He will usually stay with me if I have treats and call his name, but I didn't want to cause any problems with the other dogs, as some dogs might be resource guarders.
I am working on recall, I really am, it's just sloooow going and not going to be fixed in two months
Honestly, with this park you wouldn't be causing trouble. Almost everyone has toys and treats because no one is just standing around and moving. I can't remember the last time I went without treats or a toy! I know that's like the law at some parks, but not this one with the way it's set up!
Also, I don't know if it helps at all but on one side of the path is water (no where to go) 80% of the timevand the other side, the path is kinda sheltered, so dogs tend to not wander off that easily because of the way it's configured.
Always your call but I don't want you not coming if it's as simple as bringing treats!