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  1. R

    Too much flea-tick prevention dangerous for puppies?

    Did you get the name of the type of shot? Do some research online
  2. R

    Natural Flea repellent?

    I also recommend diotomacious earth but I mainly keep it outside rather than inside. There´s something about microscopic jagged edges that would really freak me out if I kept thinking they were in my carpet ...
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    K9 Advantix could be working better for you because it attacks heartworms as well and not just fleas.
  4. R

    Flea Problem

    Basically by many accounts, you may want to be careful of BioSpot (lots of toxic reports, seizures in dogs) and Promeris has had so many horror stories its on as a myth! Advantix is harmful and even fatal to cats and Advantage and Frontline have been prtty much safe from any toxic...
  5. R

    never really had fleas before....

    Diomataceous earth really works well out in the yard. I use a 50 pound bag every few months plus Advantage and that does the trick for an inside out combination :)