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  1. Russian doll

    Dog Community Site

    Hi, everyone. We're proud to announce that our dog site is up an running. So, come by and check it out and post some pictures of your furballs. We hope you will enjoy our new friendly dog community.:)
  2. Russian doll

    My dog website goes live

    Hello Everyone!:) I just want to share my new website build around people posting and sharing pictures of their dogs. How often have there been times when you just wanted to brag about your dog to someone but just could not find anyone to brag to? Well, for everyone who’s had this similar...
  3. Russian doll

    My other Pets Pics

    Hello:) These are some more pictures of my pets: My raccoon Taz, Chihuahua Chico, Eskimo dogs Crystal and Misty, cats Mocca and Batman:)
  4. Russian doll

    Brag about your pet!

    Hello Everyone! My name is Rebecca and live in South Florida. I have a family website called:) where people post pictures of their pets and brag about them a little.:lol-sign:
  5. Russian doll

    Hello from Florida

    Hello Everyone! Just want to introduce myself. My name is Rebecca and I live in South Florida. I have a chihuahua named ''Chico''.:)