Anyone know if toads are toxic to dogs?


Agility freak!
Aug 25, 2006
New Brunswick, Canada
Simi picked up a toad on our walk tonight, I think, and then dropped it. After that she seemed to be licking her lips and smacking her mouth a lot on our walk and so now I am freaked out thinking they're toxic and she's going to die.

From what I can read, I believe the toads we have here are Eastern American Toads and I have looked online to see if they're toxic but can't get a clear idea. Anyone know? I gave her a big hunk of peanut butter, because I read somewhere that helps get the stuff toads release out of the dogs mouth... Not sure if it'll actually help. She isn't showing any signs, I am just worried. We have SO many toads around here. We see on average 4-8 toads per walk every night!
I suppose it depends on the toad. But for the most part toads taste NASTY and have a mild poison that makes them that way. Overall, not enough to hurt the dog, but enough to make them foam at the mouth and act like they're dying.

I wouldn't be too worried about it myself.
I suppose it depends on the toad. But for the most part toads taste NASTY and have a mild poison that makes them that way. Overall, not enough to hurt the dog, but enough to make them foam at the mouth and act like they're dying.

I wouldn't be too worried about it myself.

Well she isn't foaming at the mouth or acting like she's dying... She was hyper as hell when we came back and now she's playing with her kong... I am keeping her away from toads from now on though!
Yes,BUFO TOADS are toxic and can kill a dog but you,usually,find them in the south.We had a lot of them,in FL.
I would just rinse a mouth as the other toads,just,have a nasty taste and if vomiting,would take her to a vet.
Again, depends on the toads. Years ago Jinjo started a fetish with chasing toads which of course lead him to nipping at them, he just frothed at the mouth and I rinsed him out and he's obviously fine from it, did it about 3 times in one summer. I do try to keep the dogs from coming into such contact with them, I honestly don't know how he kept finding them though, but right now I have one who insists on being in my garage! Enda's quite entertained by it, but has yet to try and "taste" it and hopefully we can keep it that way, I usually have to go out with her at night to make sure it hasn't come into the garage.
Bufo toads are nasty, colorado river toads. They usually come out after a rain. Dakota was vomiting pure blood after trying to eat one, scariest **** ever. Regular ol' toads just make them salivate profusely.
Again, depends on the toads. Years ago Jinjo started a fetish with chasing toads which of course lead him to nipping at them, he just frothed at the mouth and I rinsed him out and he's obviously fine from it, did it about 3 times in one summer. I do try to keep the dogs from coming into such contact with them, I honestly don't know how he kept finding them though, but right now I have one who insists on being in my garage! Enda's quite entertained by it, but has yet to try and "taste" it and hopefully we can keep it that way, I usually have to go out with her at night to make sure it hasn't come into the garage.

Some toads are hallucinogenic. Maybe he developed an addiction. :rofl1:
I think the majority of toads aren't toxic but seems there are a few that are but I know Belle got into one in the backyard once lol. That was pretty funny. I saw her out there pawing at something and she had her "critter" face on but when I went out and called her in she came right off of it and ran inside. That made me curious what she was after because usually you can't call her off a critter. So I grabbed the flashlight and went out looking in the spot she was pawing at and there was mr brown hop toad... just your usual run of the mill toad that we used to catch when we were kids. So I picked him up and got him out of the yard and told him not to come back LOL.

I came inside and Belle was drinking water and licking her lips and just had this face of disgust going on and she kept going back to the water and then back again to the water. I gave her a little food treat and that seemed to take away the yucky taste that was bothering her so. maybe that'll teach her lol.

My moms dog has gotten into a few toads and started foaming at the mouth but nothing serious

Hope Semi is doing better today and has learned a valuable lesson. Toads= yucky lol
Yes, most toads are not toxic, in fact I saw some shows/documentaries and people even cook and eat some species that usually caught in the farms. Keep you dog away, especially from colorful and small ones..
Some toads are hallucinogenic. Maybe he developed an addiction. :rofl1:

After his encounter with the first one that I quickly removed from his presence, I swear he just started searching out the toads and only toads! "Addiction" sure sounds about right, lol. Darned Corgis.

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