Search results

  1. Hannahbeth

    Blue-ish bump?

    I found a bump on Sox when I was giving him a bath on Saturday. It's small (about the size of a pencil eraser), on the skin (it moves with the skin and doesn't feel like it's attached to any muscle of anything, but it does feel like it's pretty deep.), and a weird blue-ish colour. It's on his...
  2. Hannahbeth

    Help With Crate Training a Rescue Dog

    Hey guys! I've only posted on here a couple times -- but I'm in a bit of a predicament, and I need some advice. Here are the details: my mom's workplace is on an extremely busy highway, and last Monday a dog managed to make her way across the highway -- almost getting hit several times. My mom...
  3. Hannahbeth

    Pictures from the parp!

    + New collars. BTW - anyone who gets the Hyperbole & a Half reference, you're awesome. Everyone else: parp = park. We had to be in jail for a little while.. But then! ....and I'm not really sure what's happening here Ball! Then we lost our tail (Also, I think he may be...
  4. Hannahbeth


    A little about myself first: I'm Hannah, I'm 17 y/o, and from an itty-bitty town in Alabama. I like drawing, graphics design, and I'm hoping to go to university for Meteorology soon. Aaand that's about it. *I'm also a member on another all-breeds dog forum, but I've only posted a couple times...