Search results

  1. ddrdogs

    Working Dog with Lymes Disease - HELP!!

    Thank you ALL so much for your advice. I live in an area that we just don't see this so I'm not very familiar with it. I have to admit; I freaked when I was told that she had it. Well, I emailed the guy who is training her so I guess I'll have to wait and see what he says. Thanks again for...
  2. ddrdogs

    Dogs off leads.

    ihartgonzo; Well put; that is exactly my point. I respond to SO many complaints of dogs off leash in public parks that we can't even keep up with them all. We have 5 "dog parks" in my area but people still insist on using the public parks, much to the frustration of everyone else at the park...
  3. ddrdogs

    Best grooming regimen for a German Shepherd??

    You probably are going to be in for a big shock; but it's worth it!! I would have to agree with the others; as a proud owner of 5 Shepherds (and rescue for others!!), I really like the horse curry comb. I've had fantastic luck with that. I have used the furminator on my dogs but didn't really...
  4. ddrdogs

    Dogs off leads.

    You can disagree all you want, but just a bit of friendly advice from an Animal Control Officer who HAS seen many wrecks with owners who's dogs are "under voice control". Most of the wrecks I have seen are with the friendly loose dogs who run up to somebody else who's "unfriendly" dog is on a...
  5. ddrdogs

    Dogs off leads.

    I guess I would just ask you "why"? There really is no reason for it and it seems to me that you are needlessly putting your dogs at risk. Bad things can happen in a flash. Despite how much you trust them; they are dogs and have their own thought process. Even the most well trained dogs will...
  6. ddrdogs

    Working Dog with Lymes Disease - HELP!!

    I discovered this group while trying to find answers about Lymes Disease so ANY and all advice is really appreciated! In December I purchased a working German Shepherd that is still in Germany completing her Schutzhund 1 title and was to be bred in Germany before coming home in June. I just...