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  1. Q

    Walking the dog

    Okay, thanks people! Quillie
  2. Q

    Walking the dog

    My puppy Yostin (half black lab, half husky) just had his first round of shots and I was wondering if it is now okay to start walking him or if I should wait until he has had his booster jabs. There are a lot of stray, and therefore potentially diseased dogs where I live and I don't want to take...
  3. Q

    Crate training

    One more thing ... I forgot to mention: he is a husky/black lab cross-breed and probably several other things as well as there are a lot of strays wandering around where we live. Thanks for all the help guys!
  4. Q

    Crate training

    Thanks! Yes, I should have mentioned the age in the first post! He's actually doing pretty well with the puppy pads: more often than not now he will run across the room to the pad to do his business, although if he can't see it, he will go wherever he happens to be, which is obviously to be...
  5. Q

    Crate training

    Thanks! You have confirmed what I already suspected! As regards the outdoor training, it is tricky as it is -15 at the moment where I live (Quebec, Canada) and will be down to -40 by the end of February and the puppy in question, Yostin, is only four weeks old (I know this is too young to...
  6. Q

    Crate training

    I read somewhere that a new puppy should be given his/her own, small room, as opposed to being locked in a crate for extended periods, e.g. at night, so that when left alone, h/she can pee and poop at will and then get back in the crate and go back to sleep. I can do this with my puppy, but it...