sorry, you are extremely wrong....Coon is most definitely a racial slur. This is about race. Sadly, SO many things are still about race in this country. I am so sick of hearing "playing the race card", some of you all must live in an alternate reality if you cant see the day to day undercurrent of racism that still exists.

coon (kn)
1. Informal A raccoon.
2. Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a Black person.
If I seek out a fight with someone.... And he starts winning... Then I don't think it's fair that I can then shoot him in self defence.

And coon not being a racial slur? Seriously. I'm in the uk and even I know that's pretty taboo.

Sometimes you just have to shake your head in wonder...

Ok, yeah, much more to the point and perfect
Whether Martin was a punk or a choir boy is really immaterial in this case, At least imo. Zimmerman had no way of knowing either when this thing started. What he saw was a teenager who might be trouble, and placed his perceptions on the kid.

Murder does seem too harsh, but I think manslughter is more then fair. There were plenty of chances for him to back off and descalate the situation, which sadly neither one took.

That said, I am very frightened by the fact that I could be followed by some weirdo with a weapon while walking downthe street. It gives me the shivers
Why is it bad to be a part of a neighborhood watch?
Why does that make him a weirdo?

This thread just baffles me , people talk about crime and how horrid the world is , but when a person tries to help by voluntarily giving his time to watch the community and report suspicious happenings , then he is a weirdo.

I can see where this thread is going so i am outie happy beating a dead horse again and again
Oh and I absolutely understand why the jury found him "not guilty". The details of the actual fight are pretty muddied up. However, the fact remains this whole thing hinged on Zimmerman's actions. He is the one who caused the situation, he is the one who upped it.

17 year old boys are cocky and hot headed. That is pretty much the hormones and age. Honestly, I dont know many 17 year old boys that wouldnt eventually confront someone following them. My husband had a situation like that happen when he was about 17. He said this car was following him for quite awhile and he kept trying to get away. Finally he just was so mad he really wanted to turn around and smash a brick through the window. He didnt, but it was a close call.
Why is it bad to be a part of a neighborhood watch?
Why does that make him a weirdo?

He is not a weirdo for being in a neighborhood watch. Dont recall anyone saying that?

He is PARANOID based on his actions and phone calls over time.

If he had done what he was SUPPOSED to do, this wouldve NEVER happened! Call and report "suspicious" behavior and thats IT!
From the Atlantic article linked a few back.
What the verdict says, to the astonishment of tens of millions of us, is that you can go looking for trouble in Florida, with a gun and a great deal of racial bias, and you can find that trouble, and you can act upon that trouble in a way that leaves a young man dead, and none of it guarantees that you will be convicted of a crime. But this curious result says as much about Florida's judicial and legislative sensibilities as it does about Zimmerman's conduct that night. This verdict would not have occurred in every state. It might not even have occurred in any other state. But it occurred here, a tragic confluence that leaves a young man's untimely death unrequited under state law. Don't like it? Lobby to change Florida's laws.

I'm not even against the stand your ground law in principal, but this case seems to conflate "chase" with "stand." I think that is very dangerous.
Well, "coon" is not used down here that way ... At least not since I have been born. Sadly the "n" word is the more wider used term down here (which is no better). The closest thing I have heard would be the term "coon ass", in reference to someone from Louisiana (black or white).

I don't think that Zimmerman himself is a racist or he followed the guy because he was a black kid. I just think he thought his neighborhood was going to be harmed & he was protecting his neighbors.

But since other people have brought the race card into this, I wonder (as someone whose fiancée is of Mexican decent) if the kid had been Latino & Zimmerman had called him "Hispanic ". I also find that the same people who cry out over the terms "coon" & "black" will freely call illegal immigrants "aliens" & refer to them like animals ... Just saying.
Well, "coon" is not used down here that way ... At least not since I have been born. Sadly the "n" word is the more wider used term down here (which is no better). The closest thing I have heard would be the term "coon ass", in reference to someone from Louisiana (black or white).

I don't think that Zimmerman himself is a racist or he followed the guy because he was a black kid. I just think he thought his neighborhood was going to be harmed & he was protecting his neighbors.

But since other people have brought the race card into this, I wonder (as someone whose fiancée is of Mexican decent) if the kid had been Latino & Zimmerman had called him "Hispanic ". I also find that the same people who cry out over the terms "coon" & "black" will freely call illegal immigrants "aliens" & refer to them like animals ... Just saying.

Take race out of it, these were two imaginary purple people with cloven hooves and 6 arms.

Are you telling me that it is ok to pick a fight with someone, then cry self defence when they win you?

Because if that's the case, then the legal system in Florida is seriously weird.

Take all the other crap out of it. Neighbourhood watch, colour, race, what music they like and what they had for lunch the day before.... And just follow the events.
Following someone does not equal picking a fight. It's a free country, I can follow anyone I want down a public street. When actions are repeated then it becomes a stalking situation. Now, if Zimmerman had yelled racial slurs at Martin and then was attack I would look at it differently. It's legal to follow someone, it is illegal to physically assault them.

I also totally disagree that nearly any 17 year old would attack someone following them.
I am really saddened by this thread...seriously. This was ABSOLUTELY about race!!!! It was about the fear and myth of the "dangerous" black guy.
From January 1, 2011 through February 26, 2012, police were called to The Retreat at Twin Lakes 402 times.[67] During the 18 months preceding the February 26 shooting, Zimmerman called the non-emergency police line seven times. On five of those calls, Zimmerman reported suspicious looking men in the area, but never offered the men's race without first being asked by the dispatcher.[81][82][83] Crimes committed at The Retreat in the year prior to Martin's death included eight burglaries, nine thefts, and one shooting.[84] Twin Lakes residents said there were dozens of reports of attempted break-ins, which had created an atmosphere of fear in their neighborhood.[2]

In September 2011, the Twin Lakes residents held an organizational meeting to create a neighborhood watch program. Zimmerman was selected by neighbors as the program's coordinator, according to Wendy Dorival, Neighborhood Watch organizer for the Sanford Police Department.[5][5][85]

Three weeks prior to the shooting, on February 2, 2012, Zimmerman called police to report a young man peering into the windows of an empty Twin Lakes home. Zimmerman was told a police car was on the way and he waited for their arrival. By the time police arrived, the suspect had fled. On February 6, workers witnessed two young black men lingering in the yard of a Twin Lakes resident around the same time her home was burglarized. A new laptop and some gold jewelry were stolen. The next day police discovered the stolen laptop in the backpack of a young black man, which led to his arrest. Zimmerman identified this young man as the same person he had spotted peering into windows on February 2.[2]

I don't have a very high opinion of Zimmerman but to play devil's advocate, obviously this neighborhood has a crime problem and people were (rightfully) very wary in general. Zimmerman's already had the frustration of losing a snooper because police took too long. A week later, that snooper and a friend rob a resident. That would be frustrating to anyone, I think. One of the burglars isn't arrested. So a couple weeks later he sees someone who maybe matches the same description acting suspiciously. If it had been two, I dunno, buff 17 yo blond guys that recently committed a burglary, one was a arrested and then he sees a 17 yo buff blond guy hanging around outside some houses, how can anyone be so sure that Zimmerman wouldn't have followed him?
I did not mean to imply that Zimmerman was a weido based on his participation in neighborhood watch, sorry if it came off that way. But he does have a history of being paranoid and aggressive, which id not the person I personally want in a position of power or carrying a weapon of any sort

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