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  1. G

    4 months old!

    Hey everyone, My GSD puppy as of July 12th is 4 months old! She's doing great. Have less accidents and biting much easier. She loves to play/chew on the other dogs constantly. Took her to the vet and she got her last dose of shots (for a while) but still need to take a stool sample up there...
  2. G

    Going outside, HELP!!!

    Hi my 10 1/2 old gsd puppy has all of a sudden stoped going to the bathroom outside. A few days ago she would go and had hardly any problems with her going in the house but now every time I take her she just walks around or just sits there. It all started during a storm and she didn't wana go...
  3. G

    Puppy update

    Hi this is a update on Corona my GSD puppy that I got a about 2 weeks ago. Shes doing great, we just started her on Inova puppy. She is 9 weeks and 3 days old. Her ears have stood up and started floping all over the place :D . I take her on walks and over to my friends house almost every day. My...
  4. G

    I got my new puppy

    Hi everyone, I just got my new little german shepherd puppy :D :D :D (gonna post lots of pics). Right now I'm trying to ger my 2 dogs used to it. My dogs get excited when we buy a new dish washer so they are going crazy about her. My weimeraner is just sniffing it alot and never lets it get...
  5. G

    Breeder finder website

    This website has been helpfull to me trying to find a respectable breeder in my area. Hope this helps someone, it helped me . :)
  6. G

    Ole, Roy

    Hi, One of my friends feeds his dog Ole, Roy dog food. I was wondering how good of a brand this is. I'm most likely going with Innova or if its too hard to get and or expensive, nutro natrual.
  7. G

    Dog food comparing.

    I recently found this page that compare some of the best dog food. It shows its ingredents and witch of them are actually good for your dog. Avg Price per cup. And how they rank and a scale of 1-10. Hope this is helpfull to someone. :)
  8. G


    Hi everyone, I have 2 dogs. A overweight pure Weimeraner called Gretchen(aka "Fat Girl"). :p And a Lab mix named Mitzi. Gretchen is about 4 and a half and little Mitzi I'm guessing is close to 2. We also have 1 outside cat that almost never comes in. Used to have 2 ferrets but 1 died and the...
  9. G

    Signature pics...

    How do I put pics in my signature? In the preview all I see is [img]E:blablabla[img], is it soposed to have that or am I doing something wrong? :confused:
  10. G

    Need help Picking out a new german shepherd puppy

    Hi everyone I'm a new member (first post) I have 2 dogs right now, A pure overweight Weimeraner that is 4 and a half and a black lab mix that I think is around 2. And I'm going to be getting a german shepherd puppy in a month or so. :D So can anyone give me some some usefull tips when...