Another pick the breed!


Priscilla Winifred Corgi
Apr 12, 2006
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Twin Citay!
Just for funsies since I will not be getting a dog for MANY MANY years! And if my next dog is from a breeder, it will be a Borzoi.

But because I'm bored at work....

-Between 30-80 lbs
-No dwarf breeds/no brachy breeds
-Short, single coat preferred
-No breeds that tend to be known for human/dog reactiveness. Moreso on the humans than the dogs though. I don't mind a dog that doesn't care for other dogs as long as it is workable/stable dog who can exist around other dogs, but isn't a dog park type dog.
-Deffo want to do more agility, and would like to do more rally and disc in the future.
-Upbeat/happy dog. Less srs face, more tendency toward being silly/goofy.
-I would like a dog that tends to like play/toys/tugging/fetch.

Uh...that's all I can think of right now? Feel free to ask questions, and thank you in advance for humoring me :p
Vizslas are coming to mind! As are labs, and koolies from what I know about them.
Labs, Koolies, Kelpies all have a double coat

ETA: I'd say Vizsla and maybe GSP
Vizzy can have Penny. You can consider her a rescue if she does poorly at the next trial ahahah
Field Cockers! I'd even say American Cockers, but definately field cockers. If you want a dog that's more into you, maybe an Aussie?
Just for funsies since I will not be getting a dog for MANY MANY years! And if my next dog is from a breeder, it will be a Borzoi.

But because I'm bored at work....

-Between 30-80 lbs
-No dwarf breeds/no brachy breeds
-Short, single coat preferred
-No breeds that tend to be known for human/dog reactiveness. Moreso on the humans than the dogs though. I don't mind a dog that doesn't care for other dogs as long as it is workable/stable dog who can exist around other dogs, but isn't a dog park type dog.
-Deffo want to do more agility, and would like to do more rally and disc in the future.
-Upbeat/happy dog. Less srs face, more tendency toward being silly/goofy.
-I would like a dog that tends to like play/toys/tugging/fetch.

Uh...that's all I can think of right now? Feel free to ask questions, and thank you in advance for humoring me :p

Says the person who keeps posting Borzoi p0rn....really?

First thought - Koolie
Second thought - sighthound
Just for funsies since I will not be getting a dog for MANY MANY years! And if my next dog is from a breeder, it will be a Borzoi.

But because I'm bored at work....

-Between 30-80 lbs
-No dwarf breeds/no brachy breeds
-Short, single coat preferred
-No breeds that tend to be known for human/dog reactiveness. Moreso on the humans than the dogs though. I don't mind a dog that doesn't care for other dogs as long as it is workable/stable dog who can exist around other dogs, but isn't a dog park type dog.
-Deffo want to do more agility, and would like to do more rally and disc in the future.
-Upbeat/happy dog. Less srs face, more tendency toward being silly/goofy.
-I would like a dog that tends to like play/toys/tugging/fetch.

Uh...that's all I can think of right now? Feel free to ask questions, and thank you in advance for humoring me :p

Ill clone Tori for you. She meets every requirement you listed
Obv a Flatcoat would be everything you could ever wish for plus feathering.
Vizzy can have Penny. You can consider her a rescue if she does poorly at the next trial ahahah
Send her here! I love Penny!

Field Cockers! I'd even say American Cockers, but definately field cockers. If you want a dog that's more into you, maybe an Aussie?
They do not fit the coat requirement here even a little :p And I've met too many DR aussies, and aussies that cannot STFU!

Says the person who keeps posting Borzoi p0rn....really?

First thought - Koolie
Second thought - sighthound
Yes!! LOL! I wanted to see if there was anything that could fit my personality wants AND coat wants. Take away the coat aspect and I can find many. Siri's coat is just so stinking easy!

Also :rofl1::rofl1: Borzoi porn.

Obv a Flatcoat would be everything you could ever wish for plus feathering.
You should come up here so I can meet Mira ;) I really do like the retrievers that belong to dog people (not so much in the hands of JQP), and I've always said that Ryan would adore a retriever. I would adore a retriever. Ryan LOVES Flatcoats. I haven't met very many though. There is one who is sometimes around here doing obedience, and I love love love watching him work. But again, must gain more of a sample.

ETA: I also think that the terrier/retriever mix would be a nice, even one. Since I will own more terriers (though only ever one at a time, because I'm only mostly crazy, not completely apesh!t crazy :p), and I don't care for the crazy terrier/sharp herder mixture.

Thanks for the suggestions guys! I've always really liked the sporting pointers (GSP/Viszla/Weim, etc.) and they are definitely energetic! I've met a couple DR GSP, which gives me more pause with them. I adore the look of weims, but most that I have met seem to be anxious messes? There is one around here who does obedience and he seems like a very stable, nice dog. I abhor his owner though, (despise might be a better word?) so I haven't asked where he is from or anything. I know he is show line though.
A Harleigh would fit your bill... Besides ya know the whole coat thing :p

But anyways, I would agree with the Vizsla suggestion! I happen to know a good V breeder here in Florida, if you ever want to come for a visit down here ;)
Just for funsies since I will not be getting a dog for MANY MANY years! And if my next dog is from a breeder, it will be a Borzoi.

But because I'm bored at work....

-Between 30-80 lbs
-No dwarf breeds/no brachy breeds
-Short, single coat preferred
-No breeds that tend to be known for human/dog reactiveness. Moreso on the humans than the dogs though. I don't mind a dog that doesn't care for other dogs as long as it is workable/stable dog who can exist around other dogs, but isn't a dog park type dog.
-Deffo want to do more agility, and would like to do more rally and disc in the future.
-Upbeat/happy dog. Less srs face, more tendency toward being silly/goofy.
-I would like a dog that tends to like play/toys/tugging/fetch.

Uh...that's all I can think of right now? Feel free to ask questions, and thank you in advance for humoring me :p

Well...t kind of sounds to me like you want a Lab :) Obviously, you'd want to pick an athletic, driven and moderately built dog. But yeah, nice Labs can be pretty fun dogs and tend to be really, really easy in terms of interactions with people and other dogs.

ETA...coats may or may not fit what you're looking for. Some Labs have REALLY thick, thick coats. But some have pretty slick coats. Not Whippet slick but not hairy.

Thanks for the suggestions guys! I've always really liked the sporting pointers (GSP/Viszla/Weim, etc.) and they are definitely energetic! I've met a couple DR GSP, which gives me more pause with them. I adore the look of weims, but most that I have met seem to be anxious messes? There is one around here who does obedience and he seems like a very stable, nice dog. I abhor his owner though, (despise might be a better word?) so I haven't asked where he is from or anything. I know he is show line though.

I'm sort of surprised to see these three suggested because general anxiety, weirdness about strangers (shyness or guardyness) and SA are not exactly uncommon in any of those three breeds. Not to say they all have those issues but I wouldn't suggest them for someone looking for an "easy", uncomplicated dog. They always seem to me to be dogs who need more careful and extensive socialization, more like herding breeds. We had quite a few of them that were regulars at daycare, some well bred and some not but all had pretty similar temperaments. Quite a few came to daycare specifically because they had fairly bad SA and couldn't be left home alone.
That's interesting... the GSPs and Weims I've known (especially Weims, oh my god) have generally been pretty high maintenance bordering on difficult dogs, but the Vizslas haven't had that same quality. They have a lot of energy, and they're soft, but they haven't had those the same issues. The vast majority of the ones I knew were pretty stable, outgoing dogs. Maybe it's a regional thing?
Yeah.. I own a Vizzy and she's a LOT different than Weims& GSPs I've met.

There is a little bit of SA, general anxiety is only there if she goes a few days with minimal activity (then it's pacing& whining). As far as strangers go, she has never met a dog OR human that she didn't love! I wouldn't leave Penny home alone out of her crate but that's a mix between a little bit of her SA and mostly my complete paranoia she would get into something and hurt herself.

My boyfriend who wanted a dog with bulldog energy LOVES Penny and finds her easy to look after and actually survived a 8 days alone with her while I was in Florida. Which means she has to be fairly easy ahaha
Gsp shouldn't be aggressive or reactive and like any breed need good socialization. They're bred to work alongside humans and other dogs on the shoot so any aggression is totally counter productive. I have had issues with same sex aggression, so that's something to be aware sure Fred is just dandy with boys, unless they are the same age and size as him. He likes fluffy boys and small fluffy boys the BESTEST so its not blanket reaction.

They also shouldn't be anxious dogs, and I don't believe I've met many that are. Again, good breeding is important! However they are velcro dogs so SA is a thing. But that is not to say there's not thousands of gsp living happily in lots of different circumstances!

I personally don't like weims so I don't really know much about them... I think they look weird lol.

I've not met enough viz to really compare but understand they're gsps gentler cousins, but I don't know if I buy it lol.

Overall though, gsp are amazing all round dogs if you're active and have a sense of humour!!! And are prepared to train. They're also VERY VERY addictive. There is a very strong gsp community which I think is a testament to how much they impact on their owners lives.... I'm sure all breed owners think THEIRS is the best lol

I don't think theyre that complicated, or full of issues, they're just as complicated as any other breed, different horses for different courses!!
That's interesting... the GSPs and Weims I've known (especially Weims, oh my god) have generally been pretty high maintenance bordering on difficult dogs, but the Vizslas haven't had that same quality. They have a lot of energy, and they're soft, but they haven't had those the same issues. The vast majority of the ones I knew were pretty stable, outgoing dogs. Maybe it's a regional thing?
Just popping by to say that this has been my experience as well. I don't have any significant experience with any of the breeds beyond the ones that come into my work, but yeah, the Vizslas I met have generally been more 'stable.'

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