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  1. F

    Troubles with hand signals when training Stay

    Don't use the hand signal. Teach "stay" with the verbal cue only. Then, after he understands the concept of "staying", you can introduce the hand signal. Slowly - don't put it in front of his face too quickly. I think you're right. He associates your hand movement with playing.
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    Aggressive behavior

    Agreed. This dog bit you twice! There is no way anyone here can offer sound advice about what collars or techniques to use without knowing much more about the situation. To find a behavior consultant you can visit for a start.
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    behavior training opinion

    I tried to edit my previous post, but as usual the page had expired when I hit the submit reply button. So, as I was going to say, Petsmart/petco trainers have a lot of distrations. There's no consistency in the trainers. Some are good, some are bad. It's not an easy environment for dogs to...
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    behavior training opinion

    Those Petsmart trainers have a rough gig, training with all those distractions! Kit
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    Electric Fences

    You have to wonder sometimes why dogs would want to leave nice a big yard. Just too many interesting smells on the "outside", I guess. I remember accidentally getting into electric fence as a kid on the farm. It worked for me. Never climbed THAT fence again! Kit
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    Jack Russell Owner, New to This Forum

    Hi, Jett! I don't get over here much, so I'm catching up on my welcomes. The more terrier, the more the merrier I say! Kit
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    I think Pete has a cold...

    And yes, dogs can catch colds. Kit
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    Intro coming in

    Hi, Jess. Welcome. And while you're waiting for the right dog, if you have bunny training questions, feel free to ask! (I love bunnies) :) Kit
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    My neighbor...the dog 'expert'

    Hi Texas neighbor! BTW, I only go after the Shiner Bock, never the Lone Star! :D Kit
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    Do I need to do anything about this?

    Hi Snookums. If Rocky sees the kids using the wall, he might be likely to continue to do the same. Doggie see, doggie do (er - so to speak) I'd be cautious with a new big dog around my little dog. Their encounters should be supervised. Rocky is probably a very nice dog, but better safe than...
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    Any suggestions on agressive behavior?

    What surprises me here is that both are "anti-social", even after being "socialized". :confused: I'm not sure being surprised should be classified as anti-social. When is he surprised, that is to say, what does it take to "surprise" him? How's his hearing? If you can't attend an...
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    Hello Everyone...

    Hi LeAnne. What a great website! Kit
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    Introducing myself and Sophie

    Hi Snookums! Cute pup! Kit
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    Hi! Welcome!
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    Hi everyone

    What the heck's a "skin kid"? Is it HUMAN?? Kit
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    Hi Gillenwater! Coon Hounds? Haven't seen one of those since I was a kid! Lovely singing voices! Kit
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    Hi All

    Hi Coco's Mom!
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    Cockapoo is sick.

    Teddy, here's hoping your little guy keeps getting better! Let us know! Kit
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    Good Bailey!

    A music CD made for dogs?! Where did you get that? Kit
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    Hewo out there :)

    Hello Baileys!