Well, I either have a thyroid issue or I'm clinically depressed. I'm not sure which, because my symptoms could all be the result of either. And I can't afford to go have it checked out, so I don't know which.
The good news is that most thyroid issues are 100% treatable with meds, and once you get your thyroid levels back the way they are supposed to be, your whole life will suddenly be a lot better (depending on what issues you're having, anyway!)
So I wouldn't be too anxious about it. If it turns out you have thyroid issues, you'll get the meds figured out and it will be better. If it's not that, then you know for sure and can proceed with other options having thyroid issues ruled out.
I have low thyroid (right under the low normal), but I also have a vitamin D3 deficiency (rare here, and I'm pretty much a poster child for skin cancer...that's how much I'm outside).
If it helps, I also have PCOS and am IR.
I've drastically changed the way I eat. Limiting carbs was much we easier than I thought because I cut them out drastically from the start, and it was then I realized just how sick I was getting from eatin lots of pasta, breads, cereal, etc. the thing is with PCOS and being IR, I actually get the most horrid cravings for something sweet (cookies) or for carbs. If I indulge, I pay the price, and it's a good reminder why I don't do that anymore. LOL
But despite everything I've been diagnosed with and all that I've been through, it wasn't until I scrounged away for the mental strength to stop making excuses and just do it that I began to change. I started out barely being able to do a moderate 20 minutes on the recumbent bike to being able to do a brisk 30-minute fat burn program with "sprint" intervals (has varying resistance levels) followed by a T25/Hip Hop Abs/Rockin' Body workout, along with doing all my outside chores (scooping horse manure out of a 2+ acre pasture, hauling water buckets! etching.).
I've lost 50 lbs now, but I'm telling you that I've had to fight for every single one of them. It's amazing how quickly I can gain weight and how slow it is for me to lose it, but I don't wallow in excuses anymore. I remind myself that time will pass whether I fight to lose weight or feel sorry for myself and binge eat, so each day is a new day with new decisions to make. I have a habit of mentally punishing myself for a "bad" day, but I'm getting better about moving on and not thinking about it. Better to have lost 5 lbs at the end of a year than none (or worse, gain, which is what I did in the latter half of last year).