Chronically Infected Anal Glands Required Surgery for Alvin


Jun 24, 2009
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We were taking Alvin to the vet every few weeks this year to treat infected anal glands. After it happened the third time, we agreed to surgery for removal of the glands.

A few days ago, Alvin had the surgery. This article describes pre- and post-surgery activities and should help owners whose dogs require anal gland removal:

Please review the article and make your comments in this forum.

King had to have his left anal sac removed when he was about 5. There were only two real issues. He seemed to be in severe pain a couple of days afterwards. A trip to the ER vet got that taken care of. The worst problem was the original E collar was opaque, and King just seemed to be depressed by it. I finally got a clear one, and within hours, he was back to normal, using it as a battering ram.

The morning he was supposed to go in to have his stitches out, I decided that I had enough of my legs getting banged up, so I took the collar off. A couple of hours later, I took him to the vet, and they took him back to remove the stitches, and they instantly brought him back, saying, "He already too them out!". Apparently, he did a very good job too. I should have known, as he took his stitches out when he was neutered too.
Poor Alvin! It's really sounds like a harsh condition for him. How is Alvin now? Does he recovered completely from his surgery? Blessings for him !
Poor Alvin! It's really sounds like a harsh condition for him. How is Alvin now? Does he recovered completely from his surgery? Blessings for him !

He has recovered and his back to being A-L-V-I-N ! a month after surgery. The only reminder of the surgery is his leg - the hair is short is one section where he had an IV for fluids and painkillers.

The article describing his surgery and recovery has been updated:

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