I love you, too.
If we ever met in person, the conversation would be all dogs and poop.
Sorry, the reason there wasn't a neutral option is because I was trying to solve our debate with a poll. If there was an in-between, too many people would pick it, and I had no hope of winning. I wanted to force a choice out you all. No pun intended. Okay, a little pun.
K9- I hope that also answers your question.
You're showing your new, shinyness. If you've been on here a while the conversations cease bothering you. You even start to join in. You probably shouldn't go to a chaz meetup until you're less disturbed by this stuff, though, because
I've talked about more inappropriate, ridiculous, gross stuff with chazzers than with anyone else!
FTR, I would have a discussion like this in person. I would also have it on Facebook. I would definitely have it on chaz! I don't think there's a gross bodily function I haven't discussed. The BF and I routinely discuss our poop, and there's no privacy when pooping. Especially for me, because the dog always barges in, too.