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  1. G

    Cat in a box

    I know this is a dog site but If you like animals you will love this cat ....brilliant YouTube - ???????
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    where do I get one of these ???

    Saw this article and have completely fallen in love with the Portuges water spaniel. Does anyone know a breeder it's the closest looking thing to my old cyprus poodle. What can I do with a Portugese Water Spaniel? | Horse & Country TV website | H&C TV Or does anyone know if I can get a...
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    cute dog trick video

  4. G

    Has anyone seen this trip round the Kennel Club

    Saw this article and I think it's a great idea. I myself have not always had the greatest respect for the Kennel club due to second hand information but am very happy to be proved wrong and this could be the way to do it. News | Horse & Country TV website | H&C TV
  5. G

    Good advice but I love the puppy more

    HI as I have dogs in training but am no means an expert I thought I would post this vid from someone who is. I really enjoy his how to's and the puppies are so cute to . Enjoy Horse & Country TV - Howard Kirby - Gun Dog Guy Episode 2 | Horse & Country TV website | H&C TV
  6. G

    Rspca calls for return of dog licences

    Saw this and think it is such a good idea if it works, but all good owners who would never dump there dogs will get would you police it ??? RSPCA calls for return of dog licences | Horse & Country TV website | H&C TV
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    Your Dogs Name: Why You Chose The Dog Name You Did

    unless my dogs come with names (most are rescued) I name them after TV characters...... lastest Chandler
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    Young and clueless

    Everyone here has tons of good advice i'm always finding helpful tips on here
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    Could you be dog photographer of the year?

    Saw this thought it looked like fun, will be sending in shots of Phoebe my pooch. Could you be dog photographer of the year? | Horse & Country TV website | H&C TV then I think you go here to enter Dog Photographer Of The Year 2010 - The Kennel Club
  10. G

    I love this advice

    I stumbled accross the Horse and country website after a friend recommended and have fallen for Howard Kirby. I love his How too's and his blog cracks me up, I do like seeing dogs working and they always seem to be having so much fun. Has anyone met him ?????
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    Dog pedigrees unearth genes for psychiatric disease

    that is very interesting if not a little disturbing
  12. G

    Health Help Sites Listings

    Great idea Thanks for all the sites some have been super useful, I go on to Dogs | Horse & Country TV website | H&C TV has lots of advice and you can email and ask the experts