At what age did your dog start trialing?

I don't like to start serious agility training until my dogs are 18 months or so, so I'd tend to start trialing around 2. I think that's about when I started with Tess, though I can't remember for sure. Pirate, I know I started his training a little younger than I wanted, because I had a good foundation class available to start in. So he was 18 months when he started trialing. Not my ideal. He still hasn't started obedience. And I can't remember when I started obedience with my other dogs.

I don't see any reason why you shouldn't start dock diving with a younger dog, though. It doesn't have the repetitive actions, or intensive training. And it's low impact.
I just read this thread title as 'At what age did your dog start talking?'

3 months, his first word was "Water", no, I'm not kidding you either! Jinj was a VERY talky Corgi puppy, love me some talking Corgis :D. (I don't have video of him, but if you don't believe me Youtube search "talking Corgi" and entertain yourself for hours).

Okay, back on topic :popcorn:
Kimma had her first rally trial when she was 1 year and 10 months, and finished up that title when she was 1 year and 11 months. We didn't attempt any agility trialing until recently, when she was 2 years and 10 months. I was told by instructors we could have started agility trialing sooner, but I am SO GLAD that I waited.

For future dogs, I have no problems doing obedience/rally trial when they are ready, but I don't plan to ever compete in agility before the age of 2 with any dog.
Squash did his first CAT just shy of his second birthday, then started trialing in Rally and did his first skijor race shortly after he turned 2.

I think the 2 year mark, although I didn't really do it on purpose, was a good time. He's really noticeably matured mentally over the last 3-4 months. I probably won't trial in agility ever even though we've dabbled in it for funsies, but I would probably wait until after 2ish if I did.
The only dog I've ever trialled was Clyde. He received his RN during his first trial in September 2011, so he was about 5 1/2 years old then. We only trialled once for his CD and that did not go over well. At all. :rofl1:

Kaia is about 2, and we only just finalized her adoption yesterday. I've gone ahead and registered her for CGC/CGC On The Town/Distraction Proofing classes, and after that, we'll definitely go on and get registered as a therapy dog team, take some Rally classes & OB classes. The place I'm taking her offers tracking/nosework as well so we may do that too.

There are two big shows here every year, in March & September. I don't think it's unreasonable to want to get her RN by September while continuing to train for her CD.
Gatsby started agility training at a year and a half. He trained for two years and didn't get a day closer to trialing.

Marsh was three at his first trial. I got him in January, agility training started in May, he got his first Q in September.

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