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  1. L

    CPE trial Saturday; hurricane coming!

    Libby and I are signed up for our first CPE trial on Saturday evening, and our first trial away from where we train. Very exciting! To add to the excitement, unfortunately, Saturday is when Hurricane Irene is supposed to buzzsaw up the NC coast. We're in the middle of the state, so we may get...
  2. L

    BC mix in Memphis TN needs home

    Through another online community I belong to, I got this message: "I’m in desperate need of someone to rescue a great Border Collie, a three year old female, her name is Elliot and she’s a super terrific dog who needs a new loving home. She keeps picking fights with a female pit bull she...
  3. L

    Libby's "twin" in a CoolCoat

    I just got a CoolCoat for Libby. It will take a day or two to convince her that she really doesn't mind it (it's amazing what treats can accomplish...). Here's why I had to post - this is the photo on the CoolCoat package: Libby was clearly destined to have one of these coats! It...
  4. L

    My dog doesn't like to go for walks

    I've worked hard to give Libby the confidence to express an opinion. The good news - it's worked. The mildly annoying news - the opinion she most often expresses is that she doesn't want to go for a walk, at least not in our neighborhood. Turns out that she has a stubborn streak... I think...
  5. L

    Libby can jump higher than expected...

    Libby's almost down to her target weight now, and she's giving us signs that she's ready for us to start raising her jump heights some. Here's the most recent sign: while staying with our agility instructor for a couple of days while we were out of town, Libby jumped up on TOP of the washing...
  6. L

    Lingering Lyme disease despite treatment?

    When I adopted Libby from a shelter 2 years ago, she tested positive for heartworm, Lyme, and Ehrlichia. The Lyme was treated with doxycycline. At her annual exam a year ago, the vet sent a blood sample to a lab to be tested, and the numbers were worryingly high. We put her through another...
  7. L

    How to make a trick "showy"

    I need creative help turning a behavior into a show-off "trick." There's a benefit event for our local shelter on Saturday. They have some contests, including a Tricks contest. Libby and I won that event last year with our very best trick. I called it "Pollen Season" - with her on a...
  8. L

    My non-aggressive dog gets attacked

    My non-aggressive sweetie (80 lb GSD/Aussie mix) tends to get attacked by other dogs when they meet for some reason, particularly terriers and dogs with 'bossy' personalities. She ihas never shown any sign of aggression towards any dog or person, and wants to say hi to any dog she sees. I have...
  9. L

    Conditioning tips?

    I took Libby to the vet yesterday for her annual checkup. She's looking good, except for her weight. My vet says that she really should lose another 10 pounds! It's my fault, of course. She was so reserved and subdued for some time after I rescued her; food was the one thing that perked...
  10. L

    Libby's first trial!

    Libby and I had a GREAT day at the NADAC trial! Out of 4 runs, we Q'd 3 of them with no faults! She whizzed through Jumpers. We went off course in the first Regular run - there was a tunnel entrance right next to the A-frame, and she took the A-frame rather than the tunnel. I hadn't planned...
  11. L

    Anyone done NADAC trial?

    I'm thinking of entering Libby in one next weekend, which would be our very first for-real trial. They have something called the "skilled" category, where dogs jump one jump height lower than normal ("proficient" category). This means that my ~23" girl will be able to jump 16", which has been...
  12. L

    First (practice) trial

    Libby and I participated in our very 'competition' - a UKI show-n-go - this weekend. I was so excited by how well she did! (So excited that I went looking for this forum to join!) She was perfect, despite my little unplanned dance with a jump wing... Anyway, clean runs on "speed stakes"...