Bat Ears Only
We have three indoor cats and three litterboxes (should have one more but it's an 800 square foot house and I can't figure out where to put another dogproof one without getting rid of some furniture) and cat litter is driving me to drink.
We started out using clay litter. It worked pretty good but was heavy and dusty and tracked easily and was impossible to vacuum up because no vacuum on earth can handle clay litter for some reason. Then James developed Cat Asthma (also Cat Acne, he's a special boy) so we had to find something less dusty.
We tried Fresh Step's non-clay clumping litter and it was pretty awesome, light and easy to carry, but nobody in town sold it so I had to drive an hour or so to get more. Also the little grains tracked everywhere no matter what I did. Target stopped carrying it so we had to find something else.
Switched to World's Best and loved it for a while. Brisbane loves food-based cat litters so he would hoover up any grains that got tracked out of the dog-proof zone. Those nice grains would break down after a week and a half though, and transform into a fine powder than got tracked everywhere on a level I never expected. We haven't used it in months and I'm still wiping World's Best powder off random surfaces.
Our most recent switch was to Blue Buffalo's walnut shell litter. It was amazing, controlled odors beautifully, didn't track very much at all, and was easier to carry than clay. Then I finally tracked the pantry moth infestation to the litterboxes and seriously, WTF?!?! How the hell do walnut shells work as a substrate for moth larvae?
So now I need to get rid of the moths, and I'm going back to clay for the moment because I've basically run out of options.
1.Corn/wheat/walnut/etc-based litters can harbor moths, and I'm not jamming the deep freeze full of cat litter every time we need a new bag.
2. Clay litters irritate James and his Cat Asthma.
3. I hate pelleted, non-scoopable litters (Yesterday's News, Feline Pine) with a passion because they are impossible to scoop and the urine just sits there until the whole box is dumped.
Is there anything left? It has to be scoopable, clumping, non-scented, and not harbor pantry moths.
We started out using clay litter. It worked pretty good but was heavy and dusty and tracked easily and was impossible to vacuum up because no vacuum on earth can handle clay litter for some reason. Then James developed Cat Asthma (also Cat Acne, he's a special boy) so we had to find something less dusty.
We tried Fresh Step's non-clay clumping litter and it was pretty awesome, light and easy to carry, but nobody in town sold it so I had to drive an hour or so to get more. Also the little grains tracked everywhere no matter what I did. Target stopped carrying it so we had to find something else.
Switched to World's Best and loved it for a while. Brisbane loves food-based cat litters so he would hoover up any grains that got tracked out of the dog-proof zone. Those nice grains would break down after a week and a half though, and transform into a fine powder than got tracked everywhere on a level I never expected. We haven't used it in months and I'm still wiping World's Best powder off random surfaces.
Our most recent switch was to Blue Buffalo's walnut shell litter. It was amazing, controlled odors beautifully, didn't track very much at all, and was easier to carry than clay. Then I finally tracked the pantry moth infestation to the litterboxes and seriously, WTF?!?! How the hell do walnut shells work as a substrate for moth larvae?
So now I need to get rid of the moths, and I'm going back to clay for the moment because I've basically run out of options.
1.Corn/wheat/walnut/etc-based litters can harbor moths, and I'm not jamming the deep freeze full of cat litter every time we need a new bag.
2. Clay litters irritate James and his Cat Asthma.
3. I hate pelleted, non-scoopable litters (Yesterday's News, Feline Pine) with a passion because they are impossible to scoop and the urine just sits there until the whole box is dumped.
Is there anything left? It has to be scoopable, clumping, non-scented, and not harbor pantry moths.