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  1. 9

    Call me maybe, featuring Corgis! You saw it here before it went viral :P
  2. 9

    Every Dog Breeder's website ever That is all. :D
  3. 9

    How to teach a tuck sit

    Yes, this is actually Ryan :P Anyway, Frodo rock back sits, like, hardcore. He's physically able to sit with his feet tucked under him, and he does occasionally. I think it's just easier for him to rock back. Anyway, it just bothers me, so I'd like to try and get him to sit more properly...
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    Do real poodles come in brindle? (This is not Ryan.)
  5. 9

    swimming cat

  6. 9

    Guess where Frodo and I are right now?

    Well first off this is actually PW, Ryan is an obedience trial!!! That's right, frodo is at a trial. He is doing AMAZING! We got here and I popped him in his crate with a bully stick and an ocean chew. The first 15 minutes I treated when people and dogs walked by and then I...
  7. 9

    For any Star Wars fans

    Too cute not to share :) Meet Bones Mello, the AT-AT Dog
  8. 9

    Just one

    Untitled by laurenscoombs, on Flickr Ever try to stack a dinosaur? It's tough :P
  9. 9

    Attn: SaraB

    Your dog has two different colored eyes!!!!!
  10. 9

    Group Walk Pictures

    Sorry I'm a week late with these, but here's the full set of photos from our group walk after last Sunday's shaping class. Buzz! DSC_4872 by laurenscoombs, on Flickr Bailey! DSC_4873 by laurenscoombs, on Flickr For some reason Megan decided to go on a little side trip DSC_4877...
  11. 9

    Q about ferrets.

    Lauren (PWCorgi) here and I have a question about ferret allergies! If you are allergic to cats and rodents, but not really to dogs (or at least they aren't bad), is there a chance you may be okay with ferrets? I am guessing there isn't really a 100% answer for this, and that you would...
  12. 9

    Bob Dylan's lost song

    YouTube - Rebecca Black - Friday, as performed by Bob Dylan LOL
  13. 9

    Little Red Riding Hood, Rethought.

    Slagsmålsklubben - Sponsored by destiny on Vimeo This just rocks, I love it.
  14. 9

    A couple quick portraits

    Stef needed some headshots taken, and some of them came out rather well, so I figured I'd post up.
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    For Ali

    Lauren and I are going to abduct you and take you to Muffinville, PA. Just letting you know :)
  16. 9

    For Ali

    Thought you might enjoy this ;)
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    Hold on to your arteries!!!

    If only Blue were here to see this. Wow Bacon Explosion: The BBQ Sausage Recipe of all Recipes
  18. 9

    Advertising win!!! This had me in stitches
  19. 9

    Update on my mom.

    I posted a while ago that my mom had cancer, and I'm realizing I haven't updated anyone on chaz... She went in for her first round of stem cell collection today. Basically she has a tube surgically implanted in her aorta that they connect to this big machine. Her heart pumps the blood...
  20. 9

    Fallout 3 may be the best game ever...

    ... if for no other reason than you can can have a dog as your companion and partner. :)