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  1. S

    Pictures of my Bad boy Oso

    Here are some new pics of Oso. I really am kidding about the "bad" part most of the time! What a difference 2 months can make! He is doing sooo much better. The nibbling has stopped (Thanks RubyLove and others who responded !) and he is making improvements in other areas as well.
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    updated pics ..the cuteness continues...

    Here are the latest puppy pictures...they are growing sooooo fast!! Enjoy! (pssst....Jess...sure ya don't want a friend for Chloe??? :D Just kidding!:p )
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    Bald spots on mom

    My foster mom is losing her hair in the same area on both of her sides. She has actual bald spots. Have any of you experienced this in any of your nursing moms? There is no evidence of bald spots or thinning hair on the pups. The pups will be 4.5 weeks old.
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    Home sick pup

    On Friday, I took my foster dog out for a nice walk to stretch her legs since she has been cooped up with the pups. While we were walking, she stopped in front of this house and would not budge. I kept calling her and tugging on the leash but she kept on staring at that house. I wasn't sure what...
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    new puppy pics *Warning* may make ya want another pup!!

    The Boys: The Girls: Posing nicely.. SCATTER!!
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    Babs ADOPTED!!

    I am pleased to announce that my foster dog Babs has been adopted!! I just hope the family who adopted her sees what a gem she is!! I miss her little short self! :( But I am happy for her!:)
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    new pics of crew

    Oso: Maturing nicely, but does look odd body wise in this pic!! Here is Hobbit...shhhh...don't tell hubby he was on the couch! Hobbit and Keebler sharing the bed..they are best buddies!
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    1,2,3...aaaawwwww! (Heavy pics)

    Here's the new foster family. Mom: Catalina. 8 yr old chocolate lab. Owner gave up "cause she keeps gettin pregnant." Mom and brood: group shots:
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    Fur count reaches 11!!

    I just picked up a foster mom with her 6 puppies. this now makes the total in my house 11!:eek: I must be crazy.:rolleyes: Anyway, just like true puppy form, they are as cute as can be. They are just over 2weeks old. Mom is an 8 year old chocolate lab whose owner was "just tired of her getting...
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    Need suggestions for Kennel floor...

    I need help on finding a solution on what to put in my kennel. I have a 7.5 ' x13' chainlink kennel. I use it on days when I know I won't be home, or if I need to put the dogs outside for any length of time. I have a so-called fenced in yard, but it is only 3.5 feet high and not a sturdy fence...
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    puppymill approved..

    Saw this on another is the thread. I think it is disgusting and appalling that this is happening. I think we should all sign the petition as well.
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    Help! will chase what moves

    Does anyone have any idea of how to stop a dog from chasing things? My German Shepherd apparently has a very high prey drive. He relentlessly chases my other dogs and my cat. This is a problem since he is much larger than the other dogs (and the cat of course!). Today he tackled the other dog...
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    jumping on band wagon!!

    What is this:
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    Home grooming buisness?

    ANyone have a home grooming buisness? I am toying with the idea of grooming dogs in my home to make extra money while I am home with the baby. Has anyone done this? How hard is it to get started?:confused:
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    pictures of my current crew

    Here are my current residents: Oso is the shepherd, Hobbit is the mix with the short hair, Babs the spaniel type is my foster girl, and Keebler is the cat. These were taken during a rare quiet moment!!
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    Removing pictures

    Due to the recent posts about people stealing pictures, I would like to remove mine of my kids. How do I do this??:confused:
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    kids and pets

    I was thinking of starting a thread of pictures of Kids and their pets...would anyone be interested?
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    Trying again..Field spaniels anyone??

    Does anyone know anything about field spaniels? I think my foster dog might be one.
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    Shepherd pup painting

    Thought I would share the last painting I did (over a year ago). I love to paint but don't seem to ever have the time anymore...
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    field spaniel

    Does anyone know anything about Field Spaniels? I think my foster dog might be one.