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  1. B

    I love shih tzus

    My friend has a shih tzu, and he looks similar, except she's keeping his hair short for some reason...Hmm.. Yeah they're great little dogs. Strange you say lap dog, yet hers is always loaded full of energy, always will to play. She loves to run. Maybe her shih tzu has been reverse engineered...
  2. B

    what kind of dog should i get

    You'd need to give some more info. Live pits said, living conditions, time, house/yard size, location, funding, etc.
  3. B

    Apparently I'm NOT to leave coffee on the counter...

    No she's very stubborn that one. I really should get one when she is on top of the door...or on top of someone in the house lol. We nicknamed her Vulture because she absolutely MUST peer over you lol..
  4. B

    How many dogs does it take to......

    Borzoi: I'll pin it down so the collie can rope N bag it. But first, let me run 20 times around it, ok?
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    Pictures of my puppy :)

    Lol Gazelle dog. That almost fits better than Crocoduck...
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    to BIGDOG2191

    Oops just read the second page. Congrats. But my last sentance still applies I believe.
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    to BIGDOG2191

    I have the same situation. I have the time, room and the funds to have a large dog, like a German shephard or Borzoi, but he just doesn't like them. I've tried the 'old I'll take care of him, but he won't budge. Many a time I've had an arguement or 7 about the matter. Although your dad...
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    New Game....

    Daytime is mcuh better for walking dogs
  9. B

    A rude awakening

    Muahahaha sounds like something out of a cartoon or movie lol. Very funny...
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    Borzoi Sketch (to be an Oil Painting)

    Sorry guys, apparently my Camera doesn't want me to show you guys. Foudn the camera, took a great picture with more light hopefully, and poof... My USB cable doesn't work. This is turning into a comedy..
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    Borzoi Sketch (to be an Oil Painting)

    Yeah I know what you mean. Even managed to have my kitties wreck a paint by numbers I was using to experiment with oil painting lol. PS, good luck with the green tail
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    New Game....

    Spicy foods can give you Ulsers :(
  13. B

    JUST for ME

    How many dogs do you have and what age? IU'm not an expert here but I still think a pack of treats a day is a little bit much...anyone know for sure?
  14. B

    Westman dogshow?

    Yeah she was a great dog. Great showing. But yeah I couldn't QUTE remember the name, thanks.. Only got to see it now as I didn't really start watching actual dog showings till this month...
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    Apparently I'm NOT to leave coffee on the counter...

    Her name.... Is actually Kitty. lol. It's only because she's already 1 and a half and is still 1 or 2 inches bigger than a kitten...
  16. B

    Borzoi Sketch (to be an Oil Painting)

    Yeah, I've tried one before and my Kitties stepped all over it before it had time to dry lol...It's probably be hard after the first coat, bt it'll have time to dry because I'm going to toronto for 4 days and that gives it some time.
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    JUST for ME

    Usually a pack or treats a day is a little overkill, unless you've got quite a few dogs.
  18. B

    go to gallery!!!

    Very cute :) ^What breed^
  19. B

    Hi! Finally found this place!

    Thanks for the warm welcome all! Thanks for the encouragement. THe only thing holding me back is my father. He just doesn't like animals lol. So yeah, hopefully by the end of this yea.r Given I can find a breeder or one for adoption :)
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    Borzoi Sketch (to be an Oil Painting)

    Got the final lines done, also made some customers by just displaying it to friends lol ;) Will get another picture up as soon as I can find my camera.... ...Where did I put it...