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  1. Rough_Collies2008

    Spring horses

    I thought I would update with some recent pictures of Tex and Taylor. The pictures of Texas are actually from March(as he is still in his winter coat there). He is officially three years old this month. I pulled Taylor's mane today, and got as much mud off as I could from the recent rain...
  2. Rough_Collies2008

    Just a little Dawson(and a few Angel) pics

    These were taken earlier today and yesterday. I can't believe the pups are 9 1/2 months! Angel is 40 pounds now(she finally made it!), and Dawson is around 65-70 pounds. Anyway, Dawson had some one on one today, and I snapped a few new pictures of the big guy...
  3. Rough_Collies2008

    Losing hair, bumps on nose

    Angel has had this issue with her nose for the last few weeks. At first, I thought it was a scratch from her sticking her nose into the ground (she sticks her nose in everything...she is a lawn mower on walks). However, it hasn't gone away, and doesn’t seem to be improving. I took her to...
  4. Rough_Collies2008

    Riley sure surprised me...

    I haven't had a chance to take Riley in for awhile to weigh him, I just assumed he was still around 64 pounds, as he had not put on a single pound for months(last year).....was I in for a shock today. He stopped by his vet for the rabies booster, and what do you know.... He is 81 pounds...
  5. Rough_Collies2008

    One spoiled Collie....

    Dawson called dibs on the couch....
  6. Rough_Collies2008

    Miss Muffin...breed guesses

    My sister, her kids, and her husband just adopted this little cutie yesterday. She is a 3 month old rescue, and her mom was a terrier mix of some sort(possibly a Wire Haired Fox Terrier mix). Dad is unknown. She has a skin infection they are treating her for, and is still in the 'adjusting'...
  7. Rough_Collies2008

    Angel the escape artist

    Angel has figured out that if she jumps up and paws the door handle down...she can let herself out(as well as all of the dogs...). Good reminder to keep those doors locked!! "quick, no one is looking.....I'm outta here!" After her unsuccessful attempt to free herself. She is looking...
  8. Rough_Collies2008

    Fun Video, Reining and Dressage

    I accidently ran across this video, and thought it was too cute not to share! They switch horses at 4 minutes, which was fun to watch! Both the riders looked like they were having a great time, too. Hope you enjoy.
  9. Rough_Collies2008

    Charlie's turn...last one in the herd

    I have done picture threads for both Taylor and Tex....thought Charlie deserved one he is!! It is absolutely beautiful this week(in the 70's, and HOT!) so perfect weather to play with the horses. We took charlie down to the community arena, and let him release some energy, so I...
  10. Rough_Collies2008

    Silly Riley

    ...Riley makes the goofiest expressions when he is playing. I snapped a few of him running around, and caught some of his...moments. Sorry, most came out blurry today(....might help if I try and focus next time LOL).....
  11. Rough_Collies2008

    Taylor and Texas

    I am sure you guys are getting tired of the horses by now! It was absolutely beautiful today, so I took the good weather as a chance to work with the wild mustangs a bit. The ground was still not great for riding, so I just lunged the two(Charlie got to enjoy the day out to pasture as it was...
  12. Rough_Collies2008

    The Girls...Aspen and Angel

    Snapped a few of the Aunt and niece playing earlier today. A few of Aspen posing for the camera, first.
  13. Rough_Collies2008

    Road Trip!!

    Izz luvvv car rides!!!!
  14. Rough_Collies2008

    Baby Texas*many pics*.... not so much a baby anymore. It feels like yesterday that he was the cute little 5 month old colt dubbed 'stilts' by his long legs. He is really growing into himself, and everyday now...I see more and more of his 'adult' side. He turns three this May. Tex as a yearling, summer of...
  15. Rough_Collies2008

    This is what happens...

    ....when you let two mischievous puppies help you wrap presents. Angel's thoughts on her attire:
  16. Rough_Collies2008

    Dawson pics

    As the title says! I gave Dawson a bath today, and snapped a few pictures of him afterwards(he was still a bit wet in areas). He is 54 pounds now...twice Angel's size. He is a lot more serious then she is, and is not overly 'goofy'(unlike Riley who tries to make everything a game!). His...
  17. Rough_Collies2008

    Angel the Camera Hog

    I took a few new pictures of Angel, as well as a few videos of her trotting(they will in the last post). She has the 'bounce' back in her step again, and is just moving great. Her back is the straightest it has been. She is no longer just walking fast or running...she now trots all over the...
  18. Rough_Collies2008

    The Horse: Human Medical Tools Might Help Foal Live with Diabetes

    I read this on another forum. First documented case of Type 1 in a horse. This is just too interesting. They are going to have it use and insulin pump(Omnipod, tubeless), and a CGM(continuous glucose monitor). It will be interesting to see if it all works well for him. The Horse: Human...
  19. Rough_Collies2008

    Happy Holidays from Riley!

    Riley wishing everyone a great Holiday season! My favorite of the bunch... ..... ..... Happy Collieday!