2014 Official Chaz Fitness Challenge

Feeling so BLAH today. The gym I (rarely) go to has a nurse and every 3 months they take your measurements, calculate your body fat etc. I went this morning and I lost 10 inches and 3 pounds in the last 3 months. I'm very close to my goal weight anyway so it's just fine, except their machine told me all I lost is 3 pounds of muscle. How is that even possible considering that I lost 10 inches and only eating at a small deficit, while lifting 3x a week? Sure it's not 100 pounds weights, but I still fail by 8 reps with the weights I've been using.

I'm totally discouraged. Even telling myself the numbers make no sense... it's a huge let down. I exercise 1-1.5 hour a day. Bleh.
Ok! First time posting in here but here goes.

I'm going to be running in an K9 and human obstacle course thing ( http://badassdash.com/2014/02/10/k-9-obstacles/ ) so it's giving me the inspiration to get back in shape. I'm not totally inactive but I'm way out of shape from this winter and never doing any real structured exercise.

So, started C25K today and it went well! It was timed perfectly, right about when I was hitting my last reserves the buzzer went and I could walk again and was ready to run by the time I needed to.

And I'm on the 30 Day Shred and I seriously love/hate this work out. It's soooo hard and it's only the first level but I really feel like I'm getting a serious workout in. Plus I'm already seeing an improvement in how easily I can follow along with it.

And last, I've done three days now (sped out for recovery time) of hill sprints since along my normal bike path with a dog is a perfect hill to sprint up. That's getting easier too!

So yeah, figured posting this makes it real!
Linds, that first link looks super cool! Who are you going to do it with?
Yesterday I did my core workout using our stability ball. My core is easily the weakest part of me - all fat goes to my belly and I have horrid balance issues. I've been doing core workouts on the ball three times a week since we got the ball about a month ago.

Today was the first day I didn't find keeping balance on the ball super challenging! I was even able to do this exercise, which up until now had been too difficult for me to balance for.

Core stability, yay! I love light bulb days like this.
I am undecided between half or full marathon for October.. I won't be doing any more than a 5k if I don't get my arse in gear before then!

Linds- I am jealousssss I want to do that run so badly!
Ran 2 miles this morning before I had to stop because my stomach hates when I run, apparently. Finished with 2 miles walking briskly at a 5% incline.

Really need to lift some weights tomorrow though.
Finally actually started running again, day before yesterday and today. Feels good! Life recently has been keeping me pretty active but it's still nice to get out for a run.

I'm happy to be seeing more muscle definition in my arms recently, I want to work on my shoulders though. I have a few ideas, but any good shoulder workouts people would recommend in particular?
Finally actually started running again, day before yesterday and today. Feels good! Life recently has been keeping me pretty active but it's still nice to get out for a run.

I'm happy to be seeing more muscle definition in my arms recently, I want to work on my shoulders though. I have a few ideas, but any good shoulder workouts people would recommend in particular?


I've been working out 3x/week for 3 weeks. Mon/Wed/Fri. I do Body Pump on Mon/Fri and TRX on Wed. Tomorrow I'm going to miss BodyPump and I feel horrible. Guilty...trying to figure out what I can do to make it up.

On one hand it's sort of annoying.

On the other, yay for being obsessed with working out regularly again :D

Also, doubled my weight at BodyPump on Friday and was not horribly, painfully sore. Yay :D
Crossfit is amazing.

I've been going 2-3x a week, and I have muscles in places I had no idea you cuold have muscles.
Crossfit is amazing.

I've been going 2-3x a week, and I have muscles in places I had no idea you cuold have muscles.

I miss it so much. I seriously think about it every single time I work out. Sometimes for the whole class :/
Thanks for that video Beanie! Totally doing those!

Linds, that first link looks super cool! Who are you going to do it with?

Missed this. Nina (with the Coolie Rue) and I are doing it together but I haven't decided yet if I'm taking Didgie or Traveler. One of the obstacles you have to carry your dog across which I can do easily with both of them but I'm trying to figure out who's going to handle the crazy that will be their with the least amount of noise :rofl1:

Completed week one of C25K! I didn't cheat any of the days, no stopping early or walking farther but today went so much better than the first day. I felt my form was way better, my breathing much better and my legs weren't nearly as tired. I even went an extra minute and half of running because I didn't think it was over when it was and finally checked to see why the timer wasn't going off.

Also going to be on day 7 of the 30 Day Shred video I'm doing. I've been doing it ever other day since I'm doing C25K too but it's getting easier and harder because I've gotten better and faster at all the stuff but because of that I'm pushing myself harder. So that's good! I've noticed though really focusing on my breathing during it is helping with my running.
Yeah thanks so much for the video Beanie! Awesome. Will start with that when I get home.
Took Copper and Em for a walk this evening. Anyone else dealing with insane numbers of deerflies? Yuck.
I'm having such a hard time staying on track with eating.

Ran twice this week! Getting back into the swing of things. I need to workout more frequently than just running... but so time consuming.
I twisted my ankle really bad two days ago, stepped in a hole in the yard.
This is what it looked like yesterday (and while I have lots of fat in lots of places, I don't actually have very fat feet/ankles, that's ALLLLL swelling)

[/url]Ankle by laurenscoombs, on Flickr[/IMG]

It's getting better, but I miss the gym :( I miss my 2 mile runs, and now I'm not sure how to get back to it. I'm going to buy a brace, but I'm so worried I'm going to twist it again! It makes me sad :(
Well, I either have a thyroid issue or I'm clinically depressed. I'm not sure which, because my symptoms could all be the result of either. And I can't afford to go have it checked out, so I don't know which.
The good news is that most thyroid issues are 100% treatable with meds, and once you get your thyroid levels back the way they are supposed to be, your whole life will suddenly be a lot better (depending on what issues you're having, anyway!)
So I wouldn't be too anxious about it. If it turns out you have thyroid issues, you'll get the meds figured out and it will be better. If it's not that, then you know for sure and can proceed with other options having thyroid issues ruled out.

I have low thyroid (right under the low normal), but I also have a vitamin D3 deficiency (rare here, and I'm pretty much a poster child for skin cancer...that's how much I'm outside).

If it helps, I also have PCOS and am IR.

I've drastically changed the way I eat. Limiting carbs was much we easier than I thought because I cut them out drastically from the start, and it was then I realized just how sick I was getting from eatin lots of pasta, breads, cereal, etc. the thing is with PCOS and being IR, I actually get the most horrid cravings for something sweet (cookies) or for carbs. If I indulge, I pay the price, and it's a good reminder why I don't do that anymore. LOL

But despite everything I've been diagnosed with and all that I've been through, it wasn't until I scrounged away for the mental strength to stop making excuses and just do it that I began to change. I started out barely being able to do a moderate 20 minutes on the recumbent bike to being able to do a brisk 30-minute fat burn program with "sprint" intervals (has varying resistance levels) followed by a T25/Hip Hop Abs/Rockin' Body workout, along with doing all my outside chores (scooping horse manure out of a 2+ acre pasture, hauling water buckets! etching.).

I've lost 50 lbs now, but I'm telling you that I've had to fight for every single one of them. It's amazing how quickly I can gain weight and how slow it is for me to lose it, but I don't wallow in excuses anymore. I remind myself that time will pass whether I fight to lose weight or feel sorry for myself and binge eat, so each day is a new day with new decisions to make. I have a habit of mentally punishing myself for a "bad" day, but I'm getting better about moving on and not thinking about it. Better to have lost 5 lbs at the end of a year than none (or worse, gain, which is what I did in the latter half of last year).

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