Ear Margin Dermatosis?


Active Member
Oct 9, 2009
Anyone have experience with this?

Gavroche has it. Diagnosed today, but he's had it for months. Still very mild, and hopefully it'll stay mild. Doc said a humidifier might help. Any other suggestions/tips?

In other news he's down to 55 pounds, and actually was very responsive to commands at Partsmart last night. I'm getting my old dog back :D He was at 57.6 pounds for the longest time. I don't know if he's lost muscle mass (I'm thinking yes) or if I've just changed my idea of "ideal weight" but I think he could stand to lose a couple more pounds. I think I'm going to get him a pulling harness too and have him start pulling a tire around the yard. Then next show that rolls around he can pull my crates for me :rofl1:
... I think we need pictures of his spotty goodness *nods* No experience with it but maybe a little fish oil in the diet could help?
He's not so spotty anymore...he has HAIR! ;) But I will have pics as soon as I find my camera...again... :rolleyes:

He has been on fish oil since I got him 2 1/2 years ago. I just stopped 3 days ago to help get these last couple pounds off.
mushroom has it but it's mild so i've never actually done anything about it.
What about some Vit E oil? That's worked for skin issues with some of my fosters in the past.
How about Bag Balm? I've nevver dealt with this specifically. But Bag Balm is my "go to" for anything skin related.
I copied a page out of doc's dermatology textbook over the weekend :p It says to use a shampoo with tar, sulphur, salicylic acid, and.or benzoyl peroxide in it to clean it initially, and then every few days put something topical with one or more of those ingredients to help control it. I know we have Dermabenss shampoo at work, but as far as topical and not shampoo, I have no idea.

It's not severe so it's not a huge issue. But the little white clumps on his ears are kind of annoying :P I have a humidifier on the way that I ordered from Amazon, too.
I just thought of something- do you think Vetericyn would help? Knock on wood, I haven't needed to use the bottle I bought in the fall yet. I've heard great things about it.

Vetericyn One-step wound and infection treatment based on Microcyn Technology that works naturally with your animal?s immune system

I don't think so...it's not actually an open wound. I guess it's basically less blood supply to the ear (which is why it can flare up when it's cold). It's closer to a seborrhea than something like a contact dermatitis or moist dermatitis.
I don't think so...it's not actually an open wound. I guess it's basically less blood supply to the ear (which is why it can flare up when it's cold). It's closer to a seborrhea than something like a contact dermatitis or moist dermatitis.

Aha! Guess I should have Googled it first. :lol-sign:
What does it look like, actually though? Enzo's got some weird stuff on the edge of one of her ears near the tips. Looks like white hairs. But it's not. It weirds me out and I want it gone :p
What does it look like, actually though? Enzo's got some weird stuff on the edge of one of her ears near the tips. Looks like white hairs. But it's not. It weirds me out and I want it gone :p

I was going to take a picture to show you, but apparently it's mostly gone :p I used Sulfodene shampoo a few times and got a cool mist humidifier for the bedroom and it seems to have cleared it up.

But, it was like little white clumps of hair I could pull out. Granted my dog has white hair anyway, but I've seen it on a schnauzer before, too, and that dog has little white clumps as well. Sometimes they turn dark after a while, too. The hair pulls out very easily.

I wish I had thought to take a picture. I tried to find a picture on google but couldn't find one (and that's NOT a search you want to do, trust me! :yikes: )
Well crap. That sounds exactly like what Enzo has got on the tip of one of her ears. It's not contagious is it? I'd take a picture, but I am entirely too lazy to go get the camera, get a good picture, plug it in and upload everything on it and then get the picture online.
If you Google images "Ear Margin Dermatosis" a picture of Brattina's sig picture shows up :lol-sign:

That is all...
Is it like a.... scabby/scaley thing? For YEARS my sister has been asking me what is on her dog's ears, she describes them as scabs... I've never actually noticed it because she never thinks to ask me about it when I'm around her dog, lol. It's not caused by itching, she doesn't have mites or anything. She just has scabby ears I guess?
I'd say it's more scaly than scabby, but I think some dogs can get to be scabby after a while (how's that for noncommittal? :rofl1:)
I don't think so...it's not actually an open wound. I guess it's basically less blood supply to the ear (which is why it can flare up when it's cold). It's closer to a seborrhea than something like a contact dermatitis or moist dermatitis.

It sounds like something Ares had, and our holistic vet said it was caused by insufficient blood flow to the ears.

His cleared up quickly with Chinese herbs (Tang Kuei 18).
The early diagnosis of dermatosis ear margin is based on history, race, and the presence of the characteristic marginal ear lesions.The mild escalating margin dermatosis ear is usually controlled with topical therapy, but rarely curable.The advanced ulcerative and necrotic stage is resistant to medical treatment. However, it can usually be cured by surgical removal of the affected ear margin.
For something topical try Kerasolv (entirelypets has a good price $9.90).

You want something that mildly strips off keratin plus is a humectant (absorbs moisture from the air). This fruit acids (alpha hydroxy acids e.g. lactic acid and beta hydroxy acids e.g salicylic acid) are keratinolytic and so exfoliate skin. Lactic acid is also a humectant as are urea and propylene glycol that are both in the Kerasolv.

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